What sites do you think need 'replacing' and why?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by CM30, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Well, this is gonna be a controversial idea for a topic. Basically, out of all the sites online you've ever visited, which ones do you think are doing an awful job and hence should be replaced by a better competitor?

    They can be anything; forums, blogs, wikis, social networks... just explain why you think it's gone downhill and how a new entry into the market could disrupt and potentially sink it.

    For me, I think the Doctor Who wiki is a good example of a site that could do with some independent competition, since it's become paranoid about 'spoilers' to the point it won't include important announcements mentioned on the official site or in the news media. I think an independent site (maybe associated with a non gaming version of the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance) could probably beat it quite easily if they put fairer and more open policies into place. I think possibly the likes of TV Tropes, webmaster forums (like Sitepoint and Webhosting Talk) and various others could be outdone by good competition now too, especially if said competition both relaxes certain rules that held back said sites and in the case of webmaster sites, takes out the fluff posts and one line posters before they overwhelm the place.

    I'd also like to bring up some example of sites which kind of did get outdone in such a way... Encyclopedia Dramatica is one. The old owners turned it into a bland rip off on Know Your Meme, the internet just took the original content, rehosted it and ended up making a more popular clone in the original format. Another could be Audi World, which was bought by Internet Brands, completely gutted in a conversion to vBulletin 3 and then turned into a ghost town by the members leaving to form a rival called Quattro World. Said rival utterly destroyed the original simply by offering the members what they wanted rather than what an out of touch corporation 'wanted'.

    So what sites do you think leave important gaps in the market for competition and why? And how could your 'dream' site outdo the existing sites in the subject area?
  2. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    St Petersburg, Florida
    ProSportsDaily.com, a once popular dumping ground for all things sports related, now sold out to a corporation and mismanaged by an over-sized hodgepodge of administrators and moderators each on their own page of their own rulebook. It's a brilliant concept destroyed by its implementation. What it fails to do is anything to cater to its ever-dwindling membership. It wouldn't take much to do it better, however, it would take substantial advertising capital to unseat it as the Google love child of sports forums.
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    I would like to mention a good website that has gone bad due to the owner being compromised by hackers and scammers.

    www.juot.net was a good forum about many topics including Jeeps. I understand it came about as a result of another admin on a jeep site doing the wrong thing.

    juot.net was doing well and growing with an owner who was considered to be a decent guy, and he did the right thing and banned bad members who impersonated people and defamed them. He now actively supports them and does their bidding.

    Now however, the deposed owner birdOPrey5, still maintains a charade of being in charge, but he has been compromised, and now does the bidding of the scammers. As is evidenced by his posting of peoples real life details, including stolen photographs without the owners permissions. And his falsely accusing members of stealing copper wire without any proof at all, as it never happened. All at the scammers demands.

    It is sad to see a once good site give in to the low lifes.
    " What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul"

    As a result the site is now considered as more of a joke and a hate site than the decent site it used to be.
    When the supposed owner posts outright lies and allows self confessed hackers and spammers to have free reign and dictate to him what he can say and do on the site, then it is to be expected that the site will no longer be taken seriously.

    If birdOPrey5 took back control and ran the site properly, it could once again become a decent site. Whether he has the guts to do this is the question, I doubt it as he cannot even stand up and back up any of his claims, but runs away when challenged to reveal the truth. This shows the true measure of the man.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2013
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Mikeylicio.us

    Sep 12, 2009
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    United Kingdom


    Your links here are different and the text is also different.. do they have replacements in there for like 'birdOPrey5' and such? :/
  5. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    I guess people would like some more proof of what I say. I claim that Joe is allowing hackers and scammers to impersonate me on his website as they are now controlling him.
    Here is PROOF.
    This was just posted on Juot.net, by a self confessed hacker and scammer called Chandra Sekhar Sathyadas, WITH JOES PERMISSION. He is using a stolen photo of me that was hacked from my PC as his avatar and using one of my internet user names "Alan James" to impersonate me and stalk and harass me.
    Joe KNOWS this, yet allows himself to be controlled instead of doing the responsible thing.

    Last edited: Sep 24, 2013
  6. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    No it is done deliberately as part of the Smear campaign.

    Chandra is part of a website that I exposed as scammers, and I am closing down many of their scam websites. This pisses them off greatly. So they have mounted a smear campaign against me for over seven years. Joe is now part of this "Al Bashing" and he actually now supports the scammers as is being proven on juot.net. Joe refuses to discuss this turn around, I wonder why?

    You can see Chandra is using my photo in his avatar as his own, as well as other users. Joe allows this even though it is in violation of his own rules. As the photo was stolen from my PC by a hacker. Chandra he has set up many blogs and forums with the sole aim of impersonating me in the hope that I will be intimidated and stop training people to close down scam websites. or at the very least occupy my time so I will not be as effective against them.

    I first joined juot. net to stop Chandra from impersonating me as Big Al. and Joe did the right thing and banned him. But after Joe got into financial difficulties he suddenly changed and began to support the scammers. I currently do not post on there, As I was banned by Joe using three conflicting and illogical excuses.

    I understand that Joe is not in such financial difficulties any longer. I can understand why he runs away and will not discuss this in the open.
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    I think it is time Brandon put you out to pasture. All you do is post this same drivel about the same people day in and day out. You obviously need some sort of psychiatric help.

    While this stuff was amusing at first it is getting tiresome reading the same old garbage.
  8. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Who? Myself? Big Al? Someone else?
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    If guess aws is talking about big al
  10. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    @ AWS,. You are entitled to your opinion, (you do seem to have a problem with others exercising the same right) but I do post about many other things as well and as I have 137 likes received, it seems obvious that others like what I post. This seems to negate what you say above.

    If some one is in denial and refuses to face the truth, then I would suggest that person is in need of psychiatric help.
    Not some one whose only "crime" is persistence. (please read the quote at the bottom of this post.) By Calvin Coolidge.

    The title of this thread is
    I posted in accordance with this theme about a website that I think needs replacing, and I posted the reasons why I think so.
    A member kindly answered and asked me questions about things so it is common courtesy for me to answer him and this I did to the best of my knowledge.

    If you do not like hearing the facts about anything, you are free to ignore any post, indeed no one is forcing you to read my posts if you do not wish to. It is your own choice.

    Personally I have no issue with any member posting the truth and verifiable facts, and I cannot see why anyone else would object either, unless they had an ulterior motive.

    If you wish to post in defence of Joe please feel free to do so, I will be happy to post my opinions on the matter.

    Joe is free to post and answer if he chooses, if he chooses to run away instead of answering, then this is his choice, but does show him in a bad light. The wrong thing is if someone is censored and prevented from answering, by say banning, as Joe and many of the bad guys are doing.

  11. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Joliet, IL U.S.A.
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    Yes big bag of wind al.
  12. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    I am pleased that you agree with what I have posted.
  13. Caddyman

    Caddyman engiwebmastechanic

    Sep 12, 2013
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    oh the drama....


    callofdutyzombies.com, has outstanding content, and HAD a good userbase, now it is mismanaged and dying a slow death. it pigeon-toed itself with the domain from the start as if call of duty doesn't have a zombies mode anymore the site is irrelevant, but if they migrated to a new domain somehow or branched out it could once again be a great site.

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