Agreed. It's such a simple mod and effective IMO. vBulletin seems to be a bit slow on the uptake with these sort of things lol.
Yeah they do lol That is another one that is key! 15 is better... I remember having to push mine down to I think 5sec or 0. LOL!
Display unread posts is another good one. I had that on my old vBulletin website, but I found that people were using that to reply to current and open threads and not creating any new ones, but this also should be a default mod.
Ya know as a personal preferance of mine, I never liked using that 24 hour thingy. I like to keep my forums as slimmed down as possible, so I just set the Who's Online Now to 24 hours, it shortens the board and does the same thing. I agree entirely.
I don't always show it to all groups. Not everyone has to see it. That way like you said it keeps the forum 'slim'