Do you change your header?

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by Nick, Nov 6, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    ... As the seasons and holidays change? Or just for the heck of it?

    A few times per year, I change the header on my Linnie Forum with new images and a new style, to "spice" things up. It gets boring seeing the same image all the time.

    I've seen some forums that change the header in accordance with the season or holidays.

    What about you?
  2. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    What is your definition of a header?
  3. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    The top part of the site that contains the logo. Perhaps I should have used the term "logo" in this case.

    Many sites have a large header image though, which I consider to be more than just a logo. :shrug:
  4. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

  5. Yoshi

    Yoshi Regular Member

    I will add a Christmas style header, and maybe other parts of my skin in the next few weeks :)
  6. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    I haven't changed mine in years, the only thing i did do different last year, was adding the falling snow effect on my site.
  7. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    Right - I've never heard someone refer to a forum header and mention change. I've heard them specify which part, though.
  8. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Well - the JPiC Forum logo changes from "Forum For Writers" to "Poetry in Color" on mouseover... So - I made images for Christmas and New Years last year...





    Kinda looked kewl LOL - I have some Halloween edits somewhere - but didn't even bother with it this year... Perhaps next year...? IDK

    Anyway - was kinda nice for Members to logon and see the holiday graphics.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  9. Nathaniel Altere

    Nathaniel Altere Newcomer

    I have different Logos depending on the Theme you look at. Right now I don't focus on changing the logos but in the future I will be making it so the Logo changes with each new refresh of the page =]
  10. For those of you that change the header, do you ever get feedback from the membership? Also, do you see any change in the number of people that choose to become members of your site during the time that you have these "themed" headers up? Just wondering if the personalization of the site can cause an increase or a decrease in the site membership.
  11. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Hmmm - Interesting question. I never really paid attention about the registration rates - but I have had awesome feedback from Members about the themed headers. All positive feedback actually; Members were quite happy about the Christmas/New Years headers especially, as I had the snow mod on simultaneously. So it was kinda nice for the season - Everyone told me they loved it.

  12. Thanks Jacquii! Sometimes that's the best measure!
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Yep, I sure do. I actually seek it because I like to hear what they think about the changes. Here's the thread from the last change to our current logo: Your Opinion: New Logo / Header Image

    As you can see by skimming the thread, some users loved it, some weren't sure what to think, and others didn't like it very much because it wasn't as good as the previous one (the previous one had a variety of Linnies all throughout the header while this one just has the single one). Some people just don't like change though, so I attribute much of the members' reluctance to that.

    This person though feels the same way I do:
    (Post #19 in that thread).

    We change our header a couple of times per year. Some people will like some of them and not the others. So it's good to mix it up every once in a while. :)
  14. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    You could add snow to your logo, or maybe a Santa hat. I have a separate winter-themed skin for the holiday season with the falling snow effect, but I leave the regular skin available for people who don't like it.
  15. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    We do a few seasonal logo decorations, minor, the regular logo still easily recognizable. Only 2 or 3 a year.

    We have promotions for the annual forum birthday celebration, and the "birthday logo" helps attract attention to the doings.
  16. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    :) I'm also in "design phase" for a December logo.

    I go a little carefully with seasonally decorated logos ... some member is always ready to be offended! Not that I worry about every single complaint, but it's better not to repeatedly cheese off the same people. Going for the more generic, non-religious non-anything low-key decorations. :rolleyes: :D
  17. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Well - I just added a Christmas header for WLS Journey Community Forums -- Just playing around in my graphics proggie. I like it anyway :P

  18. vlauria

    vlauria Addict

    It looks great.

    I found this animated snow to add to the background of my page, but the animated gif slowed down my webbrowser for some reason. The animated snow is at the bottom: Mbif's Backgrounds - Forces - Snow Backgrounds #1
  19. MsJac

    MsJac Adept

    Thanks! Just wanted to do something a little fun.

    The animated snow mods are user-side intensive. Sometimes it can slow the browser because of the high amount of memory needed to show the animation. I ran the animated mod last year but only for Christmas day and New Years day so that it wouldn't unnecessarily burden my forums' users ;) -- I don't think I'll run it this year though.


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