vBulletin Connect 5.0.5

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Big al, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Wait, there are people out there who actually thinks vBulletin 5 looks good?

    Learn something new every day.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    There will also be those with bad taste ;)
    Autopilot likes this.
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Good to hear another point of view. What did you like about VB5?
  4. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    Of course I can make judgement on them, just like anyone else can.

  5. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Just as VB customers can make judgement on the VB sites without being banned or having THEIR posts removed. Oh look I just saw a pig fly by!
    Autopilot likes this.
  6. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    No, not like "anyone else" can, because you definitely aren't "anyone else". You are a staff member of vBulletin.com. So you aren't "anyone else". You have a responsibility to the company you work for and that isn't to be judgmental over customers who rant or to judge that ranting as something poor or bad. It IS your job to get down to the bottom of the ranting and try to alleviate the cause, if you can. Like telling IB management to lay off of the spammy affiliate links in the release emails. Oh, but that would mean being on the side of the customer and I have a feeling, that isn't in you. Is it?

    If you can't help or point out why the rants are incorrect, by forming some factual statements, then you should just leave us alone with our ranting.

    Last edited: Oct 3, 2013
    Autopilot and Big al like this.
  7. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    Same old silly 'you work for IB so cannot disagree with "customers" rubbish'.
    Utter and complete nonsense. Im not even going to waste my time going over the same old crap again.
    Im a forum admin, and will post my views, if thats too hard a concept for you to understand then thats your problem, not mine. I will not stop commenting on pointless ranters. If you dont like like it, then dont rant.

    LOL, and what a suprise , the troll twins like your post, how predictable children are.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
    Brandon likes this.
  8. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    Translation= "I am too afraid to discuss things as I am in the wrong, so I pretend that others opinions do not matter, some say I am god, maybe they are right, of course anyone who objects to my superior intellect are classed as trolls." EGO, ME??
    Autopilot and we_are_borg like this.
  9. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    I was very adult in my answer Paul. I am actually trying to help you. And instead of also talking to me like an adult and making your arguments like an adult, you revert to name calling and belittling me? I am being a child? Oh brother....

    Getting on to the real point again. There isn't one word I said about "disagreeing" Paul. You can disagree all you want. If you disagree with us though, then state your disagreement and leave out your belittling judgmental comments, like

    You brought the word "rant" into this conversation, belittling and being judgmental and not making a real argument against the points being raised. And I actually don't think we were ranting, I only continued with that word, because you used it.

    Generally, there is absolutely nothing wrong with ranting. A rant is about a viable complaint to the complainer and it is his right to complain in ranting fashion, if he or she so chooses. It is the job of Support to get down to the reasons for the rant and fix them.

    The spammy affiliate link is poor and lowers the quality of the release email. That is a fact with the people involved here it seems. And, for me, it looks very much like desperation from IB, which a loyal customer, who understands IBs situation, just doesn't want to see. And instead of you just sighing and sucking it up (again) that your employer can actually screw up just about anything they get their hands on, you come in and disrupt the thread, which, according to Wikipedia, is what a real troll does.

    So there. Hah! I stuck it to you this time you big, ugly, hairy, mean, childish troll. And if you want to call me names back at me, remember.......Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me.

    Bet you can't catch me now! Hahahaha!:rolleyes::D:P:whistle::X3::evillaugh::hilarious::wacky::wtf:

    (oh, uppps, now I am being childish)

    Edit: This is a real rant.

    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
    Autopilot and Big al like this.
  10. nab1x9

    nab1x9 Regular Member

    What's that? No need being sarcastic. vB5 is actually good and is currently developing.
    You have reasons to complain about their commercial policy but I don't care.

    All I need to concern is software quality and new features they bring. Yet it not stable but it is getting better and better.
    The point is, I'm patient enough to wait until it becomes complete software, so I don't waste my time making complaint.

    P/s: vBulletin price is damn high and it's the only reason if I would ever move to XF.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
  11. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    WARNING! WARNING! Will scott. Delegation to the "ignore zone" Imminent! :evillaugh:

    Paul m sure does provide some entertainment in his cute childish way! :D
    Autopilot likes this.
  12. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    Actually, the claim that vB5 as a forum software with a very poor quality has been asserted by several competent figures including ex-vBulletin employees (albeit some of these are direct implications and not flat out accusations).

    Unfortunately this is simply not true, it's still unstable the instability will likely remains even though it is not as unstable as before. Such is what you get from a poorly written forum software of abysmal quality.

    I was myself a dear fan of vBulletin, in fact I loathed the ugliness of Xenforo interface but that was long ago. Look at vB5 interface now, it's ugly as [****][****][****][****].
  13. nab1x9

    nab1x9 Regular Member

    Well, feel it yourself not according to any out-sources. I'm not gonna put a word on a software I didn't test.

    How do you know for sure, there are ppl claiming vb5.0.5 is getting better and I have just confirmed it myself, it does get better. It should've been this "better" BEFORE however the fact that it has changed good.

    My community is large so I will only upgrade once I make sure the quality reaches my standard. Otherwise I just keep my eyes observing the change.

    The default maybe quite ugly but you can fix. I don't ever like xf or ipboard either, so this is individual.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2013
  14. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    I feel it everyday at vb.com and it feels like [****][****][****][****].

    Anything being worked upon will most always ended up better unless the developers are totally incompetent so it is getting better really doesn't prove anything.

    When that time come, I wonder what improvements XF will achieves? Worst, I wonder whether vB5 will still continue to be supported and developed or not? Just look at how IB neglected vB4 like trash right now.

    Right now, even phpb interface is better than vB5.
  15. nab1x9

    nab1x9 Regular Member

    Ever tested in localhost, research the core, seeing how it improve in security and better class construct?
    They are keep telling vb5 is slow but I access it quick as [****][****][****][****].

    You're right. So I don't make complaints and I think vb5.0.5 is better as it nearly reaches my goal.
    As I said before I don't care background things.

    XF still has long way. I'm not familiar with it neither is my community.
    IB business is wrong but it has nothing to do with me. Right now I'm using vb3 so vb4 doesn't take effect.

    Depend on individuals.
    Take a look at the xf forum using vb5 style http://forum.genk.vn/
  16. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    @nab1x9 - Yes, vB5 is getting better. However, the current better condition it is in is still at best "beta" status. That is why hopeful customers like you keep saying, "I am willing to wait." Wait for what? A good quality product? A software you can actually use productively.....right?

    The fact IB is selling vB5 as a finished product is a simple mistake. One, I would guess, they are making consciously and thus stupidly. You just don't sell something as finished and expect the majority of customers to be happy about it, once they realize what the real quality condition is. They will go "WTF!" and if you can't counter-act the WTF condition quickly, (which IB can't), then you are in for some seriously bad times, which vB is in for right now.

    I will also throw into this conversation, this process of poor quality production, some manager ignoring it all and making matters worse by pushing it out as final to the public and then the team trying to fix quality into the product after the "final release" will continue. I will bet the next fiasco will be the "CMS" for vB5.1.0.

    Why am I saying this? Because I have seen nothing, not one sign, not one change of direction, not one iota of remorse, not one admittance that what has been done with vB5 currently is anything other than poor, from the people, who made it poor. Those same people making the really bad calls and the same people making the poor programming are still there, still doing the same thing that produced flop after flop since IB took over vBulletin. Even worse, most of the people who probably could have made a proper and good difference have been let go.

    I'll also be glad to be the first to admit I am or was wrong, should things actually change. I'll even commend IB on turning things around, if it happens. I just seriously don't see it happening. It's been almost 5 years, and nothing has really changed.

    Autopilot likes this.
  17. nab1x9

    nab1x9 Regular Member

    @s.molinari: I understand.
    But IB business is something I considered as background thus I don't pay much attention.

    IB did wrong move that's for sure, not vb5 itself. My hope is for vb5 and clearly not IB. VB5 possesses the right orientation and it's getting better. In my particular case only, I could keep my community stuck at vb3 forever (that's possibility) but ppl always want something more modern. I once thought of changing software however none of them reach my demand and vb5 come.

    Many people blaming vb5 by the reason of IB and that seems totally wrong. They claim vb5 is slow but it is not. It has improved the security, the modification systems and many modern features. The style depends on individuals, people should not judge it evenif they hate. VB5 is currently developing good , many bugs fixed and new features come.

    You customers are independent, everything depend on your own choice. If you blindly made wrong choice then you're partly responsible. You may let go for another software when I choose to stay.

    Please don't let IB involve when we talk about product quality. VB5 might once disappointed you but it is now stable software.
    Nevertheless, IB's reputation has dropped badly, stillit has nothing to do with vb5.
  18. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

  19. nab1x9

    nab1x9 Regular Member

  20. VICE

    VICE Regular Member

    Lets make this clear by using the simplest whackiest bug as example;
    Here: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/
    Did you see:

    or something else?
    Autopilot likes this.

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