Do you have a Facebook or Google+ fan page for your forum?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Brandon, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I have a facebook page with over 100+ likes and Google+ with a few people on it. I also use twitter and I have 18 followers on that account. I lost my main account twitter account for my site years ago. I try to update my facebook page on a daily basis and it has brought 1,468 hits to my site. Google is first with 18k visits.
  2. NotoriousMK

    NotoriousMK Regular Member

    I have one on FB, Twitter but honestly haven't kept up with them...could be much better IF i'd work on it.
  3. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Personally I don't see the use of linking to FB or other social media because I think it takes away from forum usage. I'd rather have people participating on the forum providing a quality experience for all.
  4. wowtgp

    wowtgp Regular Member

    I have always preferred Facebook fanpage. Google + is still a new concept which will take some time to be viral.
  5. carlalexander

    carlalexander Regular Member

    Well, I tried having a Facebook fan page once but I happened to have "marketed it aggressively" and so it was shut down or taken down, so I haven't really taken time to put up another one, but I am planning to do that soon.
  6. crazycroc

    crazycroc Regular Member

    I do not have one because I know I would not post on it regularly and in my opinion that is worse than not having one at all. When I see inactive Facebook page it certainly affects how I think of the site.
  7. wowtgp

    wowtgp Regular Member

    So, are you suggesting that you don't have any fanpage at all? I mean, it's really indispensable for anyone to have a fan page.

    You gotta have one mate.
  8. Cerberus

    Cerberus Admin Talk Staff

    @Brandon You can have it autoupdate using your RSS Feed. There is a facebook App called RSSGrafiti . You are allowed 300 posts a month for free. This is the simplest free way to have it autoupdate, but Vbulletin had a ton of plugins that autoposted to the fan page once someone posted. I am sure that Xenforo has something similar.

    There is also twitterfeed and Social RSS But, very easy to do this automatically using RSS feeds :) Hope helps you all
    Dan Hutter likes this.
  9. Zerth

    Zerth Regular Member

    I have a Facebook account for my forum.
    I think it's good as a source of news spreading, since most people use facebook a lot, and it'd help to attract people if news/updates were posted on there which would appear on their walls.
  10. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Should I start using my Google+ page more? I'm mainly using Facebook and Twitter right now because I forgot to update my Google+ page.
  11. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    I have both but since the software is still under development both are currently inactive.
  12. Tweaker

    Tweaker Regular Member

    I do plan to have a fanpage for my forum. With millions of people literally living their life on Facebook it is imperative to have a presence on the platform. Facebook actually rewards you if you keep their members from leaving Facebook giving you lower rates in case you use advertising. With the advent of sponsored posts and other new changes on Facebook it is really convenient to acquire additional visitors to your website and more members to your Forums.

    In fact I read the other day that website owners, especially ones with small businesses are closing down their sites and using Facebook for showcasing their business. Though I would not favor shutting down a site and moving completely to Facebook it does indicate general trends that are emerging with Facebook's increasing aggressiveness in attracting business owners to advertise on their site.
  13. Ruko

    Ruko Regular Member

    I don't have a facebook+google plus+twitter page for my website. Its better to have an active community first before starting up your social side of the website.

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