Did your traffic take a dip this weekend, or last weekend? My forum is getting ready to enter the slowest period of the entire year - deer season. Instead of being at home and posting in my forums, a lot of my members are heading out to the woods and getting ready for deer season. The first weekend of November is usually the slowest weekend of the entire year for my forum. The first weekend of october is usually a slow weekend because bow season starts and people are out in thew woods getting ready for rifle season.
Our traffic is more on a day of week cycles. Just think, they will be putting pictures up of what deer they got! Then that will make your site even more busy!
Traffic looks good for me but I just installed a new skin. So I got a lot of people checking it out and I've even seen a boost in memberships.
Well it's not a lot for some sites but for me it's been great. I sent out a site email which is something I rarely do and then I mentioned it on some other advertising sites along with twitter. Now I'm going to make a video and see about doing some paid advertising.
My forum will probably be getting a huge boost of traffic during the next few months (especially November), because Left 4 Dead 2 is coming out. I can already see a difference in traffic.
For me, it's been historically lower on Saturdays and it starts picking up on Sundays a bit. But, the weekends are overall slower than the weekdays, that's for certain. I was going to say what Abomination mentioned...have them show pictures of their deer. Run a contest for the "Most Deer" or "Biggest Deer" or whatever and have them share their pictures to prompt some responses. Then, add the latest album pictures mod: Latest Album Pictures - Forum Home - vBulletin.org Forum and/or the latest album picture comments mod: Ap - Latest Album Pictures Comments - Forum Home - vBulletin.org Forum This will really showcase those pics and promote comments on them
This has been pretty much the slowest week I've seen in a couple of years. Fortunately it started picking up a little yesterday and today, though some of the people posting are obviously in a bad mood.
I've had the same kind of traffic drop (well, post drop, members counts were going up fairly well). I blame people going back to school or work for the drop in activity on most forums now.
the forums are pretty much the same all year round, but at different times of the day the activity is different. its very quiet during the hours of 9-3, because a lot of the members are at college or work, and most of us come from uk, although we do have an australian member who sometimes comes on and posts when most people are in bed. the activity normally slows down at about 11pm on weekdays, but will go on til about 3am sometimes on weekends (theres me and about 3 or 4 members who seem to go nocturnal when we are off college!)
ive been looking through our forums activity over the months since it was created (only 8 months old) and october (this month) has been the highest activity rate, especially around halloween as our online halloween party is coming up! 2 weeks ago it was really active-twice as much activity as normal mondays and thursdays seem to be the most active.
I was just thinking this being related to lower activity of other sites myself. Halloween...holidays. TG, xmas etc. btw, walked through a home depot yesterday and the xmas stuff is out... idk about anybody else, but that just burns me. :mad2: Weather might be a factor too? if it's nice...get outside while you still can.