Anyone going to ForumCon 2013?

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by Carlos, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Okay, so ForumCon 2013 event organizers have just laid out their ticketing information:

    Early Bird Ticket Apr 1, 2013 $69.00 $4.79
    Regular Ticket May 31, 2013 $99.00 $6.44
    Last Minute Ticket Jun 13, 2013 $149.00 $9.19

    The second row of costs is the "cover" fee.

    So, this year, ForumCon is going in phases...

    The event is going back to San Francisco in the same exact building they did last year. And it will be on June 13th.

    They've announced a new keynote speaker....

    I've been trying to get in contact with someone at @viglink (the event organizer of ForumCon), and I'm not getting any replies from them. If I'm not able to get ahold of them, I'll contact @Murray Newlands who is the first person to contact me about getting in..

    I've been to another startup event called StartupMonthly in Palo Alto, and I think I like the ForumCon event better than StartupMonthly's. It's a little harder in StartupMontly to be able to talk to your new friends, networkers, executives, and investors. I met more executives there than these startup events. It's that easy. I must say I like it, a lot.

    Problem is, I'm broke right now, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to go to this event. :(
    EDIT: This has been fixed. I've gotten my ticket. ;)
  2. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Thinking of going. This is the first year... Or would be. I just hope this is not a big advertisement for viglinks.

    Would much prefer an east coast event.... And I may even organize one...
    fattony69 and Brandon like this.
  3. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    I'm still debating whether to go or not. I'm not too fond of the idea of flying all the way across the country to sit and listed to seven hours worth of sales-pitches. The one ForumCon I did attend was only worthwhile because of the people I talked to individually there, and most of those guys are saying they won't go back because it's just a big sales pitch for Viglink and their buddies. OTOH, I really like the idea of making new connections to people in the industry and its really the only nationally organized event.

    Maksim, if you decide to organize an east coast event, give me a shout I'd enjoy working on doing that with you.
    Brandon likes this.
  4. maksim

    maksim Regular Member


    I am actualky thinking a small group, networking, breakout sessions, round table discussions...

    I am in NJ however looking at florida to move... so anywhere around is fine.

    like others... I am not sold on the idea of cross country flight to sit 8 hours about a product... that 1 day would cost me over 1 grand between flight, admission, overpriced west coast san fran hotels, and food.
    Brandon likes this.
  5. SatGuyScott

    SatGuyScott Regular Member

    I would go if it were bigger and had comapnies like Google Adsense, and ad agencies there.

    Viglink is nice I get a monthy check from them, its not much but its better then nothing. I dont want to go have them preach to me about viglink when I already use them. Waste of time to preach to the choir. :)
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    It's not, really. The only way they advertise is with their own shirts. And those ForumCon pamphlets they give out when you go through the door. Nothing else.
    They won't. If you ask them a question about viglink, they'll "preach." Other than that, they won't. I talked to some of the viglinks organizers and they never talked about viglink. They just let the advertisements speak for themselves. As a marketer, I love their tactic. In fact, it's what got me into the viglink product in the first place. The only time they talked about it is when I asked them what it does, and how it works, etc.
    Southwest Airlines says Hi! :)
    Agreed, and same here.

    I really want to sponsor the event, because the point of the event is to introduce yourself to similar industry experts, and investors. I need investors and advisors in this space. So badly.

    My forums are successful, but it needs growth at the pace of major companies like Internet Brands, or iEntry, or Vertical Scope.
  7. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    I'm not going to ForumCon 2013. Simply because I don't live in the US and hence the travel fees and things would be too much to be practical. Sometimes I do wish there were more events held outside of the US, not everyone lives there you know...

    Also, most sites I'm involved with tend not to target the kind of audience that cares about this type of thing.
  8. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    *ahem* You are a forum owner. You want to grow your forum to even wilder success? Go.

    I overheard conversations where advisors would help the forum owners go further. I swear to god, if I ever find that opportunity, I'm jumping on it.
  9. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    I didn't hear a single thing at the ForumCon I went to that would help me grow my forums. If you want sales pitches from companies that monetize forums, then it might be a good place. Hopefully, they aren't repeating the "Introduction to vBulletin" talk from Adrian again (yes, I know Adrian doesn't work for IB anymore, but I see other IB people in the speakers list).
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Wow. Is that all you thought about this event? "If you want sales pitches from other companies that monetize forums." Then viglink has a lot of work to do to get the branding right.
  11. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    Were you at the one I went to?
  12. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    If you're talking about ForumCon 2012 in San Francisco, CA at the Kabuki Hotel, then yes.

    Otherwise, if not. Nope.
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

  14. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Yaaay. I ninja'ed Brandon! :P
    Brandon likes this.
  15. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    I was at the first one in February 2011. I'd like to think they've improved a lot since then, but I see so many of the same names on the speaker list.
  16. petertdavis

    petertdavis Old Timer

    @Brandon are you going to ForumCon this year?
  17. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I haven't even looked at the even this year to be honest, it's in June, that's possible but I don't have a ticket yet.
  18. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Don't you get a free ticket as an owner of the forum? =P

    I was just on their website.... it was hallarious that half of the "media sponsors" on the forumcon website.... are dead websites. :facepalm:

    Peter, where do you live?
  19. maksim

    maksim Regular Member

    Also, you can watch the videos from 2011 on VigLink's youtube account.... eh, not really impressed so far...
  20. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    If they [ForumCon] are targeting the Admin sites as Media partners, then yes. The fact that they [ForumCon staff] hasn't gotten back to me about the things I want to talk to them about, make it seem like they've changed some things...

    Which I don't think is a good idea... You end up losing traction to the event, and then alienate the people that put your event on the map.
    The trouble is, there seems to be a lot of confusion as to which admin sites the owners actually own. For example, there are not one, but two AdminTalk(s) in that list. I don't blame, 'em. Really. They only have the names of the organizations, and not domain names of them. So, it's possible that when they made that forumcon site, the specific Admin sites got lost in translation. Therefore, you end up with duplicate websites.
    They've started to move some of their videos from VigLink to the actual ForumCon youtube channel - here.

    Here's moi...

    I know it's not perfect, it's actually my first time on a influential video, er... Another person's youtube channel for that matter.
    WEfail and Brandon like this.

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