As the title of the thread says, Should I buy graphics or make them myself? I'm pretty good at making GFX and videos, but I'm not "professional", I was wondering - should I learn how to make graphics and improve my skills or should I buy professional art from somewhere like fiverr or something? GFX specificaly for websites, like logos, backgrounds, icons etc etc... And maybe even graphics for youtube.
I am terrible at graphics and I did my own logos and learned, do it your self and learn while doing it. Why? Because it wont be the last time you will need GFX and think about it, paying it again and again, isnt it better to make it yourself and than maybe get to a level that you can sell them ?
If you're even remotely decent, make them yourself. If you're not... see if you can get someone to make them for free, like from your audience.
Both good suggestions. If you are getting into making websites becoming decent at GFX will save you a lot.
Well, it depends on how good you actually are. If they are 'decent' enough, then I suppose there's no need to waste your money to buy some graphics off someone else. You could be spending that money on some better features for your website. You should only spend money for gfx if you don't know how to make them. But, if you're willing to learn to be better at gfx, then you should do that, it'll be useful in the future.
The best way to get good graphics done IMO is to run a contest. Give something away to whoever makes the best whatever you need done. You can even let the community you need them for vote on who wins which in turn will get you some extra traffic through the contest and the involvement
You should try to make your own graphics. I am no graphic designer, but I was good enough to make this...
Well I assume you dont have a infinite budget, so I would definitely suggest you to make your own graphics. It will save you alot of money and you will be satisfied to know that you made the graphics on your site. I wish I had the patience to do graphics but I unfortunately dont.
The most important part of the choice is made of how good you are at making graphics (and you are) and how good you feel with your own graphics. They might not be professional looking, but acceptable and not looking like an amateurish so, why not use them? By doing your graphics yourself, you acquire the practice and skill to become a pro and, if you have the time, you can perfect your work if you don't like the first final result. On the other hand, if the project is too important that requires a 100% professional looking, you might consider buy graphics this time.
I would say that if you have a bit of knowledge on how to make the graphics then keep practicing by making your own. I suck at graphic design which is why I always pay people to make them for me.
just like others have said, if you have some knowledge and experience with making graphics you should do them youself. That way you'll get even more practice and will just keep getting better. On the other side if you don't have much time to invest on making your own graphics then the obvious answer is to pay for them. You've mentioned Fiverr, there you can get the job done with a very low cost.
you should have to make them by yourself dont buy them buy when its extra ordinary awesome! -Codestation
If you have the ability to make them then why not make them yourself. That will save you a lot of money. But if you think you can't make your own, then it's best to purchase it from those who can. It will save you a lot of time on that matter.
If you think that your graphics skills are decent, there is no reason for you to hire someone else to do that job. By doing it yourself, you would be able to get exactly what you want. On the other hand, if you have very little time available to do the designs and would rather spend that time on something else, it would be better to get some help.