smf 2 a little disappointing

Discussion in 'SMF Discussions' started by kev, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. alex@

    alex@ Adept

    Sorry... I'm only human...
  2. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Pretty flawed one at that.
  3. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    No one is perfect.

    but i got a diamond in my back pocket. :D
  4. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

  5. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Haven't you caught on recently? Nothing is for FREEEEEEEE!!!! :rofl:
  6. kev

    kev Regular Member

    What if your car breaks down?
    What if you get cancer?
    What if you have a stroke?
    What if you get in a car wreck and die?
    What if you choke on a piece of food?
    What if you fall down a flight of stairs?
    What if you drown in the bathtub?

    You can not live your life on "what ifs".

    The capthca code that smf uses was broken a long time ago. But the developers refuse to incorporate viable alternatives on "what if" reasons?
  7. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Right. You're basically saying that you'd rather keep getting spammed because your captcha was broken a long time ago, than to update to one that is working AT THIS MOMENT, because it may break down and you'd have to switch?

    That's the worst excuse I've ever heard, and it's a miracle that SMF is even still in existence if the developers had/have that mentality. I can tell you 100% that EVERY PIECE OF SOFTWARE made can be broken eventually. Granted, it may take a hella long time for some more than others, but it can be broken. Where there's a will, there's a way.

    Look at your operating system. Unless you're sitting here on Windows 3.11 (or even DOS), you've got an updated piece of software running on your computer. It's completely different than the aforementioned systems in multiple ways, one of them being that it's more secure than they were. People hacked and slashed the OSes, so the manufacturers rebuilt the code from the ground-up a few times (which also was to implement new features, but let's stick with the security issue here). That little yellow icon that pops up from time-to-time in your taskbar? Yeah, that means there are Windows updates, to fix security holes, install new drivers, etc. Under your mentality, that means Windows should have stuck with the original Windows code and never updated it to include the latest findings in computer science, because it'll be broken eventually.

    That's about summa the worst bull I've ever heard.
  8. alex@

    alex@ Adept

    I said nothing about that SMF's captcha system was ok or not. What I'm saying is that each software should have it's own spam protection.

    Besides, I didn't see any SMF 2 forum hacked yet. If it's because of the improved sequrity and captcha test, I don't know. But the sequrity in SMF 2 is better than in SMF1.
  9. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Macs get hacked less than Windows. Is it because Macs are invulnerable? No. It just means that Windows is a more viable and valuable target for hackers, because more people own Windows machines than Macs.

    SMF 2 isn't in final release yet, so there's no reason to hack a beta, only to have the devs patch it. Trust me, it will be hacked soon enough.
  10. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Are you involved in the SMF development?
  11. alex@

    alex@ Adept

    Unfortunately it will like any other software. Fortunately, there's lots of mods to SMF improving the difficulcy for bots to register.

    But more and more hackers uses real life persons to register accounts, then from those accounts, the hackers try to get in. No captcha will help here.
  12. David

    David Regular Member

    I agree with you here, I was confused through out this whole thread and thought SMF used something other than Captcha to prevent spammers.

    Come to find out it is indeed regular old captcha that has been broken for at least a year, if not longer, and they won't use ReCaptcha "incase it gets hacked"

    roflcopter has landed.
  13. alex@

    alex@ Adept

    Said who?
  14. Oldiesmann

    Oldiesmann Regular Member


  15. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    So, essentially, they'd like to cater more to the intranet crowd than the internet crowd (the latter is larger, btw). You're telling me that SMF can't install something and give people the option to turn it off, if they want to use the script on an internal network? Bull.

    Why don't you market yourself as an intranet product and GTFO the market?
    2 people like this.
  16. Sunsettommy

    Sunsettommy Adept

    It makes sense to keep reCAPTCHA as a mod and NOT as part of the core software.

    Right now I do not use CAPTCHA CLOCK or reCAPTCHA at all,just some anti-bot plug ins and use Administration approval only.Ever since I did that my daily flow of spammers and bots that were around 5 a day and that is a lot for a tiny forum,went to zero.

    Until someone can show me the folly of SMF for not integrating reCAPTCHA in 2.0,I will not fault them for leaving it out.
  17. Vekseid

    Vekseid Regular Member

    How helpful and coherent of you.

    I've found that the difference between ReCaptcha and StopForumSpam to show ReCaptcha to be rather wanting. I actually use SMF's captcha because turning it off generated thousands of SFS hits and it was extremely annoying - if you claim it does nothing you simply do not know what you are talking about.

    Captcha is fundamentally broken, however, because the majority of spammers that I am dealing with now are in fact human beings or are facilitated by them. Alternative tests - such as proxy checking, language comprehension, etc. need to be added.
  18. alex@

    alex@ Adept


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