Buying Graphics From Fiverr?

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by PassiveHybrid, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. PassiveHybrid

    PassiveHybrid Regular Member

    There are tons of professional sites out there that will cost you a arm and a leg to have some work done. I have ordered any graphics I need from Fiverr as the work is great.

    Have you guys ordered any graphics work from Fiverr? I know that logo design is one of the probably items to buy up there.
  2. Uzi

    Uzi Regular Member

    I have ordered a logo before from fiverr, I think it's a great choice as they're only $5 and usually very well created. However you do need to be careful as the seller may be in-experienced and/or slow, I usually look at the reviews before I order and I also look at his/her work, if it's up to par I will purchase.
  3. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    At Fiverr you can find both great artists and scammers so it's a bit of luck and a lot of common sense determine what of the gigs will return exactly what you are expecting for.

    Fortunately I may say that 95% of all those gigs are worth to give them a go.
  4. BoostN

    BoostN Regular Member

    Anyone have a goto member on Fiver that you could recommend?
  5. GeorgeB

    GeorgeB Building Social Communities Since 2004

    In my experience, people tend not to share info like that :D

    They spent all their time weeding through the crap and found a gem. They don't want their guy/gal to get swamped with work and take away from the work they are getting from them.
  6. MyDigitalpoint

    MyDigitalpoint Regular Member

    So true! I remember myself in the early days when finding a decent free hosting provider was challenging because most of them had popups and lacked of PHP support or at least FTP access.

    First time I found a good PHP, bannerless free hosting provider, I tried as much as possible to avoid people would know about the service to avoid the service would suffer the issues of other well known providers.

    So that if I would know about a good graphic designer on Fiverr, I would probably won't share it :D
  7. BoostN

    BoostN Regular Member

  8. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    To be honest, DigitalPoint has been one of the better resources for graphics. Fiverr is ok if you need babes writing on paper that they love you and taking a pic of that.

    Brandon likes this.
  9. Martin W

    Martin W Regular Member

    I have previously yes. Get those from the ones with good reviews and REAL WORK samples. Most lie with previews.
  10. Trickster

    Trickster Regular Member

    There are some decent graphics artist there, whether it's digital art or like, drawing. You can get some really amazing pieces for 5-10$, which is more than great. But I have no need to do that, since I'm a decent GFX artist myself.
  11. Octer

    Octer Regular Member

    I am a firm believer in the old adage "You get what you pay for". If you want a professional logo, hire a professional graphic designer. It will cost more than $5, but it won't look like you hired the neighbors kid to do it.
  12. MajesticMonkey

    MajesticMonkey Regular Member

    To be honest I have brought from fivver before and you do get what you paid for. Was after a certain logo and so provided details, what i wanted it to say and gave some examples of logos that I liked - and considering this was for a big event that was going to be broadcasted far and wide he came back with one of the logos i said i liked the look off with the color not even changed just the words on the original photoshopped out and replaced with my words - seriously was the exact same logo no effort what so ever.

    Complained to fivver about it and they said i got what i paid for so nothing they could do.

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