vBulletin Connect 5.1.0 Alpha 6 Released

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Ludwig, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    The better question is, will it be released with any kind of quality? But to answer your question, I'd say it should be out next year, probably second quarter.

  2. Lizard King

    Lizard King Regular Member

    If their recalled new framework is as good as they claim , then theoretically it shouldn't be hard to do so. Only specific task they will need to inherit main nodes for functionality and create new templates for design.

    P.S : I still didn't check their new code and have no intension to do so
    Autopilot likes this.
  3. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    Would love to see your opinion about the code my experience in PHP and so is to low to see most mistakes.
  4. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Regular Member

    Must be facepalm worthy.
  5. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Because as we all know, vBulletin 5's 'gold' version is anything OTHER than an unstable Alpha Release of the software!

    Guess the differences are only in the description...
    Big al and Dan Hutter like this.
  6. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Regular Member

    Let's not go insulting other software that reaches Alpha release state :p
  7. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Does anyone know the exact number of "fixs" there has been for VB5?
    If I remember correctly, a figure of over two thousand was mentioned and there seems to have been many more since then.

    So possibly over three thousand, and it is still not officially classed as "Gold" and probably never will be.

    Is such a number normal for new versions of this type of product?
    Autopilot likes this.
  8. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Autopilot, Brandon and Big al like this.
  9. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

  10. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    What does it say about the software and development process, when so many issues have been fixed and the software still isn't accepted as a good quality product?

    Brandon and Big al like this.
  11. JoeyJ

    JoeyJ Regular Member

    More like:


    Hahaha jk. When isn't connect unstable. I feel like it always says it's not recommended for production use. Will it ever be?
    Autopilot and Big al like this.
  12. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Yes, but once it becomes "usable", they'll stop to work on it, move on and start working on vB6
    Big al, s.molinari and JoeyJ like this.
  13. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    No doubt it will be more expensive as it will also be the "platform that all others will be built on"

    Naturally if you just want an earlier version you will be forced to pay the inflated price for V6.
    JoeyJ and Autopilot like this.
  14. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Oh God, vBulletin 6 as a concept kind of scares me.

    I mean, if they messed up vBulletin 5 this bad, I wonder what vBulletin 6 will be like?
    Big al and Autopilot like this.
  15. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    When it morphs into vB 6??? Just askin:whistle:
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2013
    Big al likes this.
  16. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    I could be wrong but a little birdy told me, or was it a flying pig, that because vB5 is such a debacle they have opted to relegate it to the delete folder and start a fresh with vB6. And, and, dejected SMF devs are going to assist cause all the good vB devs left or were let go.
    Big al likes this.
  17. JoeyJ

    JoeyJ Regular Member

    Hahaha so true. And then there will be another vulnerability that compromises 99% of vBulletin forums on the net. They just can't seem to get that part right yet..
    Big al likes this.
  18. lordi

    lordi Regular Member

  19. JoeyJ

    JoeyJ Regular Member

    I don't know if anyone has heard of the vBulletin upgrade vulnerability but it was 100% their fault. They added a customer ID login to the upgrade.php script. But they also embedded the customer ID hash into the page source and pretty much linked to the hashes algorithm.
    Brandon, Autopilot and Big al like this.
  20. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    If the VB support staff stay true to form they will say it is the customers fault for not all being techs and being silly enough to buy VB without spending a lot of time and effort checking it to see if it is a good program.

    The antics of IB and VB are now becoming high farce. Any credibility they may have had is gone.

    VB staff hard at work on V5 and V6.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2013
    Autopilot likes this.

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