Your Favorite Part of Administrating?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Nick, May 27, 2009.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Since we have a thread discussing the most difficult aspects of managing a forum, I thought it'd be nice to discuss some of our favorite things about managing forums. What is rewarding to you? What keeps you going when it comes to running your forum(s)?
  2. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    I really like getting off the forum knowing that my members appreciate me and the forum. I also like knowing that my project has guided members to becoming an expert at graphic designer.

    I really, really enjoy my members! I have a knit-tight but a very likable and mature user base. I like meeting new people through my forum, designing for people and ultimately, monetizing!
  3. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Getting to know the members of your forum is an extremely rewarding experience. Sure - I love managing the technical aspects, but discussing a specific subject with people who share the same love for it? That's a great feeling. :)
  4. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Oh yes!

    'Cause in the real world, it's hard to find people who share same interests.
  5. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    I would say the most gratifying is being called a saint or a friend for doing something for the community in whole or taking the time to help out specific people.
  6. John

    John Regular Member

    The Power I tell ya :devil:

    Just kidding its that when it gets members and getting good it feels good to know that you created that and also its very nice when people like the job i have done.
  7. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the power... or is there? But yes, you'd be correct - I particularly love it when the members give you feedback, whether it be positive or negative. It tells me that they have some sort of "direct" interest in the community and care for its future.
  8. John

    John Regular Member

    Yes and I also forgot to mention that i really enjoy administrating for the reason that you can choose a little more about stuff to implement. I have been on many forums were user wants something and something I really want and the owner says NO. Ofcourse they can't implement everything an single user wants. But still. :)
  9. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I don't think there is much wrong with enjoying the power - as long as you don't tamper with it or use in inappropriately.

    I agree with most of what has been said so far. My favorite aspect of managing communities is the gratification from members. Every little, "thank you" or "I love the site - you're doing a great job" means so much and it's what keeps me going. Knowing that I am providing a place for my members to relax and interact with extremely like-minded people is very encouraging.
  10. John

    John Regular Member

    Totally agree with you and with that said I should tell you that i really like the work on this site/forum :) Very good work.
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    :giggle: Thanks.
  12. Justin S.

    Justin S. Regular Member

    The banstick. Definitely. :p

    Really, though, I think the best part of administrating is knowing your members appreciate your hard work and dedication. In my case, I've been thanked several times for creating the site, and have received several positive comments about both how amazing the site itself is, and how friendly of a community we are. To me, nothing can beat that.
  13. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I agree with just about everything that's been mentioned thus far.

    I really like the feeling of knowing the members are enjoying the community. It is also assuring to know the community will continue to remain active even when I'm not around to nudge the members to keep posting. Member-to-member posts and threads are great.

    I also love the feeling of changing something and thinking: "Ah, that's so much better...".
  14. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    My favorite part has to be the people. Take the good folks and mix them with the few bad folks you still have an awesome group of people.

    Aside from that I like fixing things and helping others when I can but I can do that as regular member so that's not necessarily a perk of administrating.
  15. Green Cat

    Green Cat Adept

    I like a lot of thinks about administrating, as I own a tutorials forum I like when my tutorials help other people, I also like hearing positive (or constructively negative) feedback but what I like the most is improving my forum.
  16. lite

    lite Newcomer

    My favorite thing about administrating a forum is giving members a new place to hang around and post. That's what I find users enjoy. When they get a new forum to post on and win competitions, that's the forum they will go too. On the other side, I also enjoy providing members with a Spam Topic/Thread for them to have fun in! :)
  17. Bandit

    Bandit Addict

    The overwhelming feeling of absolute power does it for
  18. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    It's always nice to "let loose" for a while... a bit of a vacation away from all of the serious discussion. ;)
  19. lite

    lite Newcomer

    This is always true and never will be a lie! :D

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