My logo keeps breaking out of the table and I don't know whats causing this. everything should line up and fit nice. thanks
It was probably the strict DTD... or any xhtml DTD for that matter. If you don't specify each size correctly(this means you can't use %'s) then you can get issues like this. I haven't seen that happen in tables, nor did I think it was possible, but who knows with strict DTD... I know it happend in DIV's... you'd think you could set on 3 divs inline, then make two on the outside static sizes and the one in the middle set to 100%, but no... you can't.. the 100% overlaps the other 2.. to bad there is not wildcards... css needs some rethinking if you ask me. Wouldn't you like it if you could say set these two divs to this size and the other to the rest of what is left? Yeah... that would be nice...
ya I got pretty frustrated with this but it turns out my sizing was fine, I just had an empty table cell. So the table was viewing this cell as empty so it ignored my set size.