Dear vBulletin Forum Community - vBSEO is Suspending Operations

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ILIA-VBSEO, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. vgchat

    vgchat Regular Member

    I agree, more insight & customer relations is needed. Vbseo needs to be more vocal to it's paying customers (with extra emphasis on the paying part) and give us reasonable status updates that explain in enough detail for us to not ask what's going on.
    Joe Ward likes this.
  2. Andres

    Andres Regular Member

    Hi vgchat,

    I thoroughly agree with you :) Please keep in mind though that there's just two of us working on this and it's taking longer than expected. Nonetheless, we should be informing you soon.

    @all, our services have been reestablished. Apologies for the issues this might have caused.
    djbaxter likes this.
  3. vgchat

    vgchat Regular Member

    Well how about this Andres, if you need some extra help, I can volunteer (for free) to help with tickets and I'm sure some other dedicated members wouldn't mind pitching in to help vbseo keep rolling along.
  4. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    You already said "soon". When can everyone expect an announcement regarding status of the company, and a response from the current CEO to this topic?

    How long doe it take to write a post explaining the matter?
  5. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Oh, I'm sure they'd let us know if that were the case...
  6. vgchat

    vgchat Regular Member

    He did state that there's only 2 people and right now they are probably tied mainly to ticket work afaik.
    djbaxter likes this.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    But they ain't tied to tickets while server is down, not unless they can do magic tricks? Tickets go through site server, if server is down, then how can answer and deal with them? :rolleyes:
  8. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    It's been a long time since he said there would be an announcement. It's just a post. Let people know what's up.
  9. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    He has time for Skyping behind the scenes, and traveling. In weeks, he could not possibly find the time to post a 100 word status update on the company.
  10. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

  11. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    At best, it's jumping to an extreme conclusion based on zero evidence.

    Again, jumping to conclusions based on zero evidence. What makes you think there was no communication from the CEO? In fact, you're wrong.

    Pages upon pages of misleading statements have been made, led by you.

    One more time: You are not his employer. You have zero authority over him. Kindly refrain from telling other people what to do. Andre is and always has been doing his job and reporting to his employer. He doesn't need to report anything at all to you.
  12. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

  13. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Yes, now it is. But was referring to before when not up and running.
  14. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    Pot meet Kettle
    goblues, KW802, Brandon and 2 others like this.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Kettle calls Pot black :smug:
  16. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Ok DJ. I want you to be right. You believe I made an "extreme conclusion". Please quote the post that I made the extreme conclusion and be done with it. If you're right, you're right. Let's see the post.

    Perhaps you can indicate a few of these misleading statements you are implying, with quotes?
  17. vgchat

    vgchat Regular Member

    I doubt this little catfight between you 2 is going to do any good. Let's drop it & move on.
  18. SatGuyScott

    SatGuyScott Regular Member

    That was my post over at vbseo. No need to blur out my name. :)
  19. mdawg

    mdawg Regular Member

    Well, I tried a couple of things. To reiterate, I am running a vbulletin 3.8.7 forum, and I upgraded vbseo from 3.3.2 to 3.5.0 PL2 When I did so, images stopped loading on some pages, links became dead (because they were no longer SEO optimized), in general - vbseo stopped working on the site, at least stopped working properly.

    So then I uninstalled and deleted all traces of 3.5.0 PL2, and reinstalled vbseo 3.3.2 Maybe because vbseo's site was down (parts of it are back up now, but NOT the support section), now I couldn't get my license key for 3.3.2 to turn green. The same issues continued 0 images not loading, tables skewed, links dead because not being SEO optimized, etc.

    So finally in desperation I restored the site to its pre-upgrade version, without touching the database, and now, running 3.3.2 - all is well, or at least as well as it was before the upgrade. Images load properly, no skewed tables, links all working and SEO optimized. License key in vbseo control panel is green.

    At least until I get some clarity as to whether vbseo is not dead, and WILL continue to provide support, I am not anxious to upgrade my vbseo.

    In fact, I have a different forum running vbulletin 4.2.1 with no vbseo on it, and it runs fine. If I do upgrade this 3.8.7 forum to vbulletin 4 or 5, I probably will not bother again with vbseo (which, anyway, vbseo emailed me a few weeks ago said they have no intention of upgrading vbseo, or creating a version for vbulletin 5).
  20. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    The only person making misleading statements here is you.
    Your DNS went offline, and so your domains stopped resolving.

    Lets just look at your set-up shall we - the nameservers for both & are &

    So lets look at your IP addresses ; : : : :

    Notice a pattern here ?
    Four consecutive IP addresses.
    I'm betting they are all on the same server.

    When your server went off, all your dns stopped resolving soon after - as the TTL's expired.
    Make sure you know how your network is actually configured before telling me im misleading people.

    BTW, thats a terrible set-up, no one should have their name servers and sites all on the same box, or even the same building. Zero resilience.

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