
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Urora, Oct 26, 2009.

  1. Urora

    Urora Regular Member

    Im Trish, i run two forums and am familiar with IPB, VB and PHBB3.
    I have been an admin for 6 years. I am a stay at home wife, who dabbles in photography and website design. I also enjoy F1, auto-x, and rally-x.

    I am an amateur at best but enjoy most of what i do.
    My Websites
    In the Wake (Guild for WoW) PHPBB
    Central Ohio Subarus (Car Club in the Ohio Area) IPB--moving to VB4
    Lark Song Knits (Blog for a friend)
    The Haltermans (a Family blog, graphics are mine, design someone else)
  2. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    welcome to AA.

    What kind of camera do you use, if you don't mind sharing?
  3. Urora

    Urora Regular Member

    I am a Canon Girl. Most of my gear is entry level. I have a 50MM 1.4 that i mainly shoot with (it practically lives on there), and a 28-80 that was passed on from my Pop. I have a 300 but its pre-digital and slow, and i VERY rarely use it. I also shoot with a 430EXII SpeedLight.
  4. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Welcome to AA!
  5. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Hello there Urora

    My wife and I do some photography. She uses a Canon Rebel and a Canon SD750. I use a Canon D10 - the waterproof point and shoot.

    The 8 megapixel rebel is a little outdated at only 8 megapixel. So I told her I would buy her a new 12 megapixel camera. Which in todays market, 12 is still outdated.
  6. Urora

    Urora Regular Member

    Outdated or not, i wont be upgrading anytime soon. My skills are still evolving from a beginner, so once i feel that costs are justified for a nicer camera, i will move up but for now, i am happy. :)
  7. kev

    kev Regular Member

    What started it, I got the Canon D10 - its a waterproof, water resistant camera for taking pictures in bad weather conditions. Its 12 megapixel.

    My wife started saying "why is "your" camera 12 megapixel and mine is only 8". And, she gets tired of lugging that Rebel around everywhere.

    What I do not understand, the camera she wants is almost as big as the rebel, but she wants a smaller camera? I told her is she wants a smaller camera, then get a point and shoot pocket sized camera. But she wants this canon that has a fixed lens size. But the housing is almost as big as the rebel???
  8. Urora

    Urora Regular Member

  9. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I have the Powershot S5IS and I love it. I got it in May of '08, and haven't really thought about getting a new camera since.
    It's not huge (but it isn't small), and it's not the lightest thing, but it takes excellent photos. It's great for a beginner/novice or somebody who wants to practice. It has full auto mode, full manual mode, and everything in-between, so it's fairly versatile in the experience group to which it caters.

    I'm pretty sure there is a newer model, but I can't find it. :shrug:

    Here are some shots I've taken with my S5, if you want an idea of the quality it can produce:
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    OMG Nick! Those are PRETTY!!!! I love the last one! The one with the bird and the building blurry like!!!!
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Thanks, FMB! Photography is one of the few areas of life in which I actually have some creativity.

    I also love the effect of the last photo: having the object in clear focus with a nice background blurred. :cool:

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