Jelsoft a little stuck on themselves?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by kev, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. banger

    banger Addict

    If you've read the threads, my comment is not personal. The idea is that Internet Brands is pricing out the hobbyist intentionally and anyone who is worried about smaller or low priced solutions. If you've got a tax strategy that works manageably for a dozen licenses, I'm all ears and glad to listen.
  2. banger

    banger Addict

    If you call the forums being offline for two days a seamless success, I can't wait to see the final gold product.

    Cool heads take support forums offline for over two business days during the short window of the only "favorable" pricing that is being offered to customers? Why didn't you do this upgrade NEXT week?

    Stable like a patient in recovery after a double bypass. The forums are crawling and worse than turtle slow. Can't wait to see the gold release. My credit card is out now, ready to upgrade forums I don't even own.

    I think the reason for my mutual fascination and disgust with this topic is the complete inability to be forthright, honest and direct with intelligent people including customers. I never had that problem with the prior owners of Jelsoft. OK.. now I'm really out of here. Have more important things to do but this has been fascinating.
  3. tech

    tech Regular Member

    So slow...
  4. David

    David Regular Member

    This made me lol irl

    Don't leave yet, I was just starting to like you :uhh:
  5. tech

    tech Regular Member

    They still need to do the members area =)
  6. David

    David Regular Member

    Its still to slow to do anything meaningful there.
  7. R1lover

    R1lover Regular Member

    Well it looks a lot like IPB lmao but it takes about 45 seconds per page to load...

    OMFG this is crazy... lol
  8. R1lover

    R1lover Regular Member

    updated to 4.1 already.... here is the results lol

  9. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Anyone going to start up a new forums/cms solution for pay?

    That would be the next logical thing to do if you're not:

    A) Upgrading to vB4
    B) Using another existing solution
    C) Believing into this

    I definitely think vB's execution of the presale was poor. Specifically the time and duration, yet I'm sure it's related to financial reporting for 3rd or 4th quarter.

    Even though there is a strong sentiment of loyal customers being mistreated, it just does not hold any water considering the large base of users nowadays.

    Gone are the times of companies exhibiting such genuine traits and equally of customers/employees. The operating schemes are Survival of the Fittest, Darwin's Law, Libertarian philosophy, x number of ways to die, etc. just take your pick.

    What company ever continues operating the same when they've been purchased by another?

    I wonder if vB could save any face though on the execution of the presale.....?
  10. Peggy

    Peggy Regular Member

    took well over 1 minute to load pages on my end.

    and they're down again.
  11. David

    David Regular Member

    This really is a train wreck now, and no amount of spin will be able to change it (Unless of course, they got the "vBSEO total control spin team that throws buzz words every chance we get" to help).

    This is what I've gathered, vB4 in its current Beta form must be much, much more resource intensive then vB3. There were 1400 guests and users online at one time, and it brought their server farm to a screeching halt. Previously with vB3, the record online at once was around 9k...If 5 servers could support vB3 just fine, why isn't it supporting vB4 just fine, you know the vBulletin version thats been reworked/recoded for efficiency. IB loudest critics were big board owners and the "What are you doing for us big boards", well they've just showed, what they've done for big board owners.

    It was 28+ hours of initial down time, because they "planned it that way" launched a horrible presale event, then were rushed to release a "working" demo. While these maybe "vBulletin Solution Inc" only problems due to their intertwined sites, its still a huge public mess and eye sore. They've put vB4 out, and it failed on them, that's what everyone will see, thats what everyone will remember. (Remember at that one windows unvieling, the computer BSOD'd on Bill Gates, yea its like that) No body cares the reason behind it, because it shouldn't have happened no matter what. It all should have been tested before going live, and it was said to have been tested numerous times, but we see this isn't the case at all.

    Heads should roll over this, seriously. vBulletin 4 has been nothing but a train wreck from the start till now. For a lot of people this was the final straw.


    *Wishes I didn't sell my IPB license now.
    2 people like this.
  12. tech

    tech Regular Member

    *i cba reading posts if this had been said*

    Are you kidding me? they'er under maintenance for 2days with a splash page and THEN they go BACK INTO A DAM MAINTENANCE WITH THE FORUM I MEAN WTF..

    vBulletin Community Forum

    Your enthusiasm is overwhelming - back in a bit!
    vBulletin Community Forum
  13. tech

    tech Regular Member

    BRING BACK JELSOFT, UK > US (internet Brands)
  14. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    Oh dear, so it's failed already has it? LOL!

    The product isn't ready, not anywhere near, it's a joke and they've dug themselves a massive hole from which I doubt they can easily climb out.

    I haven't looked over there, I said I wouldn't be visiting once they took 3.8 off and I mean it.

    But even I'm surprised that 36 hours later they still can't get it going.
  15. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    I think the rush to give the customers a first look was because too many customers where switching to IPB. Perhaps IB got so worried about this, that this alone forced their hand to put up a working demo and not the customers concern/demands and feedback to include a demo to try before you buy.

    An assumption, but it's a worthy one in my books.

    Let's hope they get back quickly. we are a rooting and a tooting ye haw!!!
  16. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    You mean they're cowboys?
  17. John

    John Regular Member

    Look familiar?
  18. cclaerhout

    cclaerhout Regular Member

    We'll soon have to apologize to Internet Brands. Because they've made "the best forum software", so we all wanted to see this miracle. Because of us and our "overwhelming enthusiasm", the forum had to be shut down.

    How bad are we ! Sorry Internet Brands. But don't worry, the problem might soon be solved.
  19. Abomination

    Abomination Zealot

    If what you say is true wouldn't the stress testing have reveled that? Wouldn't they have done that while it was offline while the other integration issues were being worked on?
  20. cheat-master30

    cheat-master30 Grand Master

    And... it appears to be back again. This is like a yo-yo, going up and down pretty much about few hours. I hope this isn't the complete product series killer event for vBulletin...

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