Dear vBulletin Forum Community - vBSEO is Suspending Operations

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by ILIA-VBSEO, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    Also see Brian's reply above:

    ILIA-VBSEO likes this.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    We have to investigate further Sanjeev. I don't think our site going offline will cause vBSEO to stop working. I need to get confirmation.

    The key problem is that no further support would be provided, no updates, and no further versions. This would prevent you from upgrading to future vBulletin versions without doing some customization to keep your URLs in place, or redirect the search engines to the new URLs.

    This is the same as what would be required whenever you choose to move to another platform such as IPB or xenForo.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    Thank you for confirming this Brian.

    Is there any situation that would ever force them to submit a new key?

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    Your point of view is biased by your experience, as it is with us all. You're thinking entirely about legalities. Although all legal options are not off the table, it does not mean that customers should be kept in the dark about the status of the company.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

  6. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    1. Upgrading to a new version.
    2. Needing to uninstall and re-install vBSEO for some reason.
    Briansol likes this.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    #1 would not be applicable.

    But #2 could be a real concern. Can anyone think of situations that might require a re-install?
  8. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    It might be. You'd be surprised about how many people are still using older and unsecure versions of all sorts of software, including vBulletin and vBSEO.

    • Getting hacked and having to do a fresh install.
    • Server crashes and having to do a fresh install.
    • In some cases, moving the forum to a new server.
    • A file corruption or viral infestation somewhere.
    • etc.
    Some people aren't aware that there is a relatively recent update released since vBSEO 3.6.0 -- 3.6.1 -- although if they don't still have a current support license they may not be able to download it since trying to pay your yearly support fee at this point may well prove to be impossible.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    If the end result is closing out, we'd need to make sure the update is available to all for free before the system closes down.

    Likewise, I'm sure there are many coders out there who would be capable of disabling the phone home feature, and that would have to be officially distributed.

    This is if the final decision is to completely close down. If we went open source, I'm sure the community would remove the phone home function.

    Keep in mind, this is not the final decision (yet), but this is the kind of stuff that we need to be thinking about.
  10. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    By the way, if you don't have a backup of your licensed copy of vBSEO, and your support status hasn't expired, you might want to download copies of 3.6.0 and 3.6.1 soon, just in case. I've had no problems with 3.6.1 but some have reported issues and obviously support is a bit patchy lately, so I'd grab both.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    DJ, if you don't mind, could you post that as an announcement on :)
  12. djbaxter

    djbaxter Regular Member

    I might. Frankly, with the trolls taking over there, that place isn't a happy place to visit.
    ILIA-VBSEO likes this.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    I've noticed that too. :(
  14. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    I'm stepping out of this soap opera.

    Brandon, e-mail me when your site is back to "normal."
  15. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    Jesus, can you be a bit more dramatic? You don't have to open these threads.
    ILIA-VBSEO, KW802 and djbaxter like this.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    Maybe a moon shot. But we'll try to at least fail gracefully, and keep customers in the loop.
  17. dandanch

    dandanch Regular Member

    So ILIA, this thread was just to let the people know that there is a great possibility that Vbseo will be closing down the site and if you or your friends are thinking about buying the product please be aware of that fact ?

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    I'm informing you all that the current CEO has told me he intends to shut it down.

    Since he has left largely abandoned, and I know him from personal experience to be unreliable in communication, I am bringing it to everyone's attention.

    I do not recommend buying the product at this stage, until after such time as a formal announcement that I've endorsed is made at

    This thread was also to answer any questions anyone has, to ask for your support, and to brainstorm about potential options, should there be any way to avoid an abrupt and unannounced closure.

    At the very least, I would like the company to transition with a graceful failure.

    There are other parties that have expressed an interest in taking it over, as well as many suggestions on how the company might adapt and move into new areas. There's also discussion of open sourcing. No decisions can be made until my co-founder decides to start communicating and cooperating.
  19. dandanch

    dandanch Regular Member

    I use vbseo on my forum, and a few of my friends where thinking about buying the product for there forums but now we will hold off until a formal announcement. Thanks hun for letting us know :)
    Brandon likes this.

    ILIA-VBSEO Regular Member

    Yes, let's make sure we know the future of the company before you invest your money. That's the best decision for now.

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