vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 23 has been released

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by News Bot, Dec 26, 2012.

  1. News Bot

    News Bot Regular Member

    Apr 28, 2011
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    Cyber Space
    vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 23 is NOW AVAILABLE for vBulletin 5 Connect license holders to download.

    Prospective customers may preview vB5 Connect at www.vbulletin.com/vb5demo/.

    The vBulletin 5 Connect Beta 23 feedback thread for licensed customers is HERE. We use your feedback to improve vBulletin.

    Beta 23 addresses 103 issues. However, we recommend you not utilize vBulletin Betas for live sites.

    Note: As with all Beta releases, no phone or ticket support will be provided for Beta 23. However, customers purchasing a vBulletin 5 Connect license will receive 30 days of free ticket support--with a start date commencing upon the Gold release.

    1. VBV-6530 Assign Homepage: Not yet implemented (remove non implemented feature)
    2. VBV-6327 Using the Add Photos dialog in an album on the Media Tab overwrites the whole album
    3. VBV-6379 New channel missing a routenew record.
    4. VBV-3900 VBV-3175Stylevars not being inherited by child styles
    5. VBV-6319 Moderator Actions are Not Logged for display in the ACP (continuation)
    6. VBV-6012 Pagination is broken, it's not displaying all the posts after upgrading
    7. VBV-6526 search follow filter is not working properly
    8. VBV-6639 Attachment list shows in subsequent posts after attaching an image
    9. VBV-5444 Channel manager doesn't show any channels after upgrade
    10. VBV-3962 Debug Error Message displayed after enable products and hooks from the Admincp.
    11. VBV-5922 Making profile Activities only viewable by Subscribers removes the Subscribe, Visitor Message, and Private Message buttons
    12. VBV-3387 Database error when editing a language
    13. VBV-2945 Database error when creating a new Language
    14. VBV-6186 Unable to send visitor messages (Sorry, you are not authorized to view this page )
    15. VBV-6443 New photo topic with one photo displays "allowed amount of pictures exceeded' error message even though AdminCP is set to "0" (unlimited)
    16. VBV-2785 COPPA registration not working on IE9
    17. VBV-1536 "Minimum Time Between Searches" setting doesn't work
    18. VBV-5204 Upgrade Bug: max_packet_allowed exceeded in the Admin CP after upgrading 1.6 Million Post site.
    19. VBV-5032 Upgrade from 4.2 should respect 4.2 activity stream expires setting
    20. VBV-4270 After upgrading, links to the original post for quotes are wrong
    21. VBV-1559 Conversation Detail Module can't be edited
    22. VBV-3941 VBV-3726Usergroup Permission "Maximum Stored Messages" doesn't work
    23. VBV-5654 Error in Admincp when saving settings
    24. VBV-6360 Content Unit tests are failing
    25. VBV-6555 When posting a Visitor Message, the plain editor is not automatically transformed into ckeditor
    26. VBV-6464 datastore getValue performance can be improved
    27. VBV-6463 Memory cache writeCache and purgeCache are inefficient
    28. VBV-4897 API allows creating a thread starter of content type text with no text
    29. VBV-5675 "User List Cache" in vB_Api_Follow doesn't preserve result rows
    30. VBV-6374 Old Widget Definition records are not removed
    31. VBV-1535 "Search Engine Enabled" setting doesn't work
    32. VBV-6487 Saving usergroup changes causes Home Page channel permissions to show as customized (regression)
    33. VBV-2630 Include attached script in download package to build config.php files.
    34. VBV-5983 Usergroup Setting: Can Use Signatures setting turns off all signature permission settings when set to No. Doesn't return them back when set to Yes.
    35. VBV-675 Admins/mods cannot reply to closed threads
    36. VBV-6519 userContext::getChannelPermission is inefficient.
    37. VBV-6330 Search Page Broken Under Certain Circumstances
    38. VBV-6366 Need to manually clear cache for some permission changes to fully take effect
    39. VBV-6576 Image Verification for Registration cannot be enabled after disabling
    40. VBV-5537 A blank notification is received when your poll is voted on
    41. VBV-6597 Lost Password Page inaccessible when Can View Channels Channel Permission is set to No
    42. VBV-6687 Quoting does not work
    43. VBV-2051 Improve the Error message when inputting an invalid MSN username.
    44. VBV-6451 Album doesn't check first photo for album size restrictions
    45. VBV-3750 Creating private message folder doesn't display it until page is reloaded
    46. VBV-6318 VBV-6360lastcontentid is not being updated when deleting a node
    47. VBV-1985 Private Messages "Preview" div will display out of place
    48. VBV-3730 "lastvisit" column in user table not updating properly
    49. VBV-6305 Quotes from nodes not being properly fetched when passing an array of nodeids to the content link api
    50. VBV-6375 VBV-6360Cache not being properly cleared when deleting nodes. [text unit test]
    51. VBV-4974 Read Marking options don't work
    52. VBV-6397 Mark Channels Read doesn't work
    53. VBV-6462 Topic/Forum Read Marking Type "Database (automatic forum marking)" doesn't work properly
    54. VBV-6425 IE - "Write something here" text is not removed in Post Reply editor
    55. VBV-6361 Improve the <meta> html tag for X-UA-Compatible attribute
    56. VBV-6527 Missing HTML code in 'banned_page' template
    57. VBV-6525 Forums as default in activity module
    58. VBV-6528 Upgrade does not detect proper version number (upgrading from 380 & 414)
    59. VBV-1012 Can't alter my profile in frontend if the user is unalterable
    60. VBV-6243 Guests Can Access Special Channel
    61. VBV-6494 Unexpected error message on session timeout
    62. VBV-3948 VBV-3726Usergroup Permission "Can Edit Profile Privacy" doesn't work
    63. VBV-2645 Display like count when users are not logged in
    64. VBV-6188 Search Tips link missplaced
    65. VBV-6497 PHP error in getSGInfo socialgroup API method [unit test]
    66. VBV-5347 "buttons" should be capitalized
    67. VBV-5049 Phrase has invalid varname: "error_saving vote"
    68. VBV-4835 Add debug information back to database error.
    69. VBV-6241 Templates don't use post url routing
    70. VBV-6563 Reply notification not showing correct username & count
    71. VBV-6386 Notification is received for each individual reply
    72. VBV-4193 Polls are able to be saved without a description
    73. VBV-3988 Go advanced & Preview don't work when editing in activity stream
    74. VBV-466 The Flag Reports folder does not display number of items waiting for moderation
    75. VBV-2937 Forum Manager links in Page Manager pointing to core directory
    76. VBV-4590 Forum channel list in home always shows all channels as containing unread posts
    77. VBV-6050 Saving usergroup permissions no longer redirects
    78. VBV-2322 Difficulty in re-focusing recipient field after un-focusing when sending Private Message
    79. VBV-5915 IE8 - Private messages do not remove the "Write something here" text upon clicking into the field
    80. VBV-3311 Typo in phrase
    81. VBV-6482 (IE only) User Profile - Media - Upload Photos: "Write something here" default text in description box does not hide when typing text
    82. VBV-6489 Row divider goes straight through Last Post text
    83. VBV-6185 "Can poll" phrase should be "Can create poll"
    84. VBV-6610 Post Settings buttons are in reverse order during Group creation
    85. VBV-6575 Registration title text is too small
    86. VBV-1365 Social Group Icons not resized on upload
    87. VBV-1468 Tabs Styling
    88. VBV-2636 Like system produces "reputation" error
    89. VBV-4366 Rename "Plugin/Hook System" Group in Options
    90. VBV-2805 Improve wording of error message that is displayed when you cannot ban the specified user
    91. VBV-6491 Blog Title will not be trimmed on blog admin
    92. VBV-6211 Edit Footer shows "Main Navigation Bar" in edit form
    93. VBV-6217 Incorrect signature option in Default Registration Options
    94. VBV-5837 Modules are referred to as Widgets in Error Message
    95. VBV-5978 Improper error message for seach module when there are no results
    96. VBV-6102 Error messages phrasing improvements
    97. VBV-5861 display_contenttype_conversationreply_threadview_Poll template has a hardcoded phrase
    98. VBV-5729 Typo: Change user setting "Show profile picture" to "Show Avatar"
    99. VBV-3107 Confusing phrasing on subscribed tab under user profile
    100. VBV-6145 Grammar issue for phrases involving "X...[and] me"
    101. VBV-5979 Typo for no_permission_images phrase value, has a " mark at the very end.
    102. VBV-6109 "Email Flood Check" setting lost its description
    103. VBV-6574 See All Notifications button is right-aligned (not centered)

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  2. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    Nov 2, 2011
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    Haven't tested the latest 2 betas but the bug fixes are going well.
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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  4. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    Dec 25, 2012
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    St Petersburg, Florida
    The developers are making progress albeit not nearly fast enough for the liking of some.
    Brandon likes this.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    From what I've seen, people are still complaining that there is code from vb2 still in the vb5 release.
    Also the lack of key elements like infractions and promotions will stop many from upgrading.
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    I'm not sure any vb2 code would be in it unless they thought some it was better than what vb3 was. vb3 was a complete rewrite.

    I'm not so sure this team of devs will ever get it right. Until they tear it down and start fresh this what you'll see. Regression and new bugs with each release. IMO since they regressed the code anyway to start they should have threw it all out. Until vbulletin decides to do a complete rewrite this is what you'll get.
  7. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    Problem is, is a complete vBulletin rewrite even plausible now?

    For one thing, Internet Brands is so incompetent in terms of programming and what not that making them rewrite it would absolutely kill vB stone dead, you'd end up with a worse and likely more buggy messy than even vBulletin 5.

    Do you really want to even imagine what you'd get if Internet Brands made all new forum software from scratch via only their inhouse programmers and whoever they outsource to?

    Secondly, it might be financial suicide to rewrite it, especially now. Now, I'm not saying it's good business sense to do what they're currently doing, but look at it this way:

    Many, many big companies aren't starting new things from scratch any more. Heck, I don't think Microsoft or Apple even make things from scratch any more instead of building on their past work. And in the gaming industry, even companies like EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Nintendo, etc are reusing engines more with their newest products, likely because of the recession and costs.

    And Internet Brands is no different. Heck, their business and finance people are probably demanding vBulletin releases a new major product every year or so, quality be damned. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that vBulletin 6 was already being planned and if vBulletin 5 was marked as being released as is some time in the first quarter of this year. A complete rewrite is probably seen as too much of a 'risk', since you'd either have to rush it out the door (in what's likely a terrible state, like an even worse version of vBulletin 5) or spend a few years working on something you're making no money from prior to release and that could still turn out to be a complete failure.

    Should they use a full rewrite and tear everything down? Probably. But Internet Brands is a business, and it's probably seen as business suicide to do so.
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    IB is already bleeding money with vbulletin. If the quality of the product was better they could reverse the trend. Problem is they are building on an old base system. I'm talking a 10 year old base. I know no company that uses anything that old. Even Microsoft completely rebuilt the engine that ran the software, the kernel, in Windows 7 even through the NT kernel had proven to be very stable.

    If you have a stable engine, which many game companies do, you can build on it. vbulletin has no stable engine. vbulletin 3 was stable, but, the code is not modular and there was really nothing to build on not to mention it got beyond bloated in the end. Instead IB chose to try to introduce modular code into an old codebase and is failing miserably. Even the best programmers in the World can't make a pig a beauty queen.

    Even Kier knew a complete rewrite was needed. At this stage, in fact it should have happened already, a separate team of programmers, outsourced or not, should be working on a ground up rewrite. If they had done this while vbulletin 4 was being developed you would have a complete fresh rewritten vbulletin 5 ready for release. Contrary to popular belief a complete rewrite will not take years to complete. IPB 3 took a little over a year. It took Kier and Mike a year to get xenforo ready.
  9. Iconic

    Iconic The Original

    Nov 2, 2011
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