vB5.0.4 running on vB.com

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by s.molinari, Jul 31, 2013.

  1. Paul M

    Paul M Dr Pepper Addict

    Jun 16, 2009
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    Nottingham, UK
    Probably because like me, those who might are tired of every thread being killed off the same way.

    Pretty much within half a dozen posts it will get dragged off the actual topic and into the same old anti IB/VB type posting, like this already has. Pity, as you actually started it of in a reasonable manner.

    Its pretty much impossible to ever have a reasonable conversation about vbulletin, because it will get hijacked/derailed in less than a page, and no, thats not the fault of "IB", its entirely the fault of those who keep on doing it - its like they cannot stand to see anyone have a positive (or even neutral) view, they must jump in with their negativity.
  2. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Huntsville, AL
    I get it is frustrating for you because you get your paycheck from them but for many there is no reasonable discussion about vBulletin to be had. Bob Brisco and his company have taken a huge shit on what was an industry leader in the forum world. It has been a complete and utter failure and as such it is a topic that keeps being brought up because of the magnitude of failure that it is.

    There should be case studies done on vBulletin pre and post purchase on how to manage a new acquisition of a software company so that future rich idiots like Bob Brisco can save themselves some shame when stepping outside of their comfort zone, which is obviously just buying up others hard work and slapping ads all over the website.

    The conversation ends about vBulletin when they learn their lesson and move in a positive direction. Not a moment sooner. Two developers have done with xenForo what vBulletin can't do with a giant payroll while having to deal with Bob Brisco's ego lawsuit bs.

    But that is just my opinion. You feel free to come up with your own conclusion on why people are so pissed at vBulletin and why these topics keep coming up. No one is buying into vBulletin and its on a path to irrelevance in the future.
    GasMan320, Brandon and Big al like this.
  3. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Incorrect, it is solely the fault of the management and staff of VB/IB. Wake up dude, when customers are insulted and denied the opportunity to post legitimate complaints by having their posts deleted and being banned, then it is normal for them to take their concerns and post them elsewhere.

    Many dictators throughout the ages have sought to censor people, all have ultimately failed as will you. Why not learn from history?

    READ and absorb what the CUSTOMERS are telling you, attacking them for posting the truth is always counter productive.

    Look at the good post above by BamaStangGuy Many are saying similar things.
    Until the management and staff do the right thing then I cannot see the exposure stopping. Please take the time to take stock of what you are posting and how you can help, instead of showing us all how your ego drives you, it only makes you look dumber with each post you make.

    IF VB/IB and staff do the right thing ,then I am sure we will all do our best to help, but so far all we have received is utter crap.
    No apologies for any of the stupid mistakes and derogatory posts if we dare to voice our honest opinion. or even any positive appreciation, about the many posts where customers genuinely try to help you.

    Get real dude. Live in la la land with your ego driven delusions, or re-join the real world and help Vb to become great again.
    Autopilot likes this.
  4. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    I highly doubt your reasoning is the reason why no one posted a thread like this. It is more because of what I said. vB5 is just not on anyone's radar here anymore. It has been written off. And the main reason why its not on the radar is what is posted after my post. Antipathy for IB. Antipathy for what IB has done and is doing with vBulletin.

    It should also not be your job to criticize that antipathy Paul, but rather, if you care at all, you should do your best to persuade everyone that their grounds for disliking IB so much can for the most part stop FOR THE FUTURE. Like, maybe you've been in developer meetings and know there is a great change about to happen for the better or maybe you've talked with Marjo and see in him a very competent leader or you might actually fight for the ability to announce a time frame for 4.2.2's release with a PHP5.4. fix, instead of telling everyone, "we're working on it" and when people ask for the progress all you say is, "I can't confirm anything."

    The issue with posts going astray with IB criticism isn't a problem with the customers and their antipathy towards IB. The real issue is IB's seeming antipathy against its own customers. It is an antipathy, which you also seem to share and also actively support. You should stop that. These people, including myself, aren't your enemy.

    As soon as IB's attitude changes, even just for the "vocal minority" like the group of customers and ex-customers of vBulletin here and they start living that change of mind, then you will start to see the antipathy disappear, on both sides. Until then, vBulletin is doomed to fail completely.

  5. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    Oh, and I caught a screen of the "0 posts" issue. Just FYI and IMHO, from the development process side of vBulletin, this kind of stuff needs to stop completely, even in early releases of beta versions on vB.com, if you want real trust in the dev teams ability to produce quality to come back. Or, somebody from the dev team needs to come out and stomp on the report very quickly and get the fix out very quickly onto vB.com. I noticed Kevin is posting more often. That is a good start. The better answer is though, don't make mistakes like this or the disappearing signatures from 5.0.3 at all. It sort of confirms for everyone that their feeling about the development process being seriously flawed is correct.

  6. nab1x9

    nab1x9 Regular Member

    Apr 3, 2013
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    It seems that vb5 has already died so young.
    For a new forum you may wait til it get better no matter how long. But if your forum is stable there's no way to take the risk. Honestly, the structure of vb5 is terrible though it has some good features. Good bye vb5.
  7. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    vB forums is running a lot faster compared to before when commenting about it being dog slow with the new update done. Now seems to be fine, but.. it's all too late for Internet Brands. People have wised up and don't buy the vBulletin rubbish being spouted anymore. It was once a great product, the market leader in fact. Not anymore, Internet Brands took what was a great product and turned it into something MyBB and phpBB3 is better than now, never mind other commercial forum scripts for sale
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2013
  8. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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    It's really 1 step forward, 2 steps backward.

    Finally the memberlist is back! One would think nice, but NO improvements, NO "new wow effects", it's just the same boring list we had 100 years ago...
    STOP! It even got worser!

    In the past, i was able to share the url with the sortorder ( e.g. http://www.vbulletin-germany.com/forum/memberlist.php?order=desc&sort=posts&pp=30 )
    vB5 => http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/memberlist you can't share ANYTHING, it's like many of the vb5 features ajaxized (® by IB?:D and means => usage of ajax where you don't need it, it even destroys the basic operations)
    You can't even send the url with the first letter filter to others........
  9. Joeychgo

    Joeychgo Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2010
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    I would assume its frustrating because the people that catch all the hell (ie Paul, Wayne, etc) have little control over what causes the problems or how to fix them. The people who have that control pay no attention to the forums. I have to imagine, it gets old to be in the first group.

    No shock there. To fix/change something at vB probably takes 5 meetins, 3 memos, and a prayer. At Xenforo, Kier looks over his shoulder and says "Mike, lets fix this" and its done.

    Its a culture difference.
    djbaxter and Brandon like this.
  10. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Someone needs to send the vBulletin management a new list of buzz words. ;)
    Autopilot likes this.
  11. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    St Petersburg, Florida
    Brandon likes this.
  12. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    St Petersburg, Florida
    Let's not have this devolve into a discussion on how easy it is for two former developers of vBulletin to "borrow" the same structure in creating an alternative product. Should we compare how many of the functions and features are the same? Should we really discuss whether or not Mike and Kier were discussing and actively developing at least a framework for XF while still on the IB payroll? Maybe that has something to do with the reason the lawsuit was filed in the first place? I'd be kind of pissed if my employees were plotting to compete against my product while on my payroll. I'd be impressed if XF weren't a stripped down version of vB4. It is and I'm not. Of course it's easier to get things done when there's no red tape. But that's not how corporations work. You know what would impress me? Come up with an original idea, engineer it, develop it, test it, implement it, and carve out a niche for it in an overdeveloped market. No one has done that. We have what we have. 76% of the forum world still uses a vBulletin product. For the other 24%, another solution works. That's fine. What pisses me off is customers who have moved on to another solution using their vBulletin licenses for the sole purpose of trolling up the vBulletin forums. There are a handful of them and they are ruining the site for vBulletin customers who have legitimate interest in the future of the product. If you have no interest in the future of the product beyond thinking, expecting, wishing, hoping it dies then your only purpose in being on the official forums is trolling the support staff. That game is wearing thin on both the staff and the customers who have to wade through piles of shit to find anything useful in the vB forums. It's easy to sit back and talk shit about a company or product or people when you don't have to answer to the people whose interests get buried in the process. You don't see me trolling the XF or IPB forums with things like "Get your [****][****][****][****]ing customers out of my software forums!" or "Goddamn, your product is expensive. Do you think I shit money?" It's because I care about the product I use, not about making it difficult for customers of those products to get support by flooding those forums with bullshit. Some of you think it's a revelation telling the support staff the software has issues. You think they don't know that? [****][****][****][****]. XF has issues. If I wanted to switch, in order to keep my membership happy I'd need dozens of modifications and add-ons XF doesn't yet have. If I wanted to switch to IPB I'd need to spend a small fortune since all of their software is "a la carte." If I did, all I'd get is a working version of vB4.x, which I already own.

    This site has become a "Shit on vBulletin / vBSEO Soap Opera" forum ...
    I suppose that works for some of you but I've lost interest.
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    Well.. to be fair, you have been very active in both discussions

    I'd be interested in hearing if there are any admin type sites that are praising vbulletin since 2009 to be honest.

    ...but I guess it could just be us O.o

    PS. Those who are tired of the vb discussion could always start new threads or bump other threads that are more interesting to you. :thumbsup:
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2013
  14. Big al

    Big al Regular Member

    May 14, 2013
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    Never mind ProSportsForums Here is a nice song to cheer you, Paul, Joe and VB staff and management up.

  15. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Huntsville, AL
    The Paul should avoid confrontation in that regard then. Instead, he seems to try to tackle it and it just ends up escalating.
    Big al likes this.
  16. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Jun 23, 2009
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    Huntsville, AL
    Stop being a whiny bitch and don't open the threads if you don't want to read them. :)
    Big al likes this.
  17. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2009
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  18. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Jun 30, 2009
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    I'll say one thing for vBulletin 5, when they find bugs, they are BUGS. Big fat juicy ones! :ROFL:
  19. s.molinari

    s.molinari Regular Member

    Nov 6, 2009
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    Oh brother. And the bug itself was critical? And the correction isn't in a PL release and isn't announced, so customers who have already updated still have this critical bug? LOL!

    [Edit] - Correction: It is announced. Or rather, it was added to the release announcement.

    Actually, the bug isn't really critical according to IB's own definition, "Critical - Crashes, loss of data, severe memory leak, security issue, etc." According to the definitions, it is "only" a major bug. "Major - Major loss of function."

    Why is this one bug getting such attention then, when there are still 25 critical and 635 major unresolved bugs?

    I've said this also many time before on vB.com, the triage of bugs and the way quality is handled at IB is just not right for the product vBulletin. The priority definitions needs refinement for the product, so proper triage and corrective action can even be done.

    I'll give them credit for fixing the bug and releasing a reworked version relatively quickly, but quality in general is still handled poorly overall.

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2013

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