91.212.127* I would add that to your banned IP list. On my forum they have made 9 accounts in 2 days spamming something about Viagra.
I just double checked.....not that IP... was this one, so you can keep an eye out for it..
You're wasting your time banning by IP. anyone can get a new IP in seconds. You need more agressive measures to stop them from registering in the first place.
I don't moan about it, I just said I don't have a problem with them at all... I use this mod, and I don't have to worry about spambots at all. NoSpam! - an alternative to CAPTCHA images - vBulletin.org Forum
BotScout.com: Proactive Bot Detection,Screening, & Banning or Stop Forum Spam - Forum Banlist. Both work. I have my registration tied into Botscout.com so it automatically checks against their evolving list. I don't have to ban IP addresses on my site because they can't register if they show up in the list. Easy Peasy. The less manual moderation that I have to do the better. Even thinking of completely removing human verification from the registration form to make it easier.
I just made some changes in posting code on my forum which detects external links and ask them to remove it before posting else the post will not be submitted. Now the amount of spammer are reduced drastically almost near 0.
I was just about to say I'd never had the issue from that IP, but it appears the reason for that is I have my right hand man already on the case.
We do this on our forums with just a nospam question and we never see them. We also removed the reg rules too to make it one less step and added a link on the reg page to read the rules
Some pharmaceutical spammer created about 10 accounts late last night, but the Multiple Account Detector barred him from posting. Pretty sure it was human, maybe he learned he can't stage a spam blitzkreig on my site so easily
I used to get slammed with spam, then I put in Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count which pretty much does everything I need it to do. Can't post a link if you have under 10 posts (or however many you want them set to), and I really don't see a lot of people making silly posts to get around that. I use a nospam question @ signup too, which seems to work.