Admin note: Posts in this thread have been split from: I steer clear of 'men only forums'...just looking at some of the topics on those sort of forums makes my blood boil. They seem to have no respect for women at all. That said, I have a gender specific forum, but the opposite sex is welcome to give their opinions too.
Sometimes there is a difference between degrading women and being honest. And a lot of times, its in the persons head. Some of it comes with not wanting to accept reality or the truth. Men are breeding machines, we get turned on faster then a light bulb. And women are the object of most mens attraction. But to some women, to be looked at as a sexual object, that is an insult. They feel they should be admired for their mind, not their breast. That is denying reality and nature. That is not the way things work in real life. Sometimes "mens" forums do cross the line. Especially with abuse - like showing a picture of a girl with a broken nose and a caption saying - "she broke my heart so I broke her nose." That is abusive behavior and an insult to women. So where does it cross the line? I say with verbal, emotional, sexual and physical abuse. But posting a picture of a nice looking lady, and saying how you would love to have 30 minutes with her in the bed - that is not abuse. That is being honest.
But most men don't say 'love to have 30 minutes in bed with her' which is much nicer that what most say; "I'd do her", "I'd pound it", "I'd hit it", which imo, is degrading and treating a woman like she's just an object to stick your little general in.
Good example, thank you. And there is nothing degrading about wanting to have sex with a woman. Most men are a little less subtle about it. There are certain acts that have not changed since the dawn of man. This includes eating, breathing, peeing, sex,,,,,,,. Sex by its very nature it a primitive act. And as such reverts people to a primitive state of mind. Sex is for one thing - so the woman can get pregnant, give birth and carry on the species. When it come to sex, people are no different then any other animal. Its what makes the world go around, its what makes our species successful.
Nothing degrading about wanting, what's degrading is how they get that point across...(see the things I put in " " marks).
I don't, simple as. I don't feel the need to objectify the opposite sex. If I feel I would like to participate in coitus with said opposite sex in question, I keep it in my mind.
So when you talk to your girl friends you don't say anything...that guy has a nice butt or I would like to do him or go down on him etc? I'm honestly not trying to get personal or be perverted, just trying to make a point. I'm sure guys do it more than's in our DNA. When a guy looks at a girl he's sizing her for sex and kids etc. When a girl looks at a guy she's looking for stability and if that guy is going to be a provider etc. Sure a guy should have some control and most do, but keep in mind a guy thinks about sex probably 10-15 times a minute...a teenage boy is probably closer to 60 times a minute. The only issue I really have with all guy forums is they do tend to go over board with their thoughts on the opposite sex. I only joined that forum to do two things. To help a fellow AA member out and to get my sites name in the hat. Outside of that I generally stick to gun and car forums. Now the subject of girls do pop up but it's kept on a PG-13 level. We do use your non-favorite terms like "Hit It" or "Tap That" but I don't have an issue with these terms and their better than what I've heard.
Not really, no...:\ And there's better terms than 'hit it'. And I think you're over-estimating most people. Most women, I think are more interested in a relationship than a 'provider and kids'. And men, well most for sex, not much in the kids department until they're older.
That is what they say and not me... Anyhow, I would cut back on the dressing provocatively and stop buying Madonna and Briney Spear's CDs. These people work more against you than anything else. Tone down your own dressing as well...leave something to the imagination instead of showing everything off before you even exchange names. And no, it's not all women's fault...but things things don't help either.
Ok, talk about stereotyping. a) I hate britney spears. b) I hate women who dress like sluts. c) Madonna's new music is shit. Not every woman out their is a slutty bint who needs slapping.
Sure your not, its ok we believe you. Its in our hormones. -------------------------- If you want the truth - men are sperm producing machines. On average, a typical male will produce 1,000 sperm per heart beat. Between the ages of 14 and 24, average males produce enough sperm to repopulate the world 50 times. So that is around 6.7 billion people times 50. An average women produces 1 egg per month. Men and women are designed differently when it comes to reproduction. That is just the way it is. But, as a woman ages, and her estrogen drops, her sex drive may increase. So its normal for a woman in her 20s to see sex one way. But when she gets into her 30s and 40s, that view point changes due to the changes in her hormones, and life experiences. A rose by any other name is still a rose. Regardless of what you call sex, its still sex.
You're mistaking wordplay for the name of something. There's less degrading ways to hint you would like to copulate.
Stereo typing, this isn't about you or your friends, it's about a generation of people. Madonna broke the innocent school girl mold 20+ years ago. That is a fact...almost like the women of the roaring 1920's. Until the 1920's, you didn't see women with Tattoos and Short dresses or drinking etc. They were stay at home conservative mothers. Women like Madonna and Britney Spears help start a similar chain of events in our history. They showed women how to dress and act. They told guys this is what a woman should be, if she isn't 110lbs, Blue Eyes with DDs she isn't crap. You women posting here is an exception to the rule, you see a lot of this stuff in discuss. You respect your self and look for people to treat you right. But remember, you maybe an exception but the exception isn't the rule. There is probably 1 of you to every 20 pre-Madonnas running around town. In order to get back to a society where men treat women with respect..on a large scale and women respect them selves again, on a large scale. We're going to need a LARGE cultural revolution. You can go on forever with this subject. We have to get back to the 1940-50's mind set. Women can do anything a guy can and then some. But at what price? My wife isn't a stay at home wife because of me. She can do anything she wants...hell, she has a Masters compare to my two years of college. But she prefers staying home and raising out son instead of letting the T.V. doing it.
While I believe we're the rule and not the exception. Edit: let me expand on this. 50calray, I am pleased and honored that you have deemed the women of this forum to be intelligent and worthy of your respect. You also respect your wife, so I know you're a good guy. You wouldn't deliberately insult a woman by degrading her in public. So to me it seems inconsistent for you to make comments like "I'd hit it" where anyone, including the intelligent women you respect, can see them. You're also teaching the younger men that such comments are acceptable, and they may not understand the difference between saying it on an all-men's forum and saying it on a mixed-gender forum. And by making such comments and saying it's ok because you're ruled by your DNA and hormones, how can you logically claim the moral high ground above the women who dress provocatively? (I am not referring specifically to you in that last statement, but to men in general who do think that way.)