Is there a better ad network to use than Google adsense?

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by CM30, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Because it seems I'll probably never receive any verification since people in the UK seem to not be receiving the letters for whatever reason.

    Ideally, it needs to send money to my actual bank account, require no physical validation (phone or online only) and pay somewhat below zero income.

  2. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Regular Member

    I tell you what, this may help or it may not...

    I used adsense for a year once and made $70 after taxed were withdrawn. Then I started going to competition's forums and looking at who advertises on their forum. I'd contact that advertiser directly and offer them a fair rate on my ads with my "media package" that shows stats and all that good stuff... I made $70 the first DAY I did that ;) Adsense is Nonsense lol.
  3. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    And if my competitors use adsense?

    That could be a problem.
  4. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Regular Member

    I suppose.

    Then id just go to relevant to niche businesses and see that.
  5. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    You still could figure out the site that's advertising. I believe Adsense has an option where people can just bid for ad space on your site. Not sure if they still have it, but it was available a year or two ago.
  6. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Problem is, adsense seems to be damn slow at verifying my account for whatever reason, and the message never seems to show up.
  7. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Have you tried to email their support team directly? It should be one of the emails they've sent you before. Have you heard about Adbrite?
  8. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    In my experience, unless you have a company approaching you to buy inventory at a decent CPM, adsense / Vibrant will always be the best.

    kontera - They did their best for me but their CPM couldn't touch Vibrant.
    eBay - meh. If my target audience bought more online, then perhaps.
    247 - garbage.
    Adsdaq - garbage
    clicksor - garbage / AOL - garbage (do they even exist anymore after their chapter 11 or whatever?) - garbage
    driving revenue / viglink - awful - runaway.

    Adsense takes time. I know a lot of guys who hadn't been approved & used their friends adsense accounts. Not sure if thats legit or not under Googles TOS but it happens.
  9. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    How so? I'm using it and so far, I've made $8 in two months, while it took me a whole 6 months or more to get $8 on AdSense.
  10. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I've tried Kontera in the past, I was also featured on their blog years ago:™-to-increase-revenue/

    Sad to say I haven't managed to make that type of money again. I tried them a few months ago again and only netted $1 every couple days, so I removed it. I don't have enough traffic for Vibrant Media just yet since I only see about 200k pageviews a month. And, I only ran Kontera for guests online so that's probably why I couldn't generate as much as I wanted to.

    Haven't tried Viglink that much yet, but I did test it for a few days and didn't make that much.
  11. johnthomas1433

    johnthomas1433 Regular Member

    If you ask me, which is the best CPC ad network, the answer is Adsense. Adsense have helped me make more than a couple of thousands of dollars within a couple of months, and there is no other ad network that have helped me earn this high. Adsense is no fortnight job. You have to keep on tweaking and experimenting with it, until you find the perfect layout for your website. It shall take some time, but its worth it. After all you shall not find a pay rate as in Adsense, anywhere else.
    cpvr likes this.
  12. GasMan320

    GasMan320 Regular Member

    Too many people on admin forums blame their low revenue on Adsense when in reality the cause of their problem isn't the low revenue but the low traffic.
    WEfail likes this.
  13. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

    Err, I think you're being a bit quick to judge this here. My original reason for wanting another ad network was not due to low revenue but due to Google taking forever to send the activation code. It's been sorted now, but it's still kind of ridiculous how long it takes to send a code to someone not living in the US.
  14. johnthomas1433

    johnthomas1433 Regular Member

    I never had a problem with Google sending the activation code to me. I got mine within 3 weeks after asking for the same. You can't blame everything on Google for the failure of late payments and other issues. In country, most of the Adsense publishers blame Google for the late payments. Granted that Google sends the payment in the last week of the next month only, the further delay is actually caused by the courier company. They wait for one or two weeks to more than a month to mail us the payment.

    Maybe it was the same case in your country too. Maybe the courier company was messing up the mails, and Google alone need not take the blame for that.
  15. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    I actually think Crowdgather just launched their ad platform. Something to check out. :)

    Here is the link
  16. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Low traffic and not having good ad placement. You're right. Plus, you can also blame certain niches because they're not so high paying like some are.
  17. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    I should probably set up ad-sense on my automotive forum. I'm not sure how I feel about pestering my members with ad's though.
  18. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Show Adsense only to guests that's what I do.
  19. too_cool_3

    too_cool_3 Regular Member

    Solid plan. Will more likely go that route. I suppose I can set up adsense now, I was waiting for my community to grow larger but little revenue is better than no revenue. I'm at ~150 members and have been live for not quite a year.
  20. thenextGeek

    thenextGeek Regular Member

    There was a time when I was still very new to the "earning money from blogging" scene and I really respected the big G back then. However, once I found out that there are better adnetworks out there that pays more than what Google Adsense is paying their contributors I decided to join other adnetworks.

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