It is painful working with vBcover - iCart

Discussion in 'Community Forum Software' started by WEfail, Nov 26, 2012.

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  1. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    How do you work with someone who is impossible to work with?
    I mean, I am sure Lionel at vBcover has a wonderful personality if you compare him to a rock, but from our experience dealing with this guy he was arrogant and in the end, a scammer.

    So, now that we have no product, he's kept our money and has gone as far to BAN us I thought I would share the review I started working on last night.

    vBcover - iCart Review - vBulletin Addon.

    I could have gone even deeper looking at our communication but seriously, this has been a joke of an experience.

    In the end, make your own informed decisions but consider the fact that we had multiple guys incapable of understanding this guys 25 page manual (which was wrong) or how this application was supposed to work, could work, didn't work and according to Lionel would never have worked.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've read a lot of bad reviews about vbcover, I have never suggested it to clients on vbulletin.
  3. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member


    This was our first go around with Lionel & vBcover. That guy was such an arrogant dink it was unreal. What it came down to was that regardless of who does what or their qualifications, Lionel at vBcover knows better. I would NEVER ever suggest that garbage to anyone now.
  4. Miner

    Miner Forum Theme designer

    Icart was my first choice when we planned to open our premium theme shop to sell digital goods and the features described there was most suitable like free download to updates etc for specified time limits but our team had one hesitation in buying it, as we do not want to over relay on one product(vbulletin) as we had major plans to expand to other forum scripts and we thought of being neutral to all scripts.

    We built our own shopping script which is working now on our site and we have coded most of the feature we needed for the perfect shopping scripts and few small features has to be added and also planning to have our own simple forum script integrated into our site just like Q&A type to provide support to our clients.

    After reading your post above i feel we made right choice to have our own piece of software.
  5. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Luckily I do have smart customers as you could see by my link below.
    To the first poster, you bought a pro version without reading requirements, thinking "pro" = better, then you thought you had an encoder whereas you had a decoder. Then you asked me for help, stating that you had a misconfiguration problem with your server and 2 admins were trying to solve it and if I could help. You gave me access to server and restricted me to just my username environment. When I tried to navigate to your site, permission was denied. So I exited wondering why I was given access to start with. Then minutes later your site went down and you blamed me. Then you went to PayPal and asked for a refund. For your education, the moment you file with PayPal, they transmit it silently to my server and your access to download and priority support get automatically denied. What did you want? Get your money back and keep downloading and requesting help for free? I did try to help you and gave you an additional free copy of the regular version.To me this is stealing
    As far as miner is concerned, I am sorry you never mentioned your problems to me. I had over 400 copies of iCart out there and perhaps 98% of them are happy customers.
    And Brandon, I am sorried that you make your mind according to what you heard. I've always thought that you were smarter than that. You need to have some personality about forming an opinion.
    Sometimes I wonder why people who don't understand some basic things are insist on having a website.
    Anyway, thank you. Bad publicity is still publicity and people are smart. That sends them to my site and they see for themselves.

    and here is a link from someone who knows
  6. Alfa1

    Alfa1 Regular Member

  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    You really know how to "win someone over" don't you :ROFL:
    Basically you're trying to call me out because I said I've never suggested your product (which I haven't) and that I stated I've read bad reviews about you. (which I have)
    Doesn't show much class on your part but that's your choice.

    When all I hear are complaints from my clients, I tend not to recommend the product to future clients. ;)
    Why would I want to make more work for myself, there are a number of plugins I'll never suggest to clients.
    Yours just happens to be one of them, it's nothing personal.
  8. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Don't take it bad, Brandon. I always end up with more customers from those guys, as per that testimonial

    I too avoid recommending someone. But knowing how some customers could be, I never listen to bad recommendations too. I always go and explore for myself. In fact I like the explorer type better. From the start you see that you are dealing with a smart person.

    I never knew that you switched to xenForo btw. I had bought and was going to produce for them, but that lawsuit slowed me down. I don't want to be wasting my time.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Does it make you feel better to say that anyone who doesn't agree with you "isn't smart"?
    I've seen you mentioned "smart people" a few times now.. O.o

    PS.. This site has been xenforo as long as I've ran it.
  10. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    LOL. I like people to disagree with me and have a decent conversation, or to ask smart questions and I enjoy helping people. I get to learn something. The one thing that gets to me is to deal with the guy who knows nothing and think that he knows it all.
  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Well suite yourself, but so far in this thread you've came off very arrogant in my opinion. ;)
  12. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    not arrogant. Rather annoyed, after I went over my head for that guy

    hummmm, didn't you have another one before then sold it?
  13. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I was referring to how you're communicating with me. Saying you thought I was smarter and can't form my own opinions. :meh:
    I've had a few sites.
  14. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Well, I thought you could have been fair, neutral and impartial, that's all. But there was no arrogance. I dealt with you in the past few years ago and I don't recall any bad blood. True there was some other crazy guy, but some else caught him in his lies.
  15. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Sad reality is I can't cut and paste verbatim because you've locked the account. And you are disputing it anyways, so *shrugs*, guess this is just you spanking the outspoken student.
    Yes, you actually did say upgrade vBulletin to vB4, I forgot about that part in our what, 100+ post exchange on how to get your product to run. Why should your customer have to upgrade?
    No, no one is going to drastically change their server config for you and the suhosin concept is something you grasped onto when we brought it up, you had no clue. You blamed everything down to even how the forum directory was structured.

    As I said, I am not claiming to be a sys admin or a coder, however I followed the ticket process exchange between you and others and frankly, you are exactly as people have been describing you; unprofessional and arrogant and as far as I am concerned, a thief. And that is the reason I would never recommend vBcover - iCart to anyone.

    If you are that stand up, why keep the money for a product you know your customer can't use?

    Side note, like you said on vBorg. Negative press is still press, but if someone shys away from vBcover iCart because of my testimonial, then I feel like I took one for the team. I will always tell people not to buy iCart if they inquire about it.
  16. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    Talk all you want. I really don't have time to waste.
    I simply would recommend for you to stop buying things if you can't read or use them. I am not obligated to reply to you via skype, btw, if you could understand that.
    And believe me if I were to get a recommendation from you, I don't want it. I don't want to have to deal with your kind.
    And who is the thief? the guy who filed a claim with PayPal and still trying to get access to product?
    And congratulations to have followed the ticket process of others. I supposed now you can access the private threads???
    Do you understand what a private thread is? Try to make sense a little.
    I supposed explaining that suhosin requires a qualified admin was a bit too much for you to grasp?
    a simple upgrading recommendation done to you before you even bought is turning into an issue.
    The guy who knows it all.
    There was no need for me to have tried to improve your site by suggesting an upgrade
    And your suhosin, I was the one to bring it up, telling you I hope you don't have it. And you said yes, I do. To that I replied that was very problematic and requires a qualified admin. Which part you did not understand? I also speak French and Spanish.
    From the very first day it became quite clear to me that you did not want help, but a free product (in fact you asked for one and stupid me, I gave it to you). Then you came back trying to grab a brandfree copy for nothing. I refused and then you tried to get it from PayPal, still looking for downloads.
    They tried to tell you by that a simple tweak of suhosin solves lots of problems (suggestion from a well known and very qualified lady). Your reply was nah!
    So who is the crook finally? The guy trying to solve a problem or the guy who wants his money back + 2 free products?
  17. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member


    Hi Lionel

    The thing is, i believe you do have the time. The mere fact you would point out that you don't indicates that you clearly do.

    And I do believe you would want the recommendation because you need the money. I reflect on the fact that you know vBcover iCart doesn't work on our box, you claimed you had customers with suhosin issues before, we aren't changing the config to the server and you won't refund. So yes, you need the money.

    I have no interest in the product, I wanted access to cut and paste your helpful customer service replies.. "upgrade to vb4", "disable / remove suhosin" , "change your forum directory" all to make iCart work. I assure you, I have no interest in ever using vBcover iCart.

    I suppose if I was on a hostgator box iCart would have worked perfectly since I believe hostgator doesn't use suhosin, sadly, we aren't smart enough to be on hostgator.

    But, one thing is for certain, I am smart enough to never buy another vBcover vBulletin product again.

    I also paid for brand free for Pro. You downgraded me as I was willing to take the $ hit on it to get it to work and you didn't forward the brand free and said something along the lines of "get it working and then we'll talk". I have enough money to pay for vBcover iCart. What I don't have alot of is patience for someone who is arrogant and a thief.
  18. Lionel

    Lionel Regular Member

    I think I would pay you myself no to.

    From the start you were looking for problems. Restricting my access to your server, not to be able to go beyond one folder, then blaming me for you server down? And this after you told me that 2 people were woking on it!!!

    And when other people are trying to give you suggestions, you are not interested in solving your problems. All you want is a free product.
    WEfail likes this.
  19. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    Hi Lonel

    Your definition of free product over there at vBcover - iCart is a bit different than mine.
    There is nothing free here. Brand Free, iCart Pro and it doesn't work.
    The link with a screen cap of my paypal payment to you and my disabled access. Clicky for fun times.

    Yes, from the start I was looking for problems, the minute I didn't read more reviews about how awful iCart is. I really should have networked more.
  20. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    And I am shocked that you are still here replying seeing as you have no time with all those happy customers over at vBcover - iCart who don't use suhosin.

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