The problem with feedback that is given here on this forum (read vbulletin forum) is not listened to from the release of vBulletin 4 in December 2009 we gave more then enough feedback almost everything we did or say did not follow up or was just ignored. People said CMS SEO was no good from 2010 till now its still not fixed. People asked if Blogs could have feature improvements for fighting spam. Social Groups has not seen attention from day one of the release till this day only a few bugs where removed. Albums people asked much needed features also to protect copyright of the albums and/or people. CKEditor was said by vBulletin that they could now support modern browsers faster well that did not happen people need 4.3 for that to have all modern browsers to be supported. PHP support debacle vBulletin can't even support the latest version with out giving warnings or errors. Promises made by vBulletin that almost everyone was positive about that those could turn the table around well only a few came the rest was stabbed to death by a manager. This was only for vBulletin 4 that did not see major features or improvements for a year now only a few bug fixes. The internet is a place that you need to innovate vBulletin 4 is a script that died months ago because this did not happen. Feedback that was given like i said above nothing happened its frustrating for people that have a site they see people leave or posts drops because how vBulletin is running the show. Customers of vBulletin trusted them to deliver updates and new features and improvements so that they could concentrate on their sites but now they need time to rethink their strategy what to do next, its not surprising that people are leaving vBulletin and go to the competitors that can deliver on features and improvements. Also posted on website.
Well, they've got your money and their own 2000+ websites are doing marvellous in Google ranking and advertising revenue. Mostly without vb4. So I doubt you will hear them complaining about the situation. Seems like a win-win situation for them.
I was looking for an old thread on .com the other day and ran across some threads from the same timeframe that 4.0 was released. Remember Ray Morgan promising a roadmap? Brisco saying they were going to heavily invest in forum development, because IB's success was so dependent on vBulletin staying fresh? All the talk of future development of the CMS? Or, that the goal of 4.0 was to refactor all the content types into the CMS? Yeah, it was a depressing walk down memory lane...
Bob Brisco would be embarrassed about the job he has done with vBulletin if his wallet wasn't so fat.
In my opinion vBulletin 4 died the moment they started working on vBulletin 5 and it'll die the moment they start talking about vBulletin 6...
I honestly don't see anything else happening with vb4 anymore, especially since no one is developing it at this time which is stupid.
Well it's no surprise that this is happening, i expected that vBulletin 4 was going to take a backseat when they where working on vBulletin 5. They do not have what it takes two develop two versions on the same time, they should have taken the advice to make sure vBulletin 4 was great instead of the state it is in now, the forum part is good the rest not so or even terrible. After that wait a time release vBulletin 5 with all functions in it instead what we have now that functions are not there or not complete. Now vBulletin has real problems vBulletin 3 users that do not think vBulletin 4 is something for them because it still has issues, vBulletin 4 users that as no confidence in vBulletin 5 and vBulletin 5 users that have issues and losing users on their site because of this. vBulletin users that think they can't go to the next version are leaving the vBulletin scene there going for Xenforo, IPB or even WBB. Then we have vBulletin 4 users that think that version is dead because everyone is working on vBulletin 5 are also leaving the scene. Then we have the vBulletin 5 users that have issues or that the boards are dying because vBulletin 5 is not inviting to post that are in a hard place at the moment. I don't think that the sales on vBulletin 5 where that great to begin with if you look at the information Digitalpoint posted only less then 1% is using vBulletin 5 and vBulletin 4 and 3 are dominating the scene.
Words of inspiration from Vb support staff (BirdOPrey5) on TAZ. EH!! There is actual development of VB5 going on? When is that due to start?
That's funny right thar. Creating a downgrade script would actually be doing a service by their customers. God forbid someone at vB does something *for* their customers.
Words of wisdom from VB staff. This time Mark B. from TAZ. Are you talking about all the lies and propaganda crap telling us that VB5 is a great product that all others will be based upon, ETC ETC ETC? DITTO.
The pearls of wisdom just keep on rolling. From Mark B on TAZ: Yup it is always the customers fault with VB. or could it possibly be customers who believed VB and actually paid for VB5 and now deeply regret it, and wish to downgrade to a version that in some ways actually works so they do not lose ALL their money? Can I have an oly wy as well?
Here is another one from Mark B. Like i said on TAZ: See here again its the customers fault, its a continuing story always the customer that is wrong never vBulletin for making a bad version. FYI i never had any issues with vBulletin 3 that version even the beta build where good to use.