Hi All, Just looking for a general review on my site, I have a few things to finish and it will be Beta. I have made it myself from scratch so getting reviews and functionality feedback is very important, so here I am! Forum URL: freed0m.q23.co.uk Forum Name: Freed0m Launch Date: 14th September 2009 Forum Software: Custom Made Description: Aimed at computer enthusiasts, providing tutorials, articles, code snippets on all things IT, forum is aimed to help users with computer problems from basic PC repair issues to indepth specialist software and hardware issues. Also aim to have indepth discussions on new technology and software reviews etc. Thanks, any feedback would be awesome! remembering its not quite there yet S33ker.
One thing I dislike about the forums is the on hover bg change across the forums, maybe have the hover state as default, other than that it looks good. I think the logo is good but looks more like a gaming sites logo than a Computing and IT forums logo, maybe incorporate a laptop of computer in there. Good job overall but some of it does remind me of gaming forums, maybe add a sense of seriousness in the theme too.
Thank you very much yes, I can see where you are coming from! will look into it! defo like the idea about the laptop or computer in the logo!. Thanks again, S33ker.
Maybe make the header similar to the one on your Q23 solutions site, I like the navigation on that, maybe make it work all together so it doesnt look like two different sites?
Good idea, and I did think about it, but I didn't want to to be similar, I was going for a darker kind of image, not quite like a gaming site but of that nature. But I do believe I need to steer it to be more computing like. S33ker.
Its probably just my internet, but I couldn't reach your site. I'll check back in a few days and leave a detailed review then. Thanks
Review of Freedom Hi S33ker, Thanks for the opportunity to review the site. There were a few things that caught my attention as I rolled through it. Feel free to take the comments or leave them, but hopefully they are helpful. * Home page: This is a personal preference, but I don't like the text on your home page. The style didn't make me want to read it and since it's your "sell" text (selling your site to people) I would suggest strengthening it. Perhaps move the image to the top and have the text bulletpointed under it. Something like "what this site offers you" and then the bulletpoints should be helpful. Also, I would suggest bolding the entire thing. The design of your site is so strong and masculine, however this important area doesn't draw the reader's attention. * Learn: Is there somewhere that you explain what the "Tutorial," "Code Vault," and "Archive Vault" sections are? Or would this be obvious to people that would come to your site? BTW - I love the linux icon on your tutorials - did you create that yourself? * Forum: I just see a lot of categories and if there is one thing that I have learned during my time skalking through the AA posts is that you should start light on the categories and let them grow organically. With the number of forums that you have people will post and not get responses to their questions or comments. Then they will leave and not come back. I do like the way that the background changes when you hover though. Very cool. HTH!! RR
Thanks again for more extreamly helpful comments! You are certainly right about the home page text, will be looking at that asap. The linux icon was made by myself, but the penguin within it was not. I like him too ^^ Most users would know what was meant by article vault etc, or at leaste to my knowledge anyway. Again I am aware of the many forums, I do intend to confine these some more when I get chance. Was really hoping to get these bits done but ive been really busy with work :S Thanks again and I will keep you updated! S33ker.
Haha, thanks all for the information. Aye I own the root domain. Before a subdomain would have been a problem with search engines etc, but luckily no more I am still working on the site and looking for anyone who would help me in anyway get it going, if I can help you out too let me know! I would be glad too. No idea why some people cant view it :S Do you get an error message? What browser are you using? Cheers! S33ker.