New Blog: "Our vision for vBulletin"

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Mark.B, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    The reason this is ongoing is the fact that IB have not even acknowledged that many customers have lost out, many have in effect had an owned licence torn up, cast off without a comment. Recent communications are nothing more than glorified press releases which some folks see as the new form of improved customer relations; it is nothing less than a damage limitation exercise.

    Who required them to make changes, their requirement was to ring as much capitol from customers as possible, that was the new business plan, and the logic that all previous management decisions had to be changed as they were not practical is nonsense as vBulletin was one of the most successful forum packages on the Net FACT.
    The bad blood between a great many customers and IB will not go away, those blogs only fuel the fire in the belly of those who have suffered an injustice. Those who vb staff urged to keep their licence current may be ok in the short term, yet after their 12 month period has expired are required to pay full cost for a vb4 licence, a product they may have been running for 6 months. And the logic is that if you have downloaded vb4, you have already got a vb4 licence, as you must agree to this before the download commences. It would have made more sense to encourage customers to stay current IF the transition period allowed them to get a deal on running vb4 until vb5 was released.
    I could go on and on, vb3 licence holders cannot download updates, renewals have gone away. Those who bought the Blog, or project tools totally ignored. Not one word from the CEO, not a crumb of explanation. Welcome to the new world order as seen through the rose tinted glasses of IB.
  2. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Thanks for your outlook on things merk_aus, and i have to agree with you on most of your points and i don't mind the bold fonts.....

    I just believe things have been handled wrong and i know we can't go back. I too believe it is wrong to ban customers for ever, because they disagree with what is happening. As i stated in other posts here, had someone like wayne luke, just sent me a pm not to do what ever it was i was doing wrong, i would have stopped. I wasn't afforded that, i was infracted and that was the end of the case. Steve Machol did the same thing, and he has his pm system shut off, so you can't even ask him a question. When you do try to ask in the public eye (only option he leaves you), he infracts you for bringing administrative actions public. What is a person to do? I am not going to be silenced by him (well in my mind anyways (banned for life). The one infraction i did get from zachery, was deserved and very much so, i do not deny that one bit. I was wrong in how i answered another persons childish response to me, i notified the moderators of my bad choice and accepted my infraction like a man.
  3. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Dang, that is/was a great post. I totally agree with you 100%
  4. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Mar 14, 2009
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    hotwheels you completely misunderstood everything about my comments about your image.

    I did not cast any aspersions on the accuracy of the image - I believe it. "Default" means that this is the message everyone is going to get in those circs unless someone on the ban-issueing side manually intervenes. I'm just wondering if they did manually select "permanent" and if they did know that is what you and others were going to see. It is very easy for people to overlook default messages and not realize they are sending them. I have no idea in the vb case ... that's my question, so it is not really directed at you at all. :)
  5. ptwiggens

    ptwiggens Novice

    Oct 26, 2009
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    No warnings of any kind. No warning or request to change behavior in posts or threads, PM's, infractions, email... nothing. Staff never told me I was doing anything wrong or asked me to stop.

    I requested a link after Ray Morgan sent me an email saying I had repeatedly violated TOS. I asked him to please explain to me which terms I violated because I didn't see any I did, and he never responded.


    Yes, I was very careful in my post to not say anything inflammatory. It was a very frank and honest post about why I would no longer be purchasing anything from them. Obviously, it was highly critical, but that does not mean it was inflammatory.

    Not to me...
  6. ptwiggens

    ptwiggens Novice

    Oct 26, 2009
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    This is a joke, right?

    So... you think the people/posts you are referencing have completely valid complaints? You aren't trying to say that people are just posting to be negative or flame vBulletin not because they are actually complaining about something legitimate, but because they are just pissed and trying to spread negativity.

    Because... "trolling," the word you use twice, means that the posts are not legitimate and are just meant to stoke a fire.

    Again... calling bullshit. Don't backpeddle.

    Now let's look at your completely unsubstantiated claims, which are again, specifically designed to cast doubt on the validity of claims made by these so called "trolls."

    I was not banned for anything I posted on the public forum.

    I don't think anyone here posted the leaked pics on the vBulletin forum... and it is completely their prerogative to post whatever they want here or on other forums... it's vB's fault they didn't know how to use a private forum.

    You just made this up out of nowhere... despite multiple people and sources saying that the vast majority of people banned didn't receive any warnings (including myself).

    What purpose could you have for stating something completely false? Could it be to discredit the people here and try to make them look like they disobeyed staff and continued to post despite warnings? hmmm....

    Care to backpeddle some more?
  7. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    i was voicing legitimate concerns, and believe that the heavy handed tactics being taken by staff at are out of control. You don't ban customers for being unhappy and try to put on a fake face that makes it look like all is happy at Ray Morgan is lying telling people that sales are record breaking. I for one hope that Mr. Brisco, takes a deeper look behind the scenes.
    I think i was finally able to get an email to Mr. Brisco and will/am waiting for a reply from him or a member of his staff.
  8. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    I just read all of the post's to Mr. Brisco's blog, and not one person has asked him any hard questions. Everyone is telling him what a great thing it is for him to make a blog, wtf? Not one person can say what is on their minds? I tried earlier, and respectfully, only to have it my reply moderated.
  9. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    It's called kissing ass. He got his access to the forums back, so he's happy with IB at the moment. He knows they're watching him, so he's going to do the opposite of what he has been. Like I said earlier, he sold out there, big time.

    Been saying that for months, since the "leak", you hit that one right on the head.

    In my case, none at all. Then again, I was banned by Ray Morgan for his "opinion" of me via PM discussions. I had received warnings/infractions for interaction within a thread, stated publicly I was leaving the thread, and did, then Ray Morgan, being the ass he is, decided to ban me based on his opinion of me based on PRIVATE conversations.

    Absolutely not

    Nope. Received 2 infractions in a day for the same thread (from two different individuals, one not even deserving to be called a mod), stated I was leaving the thread as soon as they were received, and did.

    Uhh, absolutely! Considering I had left the thread I had the "infractions" for, hadn't made a single post since the infractions, had only PM'ed Ray Morgan, this was unexpected. I left the thread to avoid that exact consequence.

    I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that reply. I'm pretty sure Brisco knows exactly what Ray Morgan is doing and just doesn't care.
  10. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    Sadly i believe you are right, and from some earlier private conversations between ray morgan and myself, they know exactly what they are doing at this moment.
  11. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I don't support everything they've done and have said so many times.

    I think they way the licensing transition has been handled is pretty poor. I did ok out of it though, so I'm not fighting other people's battles for them.
  12. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    I may be slow, but how many folks here read the leaked posts in the staff forums a while back, I have to be honest and say that I only saw it tonight for the first time. Seems like many of their concerns have "Came back to bite them".
  13. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Nov 1, 2009
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    You are correct, it has come back to bite them. But they are having the last laugh, cause if you talk about it at, they ban you.
  14. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    That was a few days back, the allegation was retracted.
  16. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Care to update me on what was retracted as an inference is not an allegation.
  17. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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  18. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    Oct 28, 2009
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    Thanks Nick, boy I am slow at getting up to speed with a lot of this.
  19. kermit

    kermit Newcomer

    Nov 4, 2009
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  20. Slinky

    Slinky Addict

    Nov 5, 2009
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    So let me get this straight -

    1. Steve M. removes his post from so there is no record that he said what he said?

    2. He issues an apology that it was taken out of context (always the case although it seemed rather clear.)

    Regardless of this smoothing over, I don't get warm fuzzies when I see the film being re-edited. I also don't see the old gang going out with the replacements for a pint any time soon.

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