So many people have spoken about using Twitter to advertise their forum and gain more traffic. How do I do this? Do I just make a Twitter account for my forum, then what?
It takes some time before you get traffic, but its usually highly targeted traffic once you get it. start your twitter account. Search for people with similar interests as you Start conversations with these people and engage in meaninful discussion. Once in a while drop a link to your forums like "Hey great article on baby stuff LINK"
Hey i just started an account tonight, added the vbtweet? and have added a few threads to it, was amazed at the rush of guests that came in shortly after! Still getting my head around it though, very confusing!
We have used twitter for ours and it can give good results, we have gained members on our teen forum using it mainly as they have a very large teen user base. If you use it well and often enough traffic will come.
Twitter started out slow for me but is starting to pick up a little steam. So far I've gotten probably 20 new members just in the last couple of months. Anyhow, I would suggest following like minded people and scan through there followers as well. Then post links to articles on your site to twitter.
My twitter is starting to pick up also after a little work. I added some followers yesterday (about 15) after posting a new article and got 2 new members from it also
Im amazed though at how many guests come flooding in after posting on twitter! Are they people, or bots or something else?..coz i've noticed they look at the thread but thats it? Ill keep at it
I'm having the same experience; a lot of people come to read the post but don't register. I'm hoping if I keep it up they'll realize one day they have something to say about it and take that step.
Ive decided that the "Check this out" And then the shortened link to threads that I have tweeted suck LOL so Im manually posting topics of the day that I think might interest various people, a lot easier and that way people know what they are checking out LOL. Im slowly getting the hang of it all!
Something that I have found is helpful with Twitter is to attend virtual conferences about your topic. Then follow the hashtag conversation. If you are posting relevant and insightful comments in the conversation stream it will set you up as an expert and give your community more credibility. Twitter is all about building a brand for yourself or your community. As for Facebook, you can do the same thing - at least similar. I have set up a page for our company and arranged it so that my Tweets auto post to the Facebook page. Just to clarify, the page for the company is different from a standard Facebook profile. This gives me the opportunity to advertise on Facebook once my business starts moving a little faster. Hope that Helps! RR
No, those are real people Now I forgot to mention it but I've got over a 1100 followers and probably 50% or more are female despite my target subject being hunting, firearms, and politics. I'm just guessing but I think the bulk of twitters are in fact female. So Twitter could be a very good thing for your site. Best of luck,
Here's a couple tips to using twitter to send traffic your way #1: Use something to send your new threads and posts (via rss, or a mod) to your twitter account frequently. This gets you a few updates a day and is a good idea to begin with. #2: Advertise your URL like mad! Put it on your forums, make sure everyone knows it. #3: Use retweets. These are a very decent thing, and you can plug the retweet button right into your template. I've put a vB tutorial/mod up here for how to do that there. Retweets allow your members, your friends, even you (at times) to RT the thread, thusly getting you more publicity via twitter. #4: Develop a script to automatically email, which you can associate your twitter,myspace,facebook,etc logins with. Make this somewhat of an automated script that pulls info from the db, and gives a teaser, pulling the user into the site. You can see an example of this script here. It basically does everything automated, but drives traffic @ the same time, and will occasionally cause a user to signup. IF you go with using #4, I strongly recommend a dedicated account just for that. As you can see, I have 17k+ tweets in just a few months on that idea, and it can get quite spammy. Good luck trying to get twitter used for your forums!
I'm having no trouble getting my followers to come read the posts, but they don't register and reply. If they do reply it's always through Twitter! Aargh!
Twitter is one of the most popular social networking site in the world most of the peoples are prefer this site,because its very easy to use faster and all the peoples are easily get connected with friends and relatives,its also very helpful to marketing your business online and there are many application are available its really fun to use this twitter is one of the best social networking site.
Thanks for this thread, some interesting and useful info. I dunno, I might have social networking disease or something. I'll read a thread like this, and think to myself, I really should be doing that. And then I'll go to Twitter, and really make a sincere effort to get in to it. More than once, more than twice, more than three times. It just never works, something about the Twitter format just bores me to tears. I just can't stick with it. But I LOVE forums, and can read and write on them all day long. Not sure what's going on, does this make sense to anybody? Advice?
If you love sharing ideas with other people who you do not know then you will surely love social networking site like Twitter. You must have patience in order to succeed in Twitter.
i just started an account tonight, added the vbtweet? and have added a few threads to it, was amazed at the rush of guests that came in shortly after! Still getting my head around it though, very confusing! ____________________________________________________________ Strapless Bridesmaid Dresses Strapless Bridesmaid Dresses Cheap Wedding Dresses uk