New Admin here -

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by too_cool_3, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Ontario, Canada
    Hey Admin Talk members,

    I manage a local automotive community in Thunder Bay, ON Canada. The url is

    I decided to join up on here because I've spoken to Brandon on more than one occasion and he recommended I look here for a vBulletin developer to help me (paid of course) with some modifications to the vB4 CMS Recent Threads widget. I'll make a new thread for that.

    It's funny, this is my first zenforo forum I've ever registered on. I like it thus far, I'm just more familiar with vBulletin and all the add-ons available for it. I don't use many though, the big one being vBadvanced CMPS. I'm looking to make the switch to the vB4 CMS if I can customize the Recent Threads widget to be more like the vBa CMS counter part.

    I'm sure I'll get to know my way around here, any questions don't be shy to ask and or check out my forum and give any feedback/tips/constructive criticism (feel free to register to see all the features).

    Warm regards,

  2. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Jul 20, 2006
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    New York
    Welcome aboard Marc. You'll like this place. :)
    too_cool_3 likes this.
  3. Ksquall1

    Ksquall1 Regular Member

    Oct 18, 2012
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    I signed up recently too, but welcome. Look forward to posting here with you. :)
    Brandon and too_cool_3 like this.
  4. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Welcome to the forums, Marc. How are you doing?
  5. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Ontario, Canada
    I'm good cpvr, thanks for asking. Today was a long day.

    Woke up this morning at 7am - very unusual for me - because I'm not a morning person:sleep: . I had a dental appointment for my annual teeth cleaning at 9am and to fix a small chip in my front tooth that happened last weekend:banghead: . I was playing around with my little cousin Logan (7yrs old), he accidentally caught my chin with his head which I would say is a denser than platinum;) . Anyway, I got that filled in and my teeth feel so nice now after the cleaning, I can really feel the space between my teeth... I should definitely take up flossing. Ended up getting out there just before 11am.

    Came home, prepared a lunch and off to school I went. I had 3 classes today, 2 of them being back to back 3 hour classes. Yay :wacky:! Turns out I have to organize a focus group for Scouts Canada to gain insight on young people aged 18-26 for a new program Scouts has recently launched.

    I eventually left school around 8pm then headed over to my buddies house. He was in the process of putting his freshly rebuilt 7mgte into a Toyota pickup. I was in school clothes so aside from offering advice and using a jack I didn't give too much help, however, I did snap a couple pics. :snaphappy:

    I finally walked in the door 45 min ago, it's about 1:20am my time. My poor gecko has not been eating well :( so I have him quarantined in a separate cage. I usually have him together in a cage with another gecko for company but over the last few days noticed his tail getting pretty thin which means his fat stores are pretty low signifying loss of appetite. I stuck some crickets in the cage earlier today before I left for school but none of them were eaten when I got back. What I did was grab them by hand and stick them in front of his face.. he took them right away :playful: I wonder why he is being such a lazy eater... :sorry: Hopefully, in a few days time he starts taking them on his own again.

    So now I finally get a chance to get on a computer for non-school related business. Ahhh forums, how I love you. I'm going to wind down the night by messing around with my gf's GoPro HERO2. It's a recent acquisition and we plan on using it for the first time on Sunday during the last Autoslalom event of 2012 here in my city. She picked up a 32GB class 10 Lexar Pro SD card today - which I recommended her of course ;) and will be attaching the little cam to all the cars racing in the event - including my own. If I find the time tonight, I might install the new Intel SSD I picked up for my laptop in an attempt to increase my battery life until I have money to throw at new ultra slim.

    Glad I don't start class till 12:30pm tomorrow. I'll leave you now with a pic of the 7mgte that went in tonight...

    Brandon, Dan Hutter and cpvr like this.
  6. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    @too_cool_3 I love forums as well. They've been apart of my life since I was 12, 13, or 14. I can't remember that far back. Haha.
  7. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    Oct 11, 2012
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    Ontario, Canada
    Yes, my memory is a little foggy prior to leaving high school lol.
    cpvr and Brandon like this.

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