InvisionPower Community Suite + IP.CCS

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by Been Told, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    Hi there,
    I am selling an owned license for InvisionPower Community Suite which includes:
    - IP.Board
    - IP.Blog
    - IP.Gallery
    The license was acquired on August 25th, 2009 - so only 5 days old as of this writing.

    And also for sale is the InvisionPower Community Content System (IP.CCS) which is their CMS module. The license was acquired on August 26th, 2009 - so only 4 days old as of this writing.

    At the moment the community suite costs $249.99 - CCS costs $35.
    I will sell both together for $230 or nearest reasonable offer.

    This is my first license sale ever, so if there is any information missing, let me know.

    If you have a reasonably recent (4 months or newer) vBulletin license with vBlog and Project Tools I may trade licenses with you.
  2. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    I'll start off the bidding, let's see how high it gets! :)

    $100 from me to kick things off.
  3. Mike

    Mike Adept

    I really have no use for the blog script, but I'll go $125 for everything.
  4. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    I'll go $150 :)
  5. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    Are you guys serious? LOL! The guy bought this like 4 days ago for almost $300 and wants to sell it for $230 or the closest offer...and you offer $100? haha

    Crack me up...

  6. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    He didn't "offer" $100, per se - he started the bid with that.
  7. ArnyVee

    ArnyVee Regular Member

    I see these type of threads sit out there and gather dust with an occasional bump from the original poster from time to time. So, I figured that I'd get the 'action' going on the sale and get BeenTold some offers :)
  8. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    I was only kidding haha
  9. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    I have just received a private bid of $200. Anyone willing to go above that?
  10. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    Offer is now at $230.
  11. jlevi

    jlevi Addict

    Is this still for sale? I might be interested to upgrade my phpBB forum. Do you have a link to a web page that outlines the features of IPB.CSS? I can't find anything on the IPB site.
  12. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

  13. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    Also you can apply for a free demo account there which gives you access to:
    - IP.Board
    - IP.Gallery
    - IP.Blog
    - IP.CCS

    For 8 hours.
    You can get it here:
    IPS, Inc. - Try a Demo
  14. David

    David Regular Member

    If your $230 deal falls through let me know, I've got $200 sitting here right now ready to go if you'll accept it.

    sorry I'd have more, but just bought a macbook pro :d
  15. Been Told

    Been Told Regular Member

    As I haven't had a firm offer yet, I am lowering the price to $200.

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