Jelsoft a little stuck on themselves?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by kev, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Shelley

    Shelley Regular Member

    May 26, 2009
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    I think i lost faith about the same time the skunk was removed. :o
  2. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    May 20, 2009
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    Guess I just need to check out the new forums tomorrow then :(
  3. R1lover

    R1lover Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northern California
    I have to agree 100%, Mark you and I have been pretty much on the same page except for the times you flip flop back to a vb kissass when someone official addresses you... :lmao

    No really.... you flop back and forth more then nex does and that boy is tri polar... lmao
  4. R1lover

    R1lover Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northern California
    p.s. Hello everyone... I couldn't help but make my first post a dig at Mark.... hehe
  5. v7web

    v7web Newcomer

    Oct 23, 2009
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    I have to agree with you Brandon, I think Ray Morgan posting on here, all "official like" is the most bizarre business decision I have ever seen!

    The right thing to do would be a little note at the bottom of the maintenance page, then every single user going to the forum would see the note.

    I am looking forward to vBulletin4 but the whole process has been surreal!
  6. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    ftfy ;)

    Ray or vB didn't have to do anything in terms of a post really.

    Are any of you shareholders?

    In general, I'm just sayin' some patience about being uncomfortable on occassion is good medicine for the soul.
  7. v7web

    v7web Newcomer

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Bravo Brandon....Well said!!

    I am in the same boat as you, I have to have vBulletin 4 so that my clients custom skins can be upgraded, however my faith in the management of vBulletin has diminished big time and by the look of the posts on (before they were deleted) I am not alone.

    Lets hope that when vBulletin4 is released it is so good that everything gets forgiven and forgotten.
  8. R1lover

    R1lover Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northern California
    Those with any faith left most likely rely on vbulletin for some type of income that can't be replaced with another product without some type of loss of income.... weather it's learning to code for other software or learning to skin for other software.

    I suggest some people start looking at other items and have a little backup if and when one of them fails. It's not always good to have all your eggs in one basket, this has proven true with forum software as well.

  9. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Oct 14, 2009
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    R1Lover, you bring up a thought I've had on mind with your valid point. Myself, I'm a hobby user. Someone around here contended that the new pricing scheme was to push out hobby people, maybe even help rid null licenses etc.

    So, to those of you that run sites purely for business needs, which there are alot, haven't you then alotted for the proper budgeting? For months we all new vb4 was this year. I can't recall when the prices were rolled out if before last week, but I think someone did link to it dating months back or so.

    I may be misunderstanding, but I at least perceive this....holy crap they increase the rates xfold and I can't afford it and it has to be now with this discount *throws hands up in rage* To me, a business plans...for such known increases, especially a major release such as this.

    On another thread I (unfairly I guess) made an analogy to enterprise software, well I still think the principle still applies.

    If my logic fails, then please show me the light.....
  10. R1lover

    R1lover Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northern California
    I can answer that for me personally and a few of my customers as well.... Of course I could afford the increased cost.... if it was giving me something in return. In business you have to make sure and spend your money to where it's going to make you money. You can't just spend money because rates go up.
    I looked at a long term situation for my sites and going with another product in fact has given me more function, better appearance and more features. These are all things that my users will enjoy and will also be enjoyable by new and future users.

    With that said I have gained all of the above and actually reduced my operating cost compared to the new vbulletin license structure.

    Some might say its not much.... well take 50.00 a year and multiple that by 25 - 50 sites.... it adds up pretty fast.

    So in the end.... this mess was actually a good thing for me and my customers, it opened our eyes to see what else is out there and what we found was a big surprise.
  11. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    People knew about the prices 5 months ago, so IMO they had time to gather the enough resources, thinking "Well, there will be a raise in vB's price so let me better be safe than sorry". I understand many payed a little before the special got out to public, but don't you have a discount? Whereas other people who were aiming to buy it from the beginning had to look for 15 more dollars.

    Also, I understand that was the *most* appropriate place to post on about this, but OVER HERE we had a whole thread talking on who they 'mucked it up' and tbh, there were/are more users asking about vB here than on .org. Maybe he just wanted to clear it out to the majority here. From what I just saw, there in 1 thread on vB created when they put the password protection, which was made after this thread.

    I really don't get it... people complain how 'IB/vB doesn't care about their customers', they post on a forum which had the users complaining, pondering and confused, and they STILL get bashed.

    :P PS: The Skunk is BACK!
  12. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Yet, when has IB ever been shown to have morals, ethics, or values? They don't. They have but one thing, a bank account, and that bank account is overflowing with money right now from suckers purchasing vaporware.

    That doesn't excuse them , or make it ethical, moral, or even right. It's called lying

    A lie is still a lie, unethical is still unethical

    Despite the "spin" they put on things (and Ray is nothing but a good spinmaster), this is exactly the truth. A poorly planned (was it even planned?) and rushed upgrade resulted in something that (again) reflects poorly on IB, Jelsoft and vBulletin. It really DOESN'T take that long to do something like upgrade here, they're just once again pulling the "We have it, you can't" game.

    Simply put:
    IB/Jelsoft/vBulletin don't want you to have it right now. Again, this gives THEM control, and is a pretty poor

    Right, we'll believe you why? You're the company talking head, you tell us what you want us to believe, and act like it's the truth. Unfortunately, and thankfully, this isn't where we have to buy the party line and call call BS when it's there.

    And the right thing to do to a fire is put it out immediately, but IB has their own "right way" to deal with things which is stall, draw things out, ignore customers and pretty much do nothing about issues

    In the past few months, IB has proven themselves as a company, and it's not "proven" in a good way. They've proven:
    1. They can't handle major problems in a timely manner
    2. They can't handle feedback appropriately
    3. They can't keep on their own promised timelines
    4. They can't respect their customers
    5. They're all about the money, no matter how ethical it is

    A couple years ago, vBulletin WOULD have easily fit the "best forum software" category, but with the uprising caused by IB, the unbelievable internal issues (ie: people leaving en-mass, etc), there's just no reason to believe this software is anything but a minor upgrade, as opposed to the "complete rewrite" we were promised.
  13. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    For JUST a domain name.... I should buy "Best Graphic Designer" or "Best Anime Site", which one fits? : D
  14. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northeast PA
    - Pricing Policy obsure
    - Pre-sale without any visual support worthy of the name
    - Moderation incredible to silence the grouch
    - Establishment of a version not result in a probable pressure
    - And of course the inevitable mess to the upgrade and fuzzy feeling even greater.

    Ray, Explain why you are here and not on ?

    French community is disappointed with how it had been going these days, it is a shame and a disappointment !

    Financial Results October 28, pre-sales vBulletin will help, isn't it ...
  15. Mark.B

    Mark.B Guest

    I haven't changed my mind on any of my views and everything I have said the past few days stands.

    However, I think it's a promising sign that Ray has posted on here. Perhaps things are turning round. Or perhaps not. We'll see.

    But I'm not flip-flopping, or yo-yo ing. Not at the moment . Certain things would have to come about for me to do that, but even then I'd still not change my mind on what's already come to pass.
  16. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    Sheesh, I'm sure if the same danged thread was a he would have answered THERE instead of here.

    There is ONE thread on asking about the pw protection with 2 pages of reply, here we have this one, with 9 pages of reply.... If it was viceversa, I think he would have responded @ .org.
  17. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northeast PA
    I agree !
  18. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Oct 23, 2009
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    Northeast PA
    You're not Ray, do not answer for him, let the voice, although it will not.
  19. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    May 30, 2009
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    It's called giving out my opinion, ever hear of the word 'opinion'?

    I wasn't TRYING to speak out for him, I was giving my opinion and obviously assuming a bit.
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Jul 27, 2008
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    For those of you who are upset that Ray is posting here, I'm in complete disagreement. But perhaps I'm biased. :rolleyes:

    I'm sure, as FMB said, that Ray posted here because we have a lot of users who are interested (perhaps concerned) about what is going on; we have a 7-page thread in less than 24 hours. So Ray decided to join and help ease the worries by explaining what's going on. If the same concerns were being voiced at, or any other forum, I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with addressing the concerns there either.

    The information he provided isn't that big of news to warrant an announcement on or mass e-mail to customers. I'm sure more people are waiting patiently for the forums to return (and effectively don't really care why the forums are down) than those that are all hyped up about what is going on.

    If you wanted to know what's going on - you got that information from Ray, right here. Be glad, appreciate it, and welcome him. If you don't like it, feel free to sit over at waiting for an explanation that will never appear.

    I always think it's a better sign to see that Ray has made the time (from his busy schedule) to come help address our concerns here at AA. It's more interactive and personal than keeping all news at or I think it's great that he is spending time in other communities.

    Do those of you who think that Ray should be addressing everything on the official vBulletin sites also think that Wayne Luke shouldn't be posting here? That he shouldn't provide support to vBulletin-related inquiries here? That he shouldn't try to keep us updated with the latest vBulletin news?
    If not, then why? Why should Wayne be able to post here without your heat, but Ray cannot? :shrug:

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