vBSEO.com Transition - An Open Letter to Juan Muriente, vBSEO CEO

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ILIA-VBSEO, Jul 13, 2013.

  1. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    CorporationWiki is a Wiki, meaning it is editable by anyone.
    I don't suppose they keep a record of who edited what. :whistle:
    djbaxter likes this.
  2. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Reasonable observation.

    I didn't feel the need to qualify it further as vBSEO has, to my knowledge, never had another developer other than Oleg - and I was referring to his new role with Topify within the same sentence. As a side note, I also don't know if he has any ongoing relationship with vBSEO.

    However, formerly certainly appears to be accurate. Just semantics.
  3. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Good point. It would be great if there was an edit history.

    However, it does say:

  4. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Not quite "just semantics". Since you have nothing to suggest "he has any ongoing relationship with vBSEO", why suggest that he does or even might? It's precisely this sort of ongoing innuendo and rumor-mongering, here and elsewhere, that is the focus of my objections (nopt just by you but by various others as well). You have no inside track, as you've made clear, so why pretend otherwise, even via sleight-of-hand implications?
  5. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    I don't see anything from Ray there, only Joe.

    ??? I'm not sure how Joey Chgo's opinions or statements have anything to do with this discussion....
  6. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Which, since we don't know who even posted it, may or may not be accurate, I could add "created using data from Dun & Bradstreet" to any of my posts here or anywhere else. Would that make it more or less credible?
  7. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Over at vbseo.com, in my opinion, you really harassed people for quite some time telling them that they were wrong for suggesting vbseo.com was dead.

    Now, it looks like you may be willing to repeat the same pattern here. Unfortunately, you picked the wrong person this time.

    Forest for the trees. Have a closer look.
  8. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

  9. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Obviously - yes - it would make it more credible, IF the site that provided the data you posted actually made that proclamation, and is well known for extracting data from that source.
  10. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    I prefer to deal in facts, not unsubstantiated rumors and allegations. I can understand that you may have your reasons for preferring the latter.
  11. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    And you know this to be a fact about CorporationWiki? Or is that more conjecturing? Have you not already stated that you don't know who the author of that entry is/was or who else may have edited it?

    Have you a copy of the downloaded report on Topify from Dun & Bradstreet? http://www.corporationwiki.com/comp...ortant-decision-making-tool.aspx?id=135011732
  12. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    You seem to have the MO of dealing in whatever happens to fit your current mood for the day.
  13. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    "The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible." ~ Bertrand Russell

    Opinion is not fact. Rumor is not fact. Attacking someone who asks for evidence does not make opinion or rumor fact.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2013
  14. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Your credibility greatly increases when you communicate only in quotes. Going forward, this might be the best idea for you. :)

    In seriousness, I've met people who have decision paralysis before. They don't want to commit to saying anything, regardless of the preponderance of supporting material one way or the other.

    It's ok to say "it seems likely given that x, y, z", or "it seems unlikely...", etc. You can even put words like "quite" and "very" in there.

    Unfortunately, Mr. Baxter, you only seem willing to commit yourself to badgering people who are actually capable of making reasonable observations. If you were actually doing it on purpose, you might have a great career in Public Relations available to you.

    Remember this one? :)

    BamaStangGuy likes this.
  15. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Evidence, Joe... evidence. Still not there, are we? Why don't you purchase and download that Dun & Bradstreet report as I suggested above and let us know what it says?
  16. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    Here's another reason it's hard to be precise or definitive about Oleg's current affiliation. As you can see his positions with vBSEO and Topify overlap in time.

    Started with Topify in June 2012?
    Ended with vBSEO in Dec 2012?

    June through December (7 months with both companies)

  17. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    At this point, I could probably post a video of Ray and Juan telling us they are co-CEOs and you'd still tell us not to jump to conclusions until we see more evidence. ;)

    FYI - That's a joke. I'm not indicating they are co-CEOs.
  18. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Okay. So he was finishing off some work at vBSEO while he was also starting to work at Topify.

    And that proves what again?
  19. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    No. Show me evidence, not conjecture, that is unequivocal and documented from a valid and publicly verifiable source - that I will accept.

    Do you have any?
  20. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    "finishing off some work"? How do you base that assumption? :)
  21. Joe Ward

    Joe Ward Regular Member

    I'm already fulfilling your real desires djbaxter. I'm taking your bait! :)

    But it's hard to convince someone who needs to become an astronaut to believe the Earth isn't flat. ;)

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