Im just wondering, at one point i thought it was Chris but then i saw a thread when he came admin so that ruled him out, then i thought it was Nick but when he always talks about community i thought he meant AA but then it was about his linnie forum..Then i thought Savage as A hes the only one left..and B he made Chris an admin.. Is it savage? If im right do i get a cookie? or maybe a server from chris =)
AdminAddict is owned by all three of us equally. We each provide various resources to this community and as such, have decided to split the ownership via a three-way partnership.
The history of AdminAddict in seven sentences: Originally it was Savage (Tyler) and another individual. That other individual left, Tyler lost interest (and was by himself, so it was hard to launch the forum) and the forum just sat in dormancy. I came along wanting to fix the site up, so Tyler handed over the reigns. Eventually, Tyler became interested again so he and I worked on the site for a little bit. Launch time came, and Chris appeared. Tyler knew him from the past, so he and I decided to bring Chris on to the team as well. Now we're all here happily ever after. I've had many more experiences with my Linnie forum (it's older), so that's why I tend to talk about it more when I'm posting in threads, giving advice, making references, etc. I do talk about AA often as well, but not as much.
For those that are semi-lost right now (hint-hint, FMB), this is the act that we're making fun of: [ame=""]YouTube - Who's on first?[/ame]