Do you allow members to swear on your forums? On ours we allow it as long as it isnt directed at anyone. Only then we personally find it offensive.
NO....It degrades a forum...we have some very high profile sponsors in the tiling industries and we pride on having a very clean forum...and our 12000 plus members respect us for it... We do how ever have a forum for our elite members where the public and sponsors cannot view...that is thier section and they can have a free reign within reason in there...
I can imagine that being hard with them being tradesmen, like builders, plumbers a lot of them swear all the time.
No because my forum is for all ages and so we don't allow swearing - we have an 18+ area where swearing is allowed but nothing on the regular forum.
mines a car forum...and like "plumbers" . . . we're nuthin but blue collar workin yea...we swear....we swear like a mutha****************** ;-)
No. One forum I run is Christian centered, and the other we let it slide a wee bit, but not very much.
Quite frankly, I don't give enough of a [****][****][****][****] about bullshit like that for it to matter on my new forum. Plus if I tried to enforce that rule, it wouldn't make anyone happy.
Absolutely. Censorship in this respect is just not necessary at all. Kids? Who cares, it's not like they don't know the words and use 'em themselves. That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard for not allowing it. If the only point of the post is to swear (and it's not hard to tell that), then it'll probably be cleaned up a bit, but I try to avoid that.
I do not belive in censorship so I allow swearing unless its get to much. And like the poster above me I think the kid things is a lame excuse because they probobly swear more then us over 18. Atleast I remember when I was 13-15 I swore alot more then now.
We have an absolute no-swearing policy, even in private forums. Members know they get a 24-hour ban for swearing, so they don't.
I dont allow it, not the REALLY bad words anyway. I dont think it really looks good on a parenting forum.
I'm not sure I would trust a member on my forum if they didn't cuss...probably BATF under cover agents Seriously, we fall in line with the car and plumber forums. There is going to be cussing but as long as it's not excessive I'm okay with it.
I keep all my forums "family friendly". No cursing, no adult materal, etc.. Might sound boring, but many members appreciate it and I've never had an advertiser complain.
The only problem I can see our teen forum encountering is when we take on the schools and want to put up posters etc on their notice boards. Hopefully they will miss most of it or not mind so much, then again, they may not bother to check.
I currently don't allow it, because my current demographics don't like it. My opinion on cursing is that you should reserve it for an appropriate situation, else the words just lose their power.
I allow swearing at my forum, however if it aimed at people it is not allowed. People on my forum don't really swear that much anyway.