Type of Graphic (A logo, avatar, banner, etc.): Three advertising Banners Colors: AA Theme Text Preference: AdminAddict - Resources for Community Administrators Specific Images to be included: AA Logo Size (in pixels): 468x60; 150x150; 434x60 Payment/Offer in return (if applicable): Free ad slot on AA for one month: Option #2. Details can be found on our Advertising page. Any other details or specifications:I'm in need of advertising banners in the three sizes mentioned above. Use your imagination when designing, but they obviously should include our logo, our theme/colors and the specified text. A very stylish, web 2.0 design is preferred, but whatever you can do best will be considered. Here is a unique style that Shelley used when creating a different ad for us, and I'd like to see this expanded upon - it may turn out looking extraordinary on larger banners (sizes specified above): http://www.adminaddict.com/forum/graphics-requests/88x31-affiliate-button-726/#post9633
Well, I made the 468 one <.< I couldn't fine the right font, I hope that one looks ok. Tell me what you guys think and I'll from this~
I would probably use the real logo on it, which you can download here. After that, I'd maybe move "Resources for Community Administrators" up a little higher (and maybe change the font). Under it, I'd add something like "Forum Administrator and Community Articles/Link Directory/Marketplace/Discussion Forum. If possible, the words in bold would fade to change into another one, if that makes sense. Maybe plazz can take a shot at that part - I like what he did for Bandit.
;D That I didn't use animation doesn't mean I don't know how to! Will update in a bit. UPDATED: =\ Photobucket was being stupid, so was imageshack and Tinypic. So the picture is attached.
Looking good, FMB! Can we try making the logo part a bit smaller and increasing the supporting text size? Also, I'd like if there was some vertical space between the sub-text and the little animation. Other than that, I like what you've got going - the animation is looking nice.
Looking good, Plazz (I say that a lot :p). :thumbup: I like the pop-out effect. One small request: is there a way to smooth the animation? It's kinda 'jumpy', if you will.
I like #1 and #2, Plazz. They're looking good. Now we just need the 436x60 and we should be good-to-go.
The 436x60 isn't crucial, but it could come in handy. Animations similar to the first rectangle you have (in your latest post) would be perfect.