Google Adsense - How much do you earn?

Discussion in 'Monetization Techniques' started by johnxarce, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. johnxarce

    johnxarce Newcomer

    Google Adsense - How much do you earn?
  2. Disasterpiece

    Disasterpiece Addict

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    with adsense we earn about 15-30$ / month. it is way too less than i expected.
  3. leetpwner

    leetpwner Newcomer

    Not true i had adsense for about 8 months and i racked in about a little more then 600$. It depends on how many ads you have, the amount of traffic and how many clicks you get. Instead of plastering your site with ads i recommend, heres and example...they click on a link to goto a picture page have that link goto a page with an ad for about 5 seconds then redirect to the actual page. This is a basic in psychology that if you advertise something quickly that it doesn't annoy them but catches their attention they will go back and look or click on the link to find out more. worked for me but it was still not much to survive off of and it was a pain to keep adding all code and bs to make it pretty. Its to your own discretion.
  4. Disasterpiece

    Disasterpiece Addict

    does also the impression give you money? So is it better e.g. to include an adsense block at the end of the page which count as a hit but nobody can see?
    would it also be better to include imageads? i just allowed displaying text ads, because they fit to my sitedesign and aren't annoying.
  5. Daniel

    Daniel Regular Member

    Generally, I've had more success with private ads than adsense. I make an okay amount each month, but from my largest forum I make about $30/month from adsense alone.
  6. Njdeh

    Njdeh Novice

    I personally don't put any advertisements on my sites. Mainly because I haven't like the way they look, and Ive never made a site with the intention to make money. I did have absence up for a day. I made about a dollar, haha.
  7. PBNJ

    PBNJ Regular Member

    That's doesn't seem right. What kind of visitor traffic do you get?

    I earn around $60/month per 1000 visitors/day.

    Keep in mind that active members typically develop ad blindness and don't click ads as much as guests.

  8. esnagel

    esnagel Newcomer

    This may help you: if you see the same advertiser again & again, they must be making money off your site. In addition, Google is in the middle making their money, too. So find how to work directly with that merchant, and you'll remove 1 or 2 middle-men, thereby increasing your revenue.
    2 people like this.
  9. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Wow, that's an excellent concept. I cannot believe I haven't thought of this yet!

    I definitely do see the same ad 90+% of the time in a certain ad location on my site.
  10. MH Vishal

    MH Vishal Newcomer

    Make money from Ad sense is simple and gives you a passive income. For a start, You may get only 2 cents in a day or nothing. When you publish more articles from day to day and promote it on internet, the income will grow everyday. But in general, you cannot make much money from ad sense in a few months or may be years. And there is no short cut to be rich by Ad sense, specifically.

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  11. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Adsense is less about making money for publishers and more about making money for Google. You need tens of thousands of views to make it worthwhile really.

    You'd do better to sell your own ad slots at decent prices if you have a good topic with decent keywords. Just use Adsense and affiliate ads as filler when you don't have a buyer for that slot. If you sell a 125X125 ad slot for $1.00 a day, you just made the same that you made on Adsense for a month. If your site is active and good consistent keywords, you can sell that 125X125 slot for $5.00/day. Four of those in the sidebar and you can make decent money off your site. Toss in a leaderboard ad and maybe a couple of other advertising slots (after first post, footer) and you can get close to a livable wage.

    Though the real money is in sponsorships, especially if you have the target audience and keywords to back them up. Sponsorship of a good forum with the right audience can be easily worth at least $50,000 a year.

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