Hi all, I'm trying to assign a hyperlink text to a string but failed. Hope someone can help me with it! thanks string _linkmain = "Go";
I'm no expert but I believe it's properly formated: Code: string _linkmain = "<A href=\"http://www.oursrc.com\">Go</A>";
Why aren't you using a ASP.NET Hyperlink component? Code: Default.aspx: <asp:Hyperlink id="_linkmain" runat="server" /> or <asp:Hyperlink id="_linkalt" runat="server" NavigateUrl="http://www.tennitpros.com">Tennessee IT Professionals</asp:Hyperlink> Then can dynamicly assign in a corresponding vb(or cs) file.. Code: Default.aspx.vb: _linkmain.NavigateUrl = "http://www.tennitpros.com" _linkmain.Text = "Tennessee IT Professionals" This will make your life so much easier if you actually start using ASP.NET.... lol!
never used ASP.net but from the sound of what you are talking about, it has me very interested since i want to become a programmer who can handle all these types of coding errors... thanks for getting my interest more...