vBulletin Nightmare

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ptwiggens, Oct 26, 2009.

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  1. banger

    banger Addict

    This is why Internet Brands is laughing in your face. vBulletin 4 hasn't really even reached beta and you're all righteous about what you're going to do if vBulletin 5 isn't up to snuff. You've got a lot of company in this perspective but let me remind you. People who paid their money are no longer "wait and see." You're just wait, and wait as long as they want. You're powerless because you hold no cards any more. Your money is in their pocket. If they release the first version after December 31, what are you going to do exactly? Switch to another forum software while you already paid for vb4? No, you've been pwned.

    They are counting on you investing all your time and effort in vB4 and will never free yourself from it like a drug addict. No offense, but this is the reality. If this presale didn't infuriate you, read the press release they rushed out the door about record sales and how vb4 is the most powerful software they have ever released. Get used to it.

    Webmist - I'm hoping to sell my licenses for whatever remaining value they have left and some are with brand free. I'm going to have to take it like a man and admit it when a group of individuals at a company have spanked me. I'll have to write off my losses and move to another platform that makes more sense and isn't a hope, prayer and pull out my credit card game.
  2. banger

    banger Addict

    This is why Internet Brands is laughing in your face. vBulletin 4 hasn't really even reached beta and you're all righteous about what you're going to do if vBulletin 5 isn't up to snuff. You've got a lot of company in this perspective but let me remind you. People who paid their money are no longer "wait and see." You're just wait, and wait as long as they want. You're powerless because you hold no cards any more. Your money is in their pocket. If they release the first version after December 31, what are you going to do exactly? Switch to another forum software while you already paid for vb4? No, you've been pwned.

    They are counting on you investing all your time and effort in vB4 and will never free yourself from it like a drug addict. No offense, but this is the reality. If this presale didn't infuriate you, read the press release they rushed out the door about record sales and how vb4 is the most powerful software they have ever released. Get used to it.

    Webmist - I'm hoping to sell my licenses for whatever remaining value they have left and some are with brand free. I'm going to have to take it like a man and admit it when a group of individuals at a company have spanked me. I'll have to write off my losses and move to another platform that makes more sense and isn't a hope, prayer and pull out my credit card game.
  3. KearaO

    KearaO Novice

    Yes, I think it is entirely possible that IB is laughing in my face. But I think that there can be sound, or certainly plausible, reasons for buying into the upgrade. Once. Some of us might not yet be ready to give up on vB, but that doesn't mean that that day will never come. In the meantime, it's nice that you were able to make a decision so quickly that permits you to feel so smug.

  4. KearaO

    KearaO Novice

    Yes, I think it is entirely possible that IB is laughing in my face. But I think that there can be sound, or certainly plausible, reasons for buying into the upgrade. Once. Some of us might not yet be ready to give up on vB, but that doesn't mean that that day will never come. In the meantime, it's nice that you were able to make a decision so quickly that permits you to feel so smug.

  5. banger

    banger Addict

    I'm not smug. Just whipped, forced to accept The Truth and not happy about it. Call it "enlightenment after the wake up call." Some of the licenses I upgraded for the sole purpose of dumping them. What I worry about is that Internet Brands will continue pre-selling their licenses at some discount because they can't sell them at full price and screwing us indirectly.

    Give me sound reasons to invest in vbulletin? There is NO good reason to invest unless you've already sunk a huge time and money investment into the product. It's like the abusive boyfriend - he's smacked you up once and keeps smacking you and you just keep talking about the fact he does have an up side if it could just come out.... Wake up. Chances are this never changes. The new press release shows we are all a bunch of suckers, especially with the talk about 2010 being a great year.

    Wait... WTF happened to 2009? Anyone who invests in an unkown product when there are plenty of alternatives is asking for trouble. And considering that most of the original team that built vbulletin is gone, what you're getting is a product sewn together by whatever developer Internet Brands was able to hire off of craigs list and sell as gold to teenage forum fans, desperate vb3 long time forum owners and the investors. Please... start a list of benefits that the vBulletin 4 release has and you can start with the management team.
  6. banger

    banger Addict

    I'm not smug. Just whipped, forced to accept The Truth and not happy about it. Call it "enlightenment after the wake up call." Some of the licenses I upgraded for the sole purpose of dumping them. What I worry about is that Internet Brands will continue pre-selling their licenses at some discount because they can't sell them at full price and screwing us indirectly.

    Give me sound reasons to invest in vbulletin? There is NO good reason to invest unless you've already sunk a huge time and money investment into the product. It's like the abusive boyfriend - he's smacked you up once and keeps smacking you and you just keep talking about the fact he does have an up side if it could just come out.... Wake up. Chances are this never changes. The new press release shows we are all a bunch of suckers, especially with the talk about 2010 being a great year.

    Wait... WTF happened to 2009? Anyone who invests in an unkown product when there are plenty of alternatives is asking for trouble. And considering that most of the original team that built vbulletin is gone, what you're getting is a product sewn together by whatever developer Internet Brands was able to hire off of craigs list and sell as gold to teenage forum fans, desperate vb3 long time forum owners and the investors. Please... start a list of benefits that the vBulletin 4 release has and you can start with the management team.
  7. KearaO

    KearaO Novice

    We've all been put in a position that we shouldn't have been.

    The road ahead is clearer for some than for others.

    Some will give up on vB. now, as you have done.

    Others will, I expect, make their way toward the same decision more slowly but arriving at the same destination. I seem to find myself in this category.

    I really don't get why someone in the first category (you) would want to rub the noses of the rest of us in it. But you do. I don't admire that, but you do it anyway.

    2 people like this.
  8. KearaO

    KearaO Novice

    We've all been put in a position that we shouldn't have been.

    The road ahead is clearer for some than for others.

    Some will give up on vB. now, as you have done.

    Others will, I expect, make their way toward the same decision more slowly but arriving at the same destination. I seem to find myself in this category.

    I really don't get why someone in the first category (you) would want to rub the noses of the rest of us in it. But you do. I don't admire that, but you do it anyway.

    3 people like this.
  9. banger

    banger Addict

    I've given up on them but it doesn't mean that I still don't have product for which I am forced to use them while I transition some sites and decide how best to manage the others which may not be ready for the financial investment.

    I'm not rubbing noses and you mistake my intention. Like some others here, I hope to help people who are still in denial avoid inevitable disappointment. What makes me ill is reading comments in the vbulletin forums from people who have no clarity and keep hoping somehow that vBulletin suite and a dozen rabbits will be pulled out of the CTO's rectum in record time during 2009. This serves to dampen the hype that convinces others to patronize the company based upon buying into any of the hype.

    The only rubbing your nose in it is being done in press releases by Internet Brands. I just had my elbow bent behind my back to buy their vapor or see my investments cost me significantly more and he uses that to tell the world were record sales because of how much we believe in the product and the super godlike vb4 suite. That's injury and then rubbing salt in open wounds.
  10. banger

    banger Addict

    I've given up on them but it doesn't mean that I still don't have product for which I am forced to use them while I transition some sites and decide how best to manage the others which may not be ready for the financial investment.

    I'm not rubbing noses and you mistake my intention. Like some others here, I hope to help people who are still in denial avoid inevitable disappointment. What makes me ill is reading comments in the vbulletin forums from people who have no clarity and keep hoping somehow that vBulletin suite and a dozen rabbits will be pulled out of the CTO's rectum in record time during 2009. This serves to dampen the hype that convinces others to patronize the company based upon buying into any of the hype.

    The only rubbing your nose in it is being done in press releases by Internet Brands. I just had my elbow bent behind my back to buy their vapor or see my investments cost me significantly more and he uses that to tell the world were record sales because of how much we believe in the product and the super godlike vb4 suite. That's injury and then rubbing salt in open wounds.
  11. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    Wrong. As Gordie points out (thank you Gordie):

    Not to forget a popular German forum software (popular in Germany and German speaking countries), Woltlab's BurningBoard. They even have a LIGHT version!
    Imagine IB doing that. LOL
  12. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    Wrong. As Gordie points out (thank you Gordie):

    Not to forget a popular German forum software (popular in Germany and German speaking countries), Woltlab's BurningBoard. They even have a LIGHT version!
    Imagine IB doing that. LOL
  13. Haltech

    Haltech Novice

    Perhaps that should have been outlined in the email, no? It sure as hell, wasn't outlined in mine, thats for damn sure.
  14. Haltech

    Haltech Novice

    Perhaps that should have been outlined in the email, no? It sure as hell, wasn't outlined in mine, thats for damn sure.
  15. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    You just reminded me, vbullitin did have a light version years ago, I still have it around somewhere LOL. It was meant as a test programme, i.e. if it run fine on your server so too would VBullitin. It was a VERY basic forum, few admin tools but functional.
  16. Dalraida

    Dalraida Newcomer

    You just reminded me, vbullitin did have a light version years ago, I still have it around somewhere LOL. It was meant as a test programme, i.e. if it run fine on your server so too would VBullitin. It was a VERY basic forum, few admin tools but functional.
  17. p4guru

    p4guru Addict

    yeah i've been a vB customer since v1.x brings back memories hehe

    As to the arguing, we should really respect each others opinions and remain civil :)
    2 people like this.
  18. p4guru

    p4guru Addict

    yeah i've been a vB customer since v1.x brings back memories hehe

    As to the arguing, we should really respect each others opinions and remain civil :)
    3 people like this.
  19. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I realise there are others that charge, but none of these have the serious business usability of the big two.

    If you're serious about forums, the only realistic choices are Invision and vB.
  20. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I realise there are others that charge, but none of these have the serious business usability of the big two.

    If you're serious about forums, the only realistic choices are Invision and vB.
  21. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    If you're an English speaker and only cater to English speakers. And even then, that's not always the case.
    Not every forum owner needs thousands of mods. There are many people out there who buy the forum software mentioned above.
    And as I said, in the German speaking market, WoltLab is a serious player.

    But whatever way you look at it:
    No other forum software creator has any such pricing model.
  22. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    If you're an English speaker and only cater to English speakers. And even then, that's not always the case.
    Not every forum owner needs thousands of mods. There are many people out there who buy the forum software mentioned above.
    And as I said, in the German speaking market, WoltLab is a serious player.

    But whatever way you look at it:
    No other forum software creator has any such pricing model.
  23. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    No other forum software creator has such a pricing model? How about Jive and Lithium? The former charges by member count and post count I think, and the latter charges... way too much at any sake.
  24. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    No other forum software creator has such a pricing model? How about Jive and Lithium? The former charges by member count and post count I think, and the latter charges... way too much at any sake.
  25. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    And how many people use them? And note, I said people, not companies.
    I don't want vBulletin to become one of those forum softwares.
  26. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    And how many people use them? And note, I said people, not companies.
    I don't want vBulletin to become one of those forum softwares.
  27. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    There isn't a good reason to upgrade. If people would ban together and stand up to the thugs over at vbulletin.com, maybe ray, steve and wayne luke will understand that they are stealing from people and violating the contract we purchased with our software. I hope that the new IB brand fails and the company ends up closing or filing for bankruptcy.
  28. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    There isn't a good reason to upgrade. If people would ban together and stand up to the thugs over at vbulletin.com, maybe ray, steve and wayne luke will understand that they are stealing from people and violating the contract we purchased with our software. I hope that the new IB brand fails and the company ends up closing or filing for bankruptcy.
  29. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    I doubt very much that Wayne or Steve have any say in what the company does or doesn't do with their customers.
  30. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    I doubt very much that Wayne or Steve have any say in what the company does or doesn't do with their customers.
  31. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Frankly, relying on ad hominem attacks, especially in your signature against people will no real control over the actions of Internet Brands doesn't really help your point in any way, or anyone to take you seriously.
  32. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    Frankly, relying on ad hominem attacks, especially in your signature against people will no real control over the actions of Internet Brands doesn't really help your point in any way, or anyone to take you seriously.
  33. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Nice personal attack there.

    Even when I was posting against the company, I never attacked the staff. They are following instructions.
  34. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Nice personal attack there.

    Even when I was posting against the company, I never attacked the staff. They are following instructions.
  35. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I second this. Wayne and Steve are the customer support representatives, and have probably one of the hardest jobs: being the voice of the community (conveying the vB.com community's needs to the higher-ups) as well as enforcing IB's policies, doing what they say.

    It's not easy for them to be stuck in the middle like they are.

    They don't make the decisions; they just do what they're told.
  36. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I second this. Wayne and Steve are the customer support representatives, and have probably one of the hardest jobs: being the voice of the community (conveying the vB.com community's needs to the higher-ups) as well as enforcing IB's policies, doing what they say.

    It's not easy for them to be stuck in the middle like they are.

    They don't make the decisions; they just do what they're told.
  37. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Sadly, the pm's i received from both wayne and steve machol were personal attacks. Neither of them had to attack me personally in pm's. I was/am upset with how the IB team went about changing the terms of my license and voiced my concerns, ONLY in the licensed customer feedback section. I was/am only one person and only have my view of how i felt violated by IB and shared my thoughts. Whether or not people agree with my way of thinking is up to them, but i should not receive threats from IB's so called moderators, whom people think have some tough job, and be called names, like those wayne luke called me.
  38. hotwheels

    hotwheels Champion

    Sadly, the pm's i received from both wayne and steve machol were personal attacks. Neither of them had to attack me personally in pm's. I was/am upset with how the IB team went about changing the terms of my license and voiced my concerns, ONLY in the licensed customer feedback section. I was/am only one person and only have my view of how i felt violated by IB and shared my thoughts. Whether or not people agree with my way of thinking is up to them, but i should not receive threats from IB's so called moderators, whom people think have some tough job, and be called names, like those wayne luke called me.
  39. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    But even if someone does attack you personally, it's still no justification for stooping down to the same tactics. People respect you more if you act mature rather than continuing with the same personal attacks and insults as the other person.

    But really, this is getting off topic.
  40. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    But even if someone does attack you personally, it's still no justification for stooping down to the same tactics. People respect you more if you act mature rather than continuing with the same personal attacks and insults as the other person.

    But really, this is getting off topic.
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