This forum is for registered users only???

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by LegolasTheElf, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. LegolasTheElf

    LegolasTheElf Novice

    Oct 29, 2009
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    I understand that AA might want to separate these posts form the normal 'vB' boards, but, having it as a 'registered users' forum seems wrong. That means that unless you already have an account, you'd have no idea what's being said here, Google can't index it, etc..

    I suggest that this be made public, in the same way as any other forum here. If vB/IB has a problem with that, maybe they should have not screwed over the customers to begin with!

    It would have *zero* impact on registered users, probably bring NEW users to AA (as they can find the info they're searching for), etc..

    So, the question is: if you don't want to make it public, why not?

    Oh.. and, why is the "helpful post" mod missing on this forum?
  2. p4guru

    p4guru Addict

    Oct 22, 2009
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    My personal opinion it should be made public for all to read. BUT!! As guests on this forum the forum owners have the last say as to whether they want it private or not. I'd respect that opinion :)
  3. ruiner

    ruiner Novice

    Oct 22, 2009
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    I think it should be public as well. This site was linked in articles from theregister etc and would be beneficial to other vbulletin customers with similar issues if they could read other people's opinions. Now people are going to click, being forced to register to read... Unless well, that's the tactic to get more members?
  4. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I have to agree that it should be made public. I have run across a few other site's that were surprised to see that it was locked and can no longer follow what is being said. But, not my site so i respect the decision. I too just want to add that i don't think this is a trick to get traffic on the site. This debate/conversation is very upsetting to some, but needs to be discussed. Had not become so unprofessional, people would still be discussing this issue there. Sadly, steve machol and ray morgan are doing a good job covering up how many customers are actually unhappy and there is a bunch of them.
  5. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    For one thing people are far less likely to have issues at for what they say in AA the way it is setup.

    That is the entire point. I believe AA is intended to be a place to discuss admin topics on all sorts of issues and all sorts of platforms. As opposed to a soapbox for people angry at vb, being in the search engines will indeed bring even more people to AA to "express their feelings in a passionate way". I honestly do not care either way, but I did point those things out to Nick.

    I've go no idea the reasoning behind the 'helpful posts' being turned off in this forum.

    btw - did you all know that is available? :lol:
  6. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    That is hilarious
  7. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    I have to ask.

    Why would you have gone to check on that? :nailbite:
  8. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Do you really think I'm happy??? NO!

    It's a mess and many people did not get treated fairly. I understand that there was no way a new license system could be completely equitable for everyone, especially people that just bought the blogs or renewed. But it could have been MUCH better done.
  9. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    Oh no, I didn't take it as you were happy.

    FWIW, ditto! (was just curious and thanks)
  10. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Exactly....and yet ray morgan still has his head in the sand. I hope oneday Mr. Brisco will register here and try to read some of these post's about his new company. I find it a shame how it is going down in flames, and Mr Ray Morgan better be correct on his record sales account, because they are now a publicly traded company, and lying about income is a federal offense.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    My decision has nothing to do with vB/IB. I couldn't care less if they know what is being said or not.

    The reason it's restricted is because I apparently am accused of engaging in a publicity stunt by leaving it open. People believe that I am doing everything I can to get publicity and thrive on this bashing.

    Quite frankly, I am disappointed that some people feel that way. They obviously don't know me very well.

    Despite those allegations, I do think it's best to leave it public. It's unfair of the authors of those external articles for me to change the viewing access, and to force visitors to register.

    I will consider making it publicly available.

    Because very few (if any) posts in that section can actually be helpful. People mainly use it to mark posts that they agree with rather than ones they learn from. This is considered abuse of the system (using it for what it isn't intended for) so I decided to disable it in that sub-forum.
  12. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    That was more of an observation than an accusation Nick, I think you know that. And pretty much the same "accusation" was made above by ruiner in post #3.

    I couldn't care less if the forum is publicly viewable or not, as long as we still have the individual option to turn the silliness off.
  13. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    I don't know that, otherwise I wouldn't imply otherwise in my postings. I feel that it was a statement of how my actions (or lack thereof) were being perceived by John.

    He did apologize for it, but it doesn't change the idea that he thought what I was doing before, was for publicity.
    I don't even understand why people would think that, but some people are just very cynical by nature.
  14. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    I think your community as spoken in the Poll.

    May the Force be with you. :D
  15. Gordie

    Gordie Adept

    Oct 26, 2009
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    As a fellow forum admin, people essentially alleging that you want the forum to be popular is sort silly.

    It goes without saying, that YES, of course you want the forum to be popular and grow. That's why most of us set up communities in the first place, with growth and success being the goal. And it's a very hard goal to achieve.

    So I guess that leaves the other point of the assertion of some, that being, as to whether you're essentially using less than reasonable means to faciliate this growth and traffic.

    I would say the answer is no.

    You didn't create the vBulletin fiasco, vBulletin did. And the simple fact is that people were looking for venues to discuss the relevant issues and they are doing so, in many, many places. webhostingtalk has a huge vBulletin thread, would they be accused of the same thing?

    To me, it's really kind of a silly allegation, that seems to be more rooted in the fact that some people don't want the negative side of the vBulletin debate discussed here - plain and simple.

    These vBulletin topics will slowly die down and lose steam as time goes on, just like most other things in life. :2cents:

    As I posted before, I think you guys are doing a nice job here. It's obvious that you're trying your best for all and trying to strike a balance and there's not much more than anyone can or should expect. :ohi:
  16. gnatster

    gnatster Regular Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Down the hall
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    I'm going to jump on that aren't we all forum admins bandwagon/soapbox again.

    Well DOH! We all want more members and traffic, but at what cost? This whole vB episiode will die down in time and how many of you that are here now are really going to come back and be a supporting member of AA. Contributing more than just the hate that some of you are spewing. Look at some of the facts...some of you are here only to further your own agenda of beating on vB Solutions and their staff at every opportunity and if I don't agree with you'll beat on me next for not seeing it your way.

    A lot of the arguments are no longer arguments but more a bunch of taunting each other. I must say, some of the taunting is well written, to bad you don't use those skills for what many think are better things.

    I say keep this area walled off, it's a train wreck and those that want to the watch can peek over the wall and watch, those that don't, they have that choice too.

    As forum admins ya'll should know better and let the man run his own site, don't second guess every move and accuse the owners of pandering or trying anything untoward. Look back over the previous 6 months before ya'll burst in here with both guns blazing and you'll see it's a well run ship. It's not your ship, you are a guest here. Please flush when done and really, aim for the bowl too....
  17. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    May 18, 2009
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    VERY well written, and spot on.
  18. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Jul 30, 2009
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    I don't think it's fair to blame Nick for this either, and I'd say the forum should also be public. Come on, think about it for a moment... he didn't cause this whole chaos at .com and such like, people are linking to his site, and why shouldn't the site gain popularity due to the drama? That's how sites can grow quickly, by making use of controversial current events, even more so for forums. This fiasco is not going to kill or badly hurt AdminAddict, it'll just help it gain even more popularity.

    Any bad posts? That's what moderators are for.
  19. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    And the members who report them. :D

    P.S.: The forum is no longer restricted to members only.
  20. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Excellent move. History will come to judge that AA provided a safe, neutral and unbiased outlet for those with both viewpoints on the vB situation to air their views. The site also has people from vB posting here - Wayne has been a regular for ages and Ray chose to come here and post to explain the extended downtime during the beta upgrade. I think both those facts say a LOT for the increased stature of this site, which in my eyes long ago usurped TAZ as the premier admin "hang out". There's a lot more to this site than just the vB stuff - sure at the moment that's a big part of what's going on, but that will be short lived. But the way the site has handled it and risen to the challenge of remaining neutral throughout has impressed many. If the site gains popularity as a result, so what? Nick didn't SEEK this, people chose AA to post on about the vb stuff because it was an automatic choice and that's because of the reputation the site had ALREADY gained for its neutrality and common-sense handling of matters. There's a reason why sites gain in popularity, it's usually because they're pretty good to start with.

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