Lethal Zone Network

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by BluEditor, Sep 9, 2009.

  1. BluEditor

    BluEditor Newcomer

    Forum URL: Lethal Zone Network

    Forum Name: Lethal Zone Network

    Launch Date: 6/30/2009

    3,527 Posts/ 633 Thread/ 76 Members

    Forum Software: MyBB

    Description: Lethal Zone Network is a General Chat forum intertwined with gaming. I, as the administrator, am very lenient to what my members are allowed to do on the site. The LZN community is very welcoming towards new members. If you find that the site is a site you'd like to join, don't hesitate to do so. If you find the site needs some work, please state what you think needs work.

    Other Info/Points of Interest: The theme has been heavily modified by me. We have a huge selection of arcade games for members to play. We just reduced our number of moderators due to inactive members. We need some help bringing the community back. Check out LZN Mafia and get involved! (A game that we're trying to get started in the Forum Games)
  2. BluEditor

    BluEditor Newcomer

    Is this section dead or something? I'd really like to have my site reviewed...
    I need to know the good and bad since my site's members are slowly loosing interest.
  3. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Just be patient. It's only been a few days, and we only have three reviewers, with just two of them actually still active here. They'll get around to it soon. :)
  4. torque

    torque Regular Member

    That's for sure... some people are busy running their own sites, doing other things they are volunteers on here and review boards when they can!

    I am sure someone will get back to you shortly with a review.

    From me it looks as though you haven't drifted far from a somewhat default mybb theme, i have seen many other sites with the same colors/layout etc you could attempt to get one custom made or something.
  5. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Lovely site. Looks nothing like MyBB but more like vBulletin. I like it.

    Well done ;D

  6. David

    David Regular Member


    Sorry my main PC is broke at the moment and I have to squeeze reviews in at work when I get time. I'll do yours tomorrow once everything is caught up!

  7. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

    Wow i dont have teh right plugin to view something on your site.
    Its your music player, i cant listen to music :(

    I love the skin, clean and neat layout. You might want to get rid of the ads
    cause it loads them when you move the cursor across to do something. Not
    hover the highlighted thing, but just while browsing it gets annoying.

    When i registered, in the forum language chooser, you had 3 of the same languages.

    When you create a thread, the smileys break the template, makes it a big page. THe
    message editor is in the middle of the page.
  8. BluEditor

    BluEditor Newcomer

    Oh? No one ever reported this before. Perhaps you are using Internet Explorer? I was going to remove the music player anyways, and add it to the special threads for the special members ;p

    Haha thank you. It is a MyBB theme, but it has been heavily modified by me. And is still being modified to give the forum a better feel, and make things easier for my members.

    Thank you for this advice. Sadly, I forgot which template I added the code to :( so I can't remove it. Perhaps I'll have to go through them all >_< but I always listen to what my members want hehe.

    Hmm, I never knew that this happened either. Thanks again for reporting an issue.

    This is actually my current project, and have been trying to solve this for two days now. It involves one of the misc.php files, and some of the screwed up plugins that some MyBB developers created.

    Thank you Ak Worm for registering at my forums, and for giving me a good review :)
  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Which one?
  10. Ak Worm

    Ak Worm Grand Master

  11. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    First Impression: Not feeling the site, I don't know what it's about at first glance and the logo confuses me.

    Forum Content

    Quantity of Forums: I don't get why "Entertainment" is before the actual "Gaming Discussion", isn't your forum general discussion WITH gaming? Other than that, it seems alright.

    Content: Gaming wise I see you have nice discussion going over there, so it's not like some gaming forums that have little to none discussion about any game. Other than the gaming section, the other sections didn't seem to interest me, though I actually browsed through the general discussion and there were topics that interested me and actually had content from the members, not just one line. Also, how long has the forum been online? The Donate thing can look...'desperate'.

    Forum Design

    Favicon: I don't know what it is, seems to be a square...so much for stating the obvious, eh? I don't understand your favicon, anyways it seems okay.

    On, off, lock icons: It would have been nice to continue the pattern, seems off balanced.

    Design: Okay, please tell me where did you customize it? I see the on/off icons customized, offline/online, smileys and the logo nothing else, I don't see the skin heavily modded, it's the normal FreshBlue ported mybb 1.4 by mister_don but it was originally made by P@trick. I don't see where it's heavily modded.

    Please refer to the screenshot below when you read this. In your Forumdisplay_threadlist you can see that there is a big gray gap, where the "last post" is supposed to go in the tcat of the forum. Also, the buttons do not go with the theme, yes it came with the theme, but colorwise? they're SO off, your forum=blue buttons=green...?

    Also, the image below, the rank images, look very choppy.


    The logo? I don't like it. The text doesn't go with the forum, the logo has no focal point, it looks choppy and I actually don't know what the heck it's the logo about, very hard to figure out, the image also has low quality, is it a JPG? Anyways, I never liked that theme for MyBB, not that it looks bad, but it's not attractive for me, seems to be working for you, though I still don't see how it's heavily customized. You also didn't include the "thanks" mod and the "MyPlaza" mod in Div tags in your postbit.

    Overall Opinion: Your forum seems to be doing well content wise. I would like to see this forum look a bit better and see more of the customizations you said you made. I don't see a radio so I can only deduct that you took it off. Keep working on it. :)

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2014
  12. BluEditor

    BluEditor Newcomer

    I see what you mean there. Thank you.

    I believe my forum has been up for about three months now. lol about the donate, I had actually just added that little code customization yesterday, and added the donate to it. The theme wasn't well coded, so not everything on the forum works.

    The favicon is only the new reply icon on the index page. I decided to go with a favicon, as opposed to no favicon, until my forum has a mascot.

    Skin wise, I haven't done much besides the on/off icons, Logo, thead images, and ranks.
    Coding wise, I've had to edit the codes almost every time I add a new plugin. I doubt the creators did a good job if I've had to do this so many times. I've managed to customize the user stats, and tidy it up by showing only Reg. date, Group, and total posts. I changed things around in postbit_classic to make things fit the way I like them. Prior to me editing it, it look too cluttered. I'm also creating a new page that will be a new plugin that I'm working on exclusively for my forum hehe.

    That's strange because I can see the images that belong there. I don't understand why you wouldn't see them. I'll have to reupload the images then.

    Thanks, luckily I saved the .psd file, so this shouldn't take long to fix.

    Meh, I guess I'll just hire a gfx designer from DP. Thanks.

    I actually removed them. I prefer the way things look right now in post bit.

    It's now in a special place for special people :p

    Thank you FMB. I'll continue to work on things.

    This is what I'm currently working on. Trying to fix this little issue that seems to create such a big mess.

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