Now that Brandon sold

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by WEfail, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Can we FREE Carlos?

    Many likely recall Carlos was banned for no reason a few months ago. He is pretty much the founder of A-T and it would be nice to have him back. Carlos did an amazing job at ForumCon representing A-T when no one else would.

    Brandon said he won't be around much anymore so those personalities won't be conflicting and Carlos will bring a lot to the table.

    Thanks for listening.
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I like Carlos. I had a few run ins with him, but, in the end he always calmed down. He is an excitable guy. He was banned at AA too and thought when I bought that site that he would remain banned. We had a disagreement here that got heated and he commented about his AA temp ban being made permanent. I unbanned him and became active for a while and then disappeared.

    I have no problem unbanning him here. I do have to check the staff forum to see if there is anything I don't know about that happened.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I have removed the ban on @Carlos account.
  4. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Re " If you have any suggestions now is the time to post them. I will look at any and all recommendations that you make." Can the restrictions on mentioning one of the trio of fail be removed ? IE he who cannot be named, but who is a support staff guy on VB.

    One of the best features of AT has been the ability to post openly and not have to suffer the censorship displayed by VB /IB, this seems to have fallen by the wayside recently.

    It is a bit ridiculous that we can openly discuss Mark B and Paul M, but one unethical guy cannot be mentioned under threat of a temp ban.

    Obviously posting his personal details is not on and this I have not done. Even though he has posted in public his real name. image and other details so these are public knowledge. He has voluntarily chosen not to post on AT, but as far as I am aware he still can. So he can easily defend himself or put his point of view, an opportunity he denies others.

    I would ask that the threat of a temp ban be lifted. If we can openly (within the rules) post and comment about Paul M and Mark B then why not this other VB support staff member, he is no different.
    Indeed by his proven actions he could be classed as worse than either of the other two.

    One of the most respected things about Americans is their ability to allow free speech, are we now to be denied this 'right" despite not being American ?
  5. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    If you want to post about Joe then confine it to the topic of the thread or post he made. If you don't agree with what he posted then disagree in civil manner. Posting of any personal information, no matter if it's all public record or not, will not be tolerated and that's doesn't matter if its about Joe or anyone else.

    I have never allowed posting of public personal information on any of my communities and I will not tolerate it here. I also will never tolerate disagreements from other sites to spill over here. If it happened somewhere else where you might have been banned because of it then don't bring it here because the person you had a disagreement is here. In fact once I get a chance to update the forum guidelines here you'll see the rule about not bringing your dirty laundry here from other sites.

    One final thought. This is after all a forum for forum admins.
    Brandon likes this.
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Almost forgot this part.

    You have to remember one thing. This is my house and if you visit my house you abide by my rules. Freedom of Speech is one of them unless it is abused.

    I have been the foremost proponent of Free Speech on forums. I had a huge forum dedicated to Free Speech. I was sued over the content of one of the threads on that forum. I won. So don't tell me about free speech.
    Big al likes this.
  7. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Thank you for your quick reply. Re: "One final thought. This is after all a forum for forum admins after all."

    This I am aware of, and I am a forum admin. on a few forums. I own the VB license for a quite large forum. Proof has been provided to Brandon earlier.

    I have at no time said that he cannot post indeed I said that as far as I am aware he can post here if he chooses.

    If it is for admins then admins need to be able to post freely within the confines of the rules.

    Re: " I also will never tolerate disagreements from other sites to spill over here. If it happened somewhere else where you might have been banned because of it then don't bring it here because the person you had a disagreement is here."

    Many, many posts here, are in connection with disagreements with Vb /IB that are spilling over to here, many posts are in regard to customers having been banned on VB presumably by VB support staff who are members here.
    These have been allowed to be posted, but now it seems that one unethical VB staff member is excluded from having the truth commented on?

    As you say this is a forum for admins, how can it be a viable forum if admins cannot comment on topics relevant to the continued well being of their forums?

    If falsehoods are posted then I agree they should be removed, but when the absolute truth is posted and can be backed up, then to restrict them is wrong. ( within the rules of course)

    Re: " If you don't agree with what he posted then disagree in civil manner." I have ALWAYS been civil, I have posted the truth and I can understand that this may be uncomfortable for some, I have not pulled my punches but stuck to the facts and I have not used bad language or profanities. Ergo I have been civil.

    I can see no problem with posting the truth about the actions of people whose conduct affects us as admins of our own websites.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  8. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    This is all I am asking for, that within the boundaries of the rules that I and other be allowed to post the truth.
    So can I use the guys name without being denied free speech by receiving a temp ban? You have not answered this so far.

    I am aware that it is your house and as you pay the bills you call the tune, however along with that comes some responsibilities, mainly not to abuse it. This is why I am ASKING the questions so we all know where we stand.

    You state: "Freedom of Speech is one of them unless it is abused." While the term "abuse" can have many connotations
    I feel that as long as comments are true and not in breach of any current rules then threats of bans are out of order.

    So again I ASK, can the threat be lifted so I can at least use the guys name without fear of being victimized for it?

    I am responding to YOUR request for recommendations, I am responding in a respectful civil manner, so I feel the question is valid.
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2013
  9. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sep 9, 2012
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    Up that ladder to the best admin of AT ever!

    Big Al, Brandon never cared about proof etc. Brandon cared about traffic and what the circle thought. Brandon has banned many people, myself included. This is why I think it was time for Brandon to step aside and let someone else run AT. I think Brandon really lost his passion for the site which is why it really started to decline recently.

    I have a good idea of what this site sold for despite knowing what Brandon wanted months ago. If the price I know is right, it means Brandon was well ready to move on.

    Again, AWS, I think it's your time to shine.
  10. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Thanks WEfail. As you say it now time for AWS to shine. To do the right thing, especially at the beginning can only benefit everyone.
    WEfail likes this.
  11. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    As long as you can back up any claims you have about anyone then I am more than willing to listen. Shoot me a PM with the information so I can look at it and draw my own conclusions.
  12. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Pm sent thanks. I have copies of emails, messages, posts and some admissions by those involved.

    I can PROVE the lies posted by you know who in his OWN words.

    I have forwarded a tiny amount of the proof I have. I am willing to send more if you wish. Please ask about any of it if you are uncertain, I will not hide or run away when questioned as I am only posting the truth on AT.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2014
  13. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    A bit like a Harry potter movie now:
    Almost no admin dares to speak his name, instead referring to him by epithets such as "You-Know-Who", "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or "the Dark Lord". :ROFL:
  14. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Why is it whenever a site is sold one or two people go on a campaign to bash the former owner and manipulate their own agenda? OMG he banned someone! He banned too many people but he didn't ban the guys I want banned? Give it a rest and let the new owner do his thing.
    Iconic, Brandon and goblues like this.
  15. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    I hope you were not referring to me in your post above. Brandon never banned me nor am I talking about him.

    I am concerned about censorship ( like that shown on VB) and how it is ok to discuss certain people, but not one of their colleagues, Who is also a VB staff member.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2014
  16. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    It is not OK to carry a vendetta from other sites to this one. It is not OK to think you have a right to say what you want here because you don't. This is not a free speech forum. The staff will decide if what you post warrants being removed.

    Again I say this so all can read it. This is not a free speech forum. If you post anything inflammatory towards another member or bring your dirty laundry from another site to this site you will be banned. No second chances either.
  17. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Apr 15, 2013
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    Nope not you.
    Big al likes this.
  18. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Thanks for the clarification. :thumbsup:
  19. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    May 3, 2009
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    How do you figure he was the founder of this site? This site was bought from some lil kiddie who tried to scam brandon and kept the original domain name, which is why we now have admin-talk with the -.. <-- This dude founded the site...

    As for how Brandon acted and conducted himself as the owner, he never banned anyone without reason. And he has always been about non censorship. I guess, yay you got your friend back, but if he acts like a douche again he should be banned again in my opinion. Though, dunno what the whole pretty much founder was supposed to mean?

    This is completely unfounded. Do not understand why you feel the need to slander Brandon. How do you know what he cared about? Did you ask him? Statements like that are completely ludicrous. This whole thread seems to be you attacking Brandon and praising AWS. Why? You do of course realize without Brandon, this site would not be what it is and there would be no point for you to have ever been a member right? People sure act silly when they think they can get away with stuff. Do you even know why Brandon banned Carlos? I am guessing not. And since you really do not seem to care I see no point in explaining... But, sheesh....
  20. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Thanks for the lift.
    Thanks for the kind words, but I never thought you "liked" me or whatever. I always thought you always hated me - starting from xenForo to your site (which is why I thought you hated me - you own the site, you can control the account state).

    I disappeared because the atmosphere at AA was bad, really bad. It's like a bunch of people badmouthing each other and then conspiracy - how GTB and Mark.B loved to talk shit all day. By the end of the day, I felt like you have no control over Admin Addict to the point of being a ghost town. Sorry, but I gotta say it.
    That's bullshit and you know it. You want to hide Brandon's dark secrets and be buddy buddy with him? Go for it. He doesn't own the site anymore, why are you defending him?

    And did you just call me a [****][****][****][****]ing douche? Hm? I've been nothing but nice you and this is how you repay my token of friendship? Hm? You know what? Might as well go [****][****][****][****] yourself - and yes, even if I know you are a moderator. Disrespect me, and I will do it right back. I don't care what your place in the world is, or what your place in the site is - you do not get to disrespect me that way. I don't allow anyone to talk to me that way. Especially behind my back.
    And yes, he does. He was there. The same day I was banned, the same day that I was unbanned, and then by the time it was all said and done, he (Brandon) kept slandering my name because it was his [****][****][****][****]ing site. He could do whatever the [****][****][****][****] he wanted and I couldn't have my say. [****][****][****][****] him.

    If you think you can get away with talking shit behind my back. Think again. Your actions always have a consequence.

    I know you'll want to ban me, so go ahead. I don't give a shit.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2014

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