Forums success stories

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by cpvr, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    If you own a forum, in this thread, we'll talk about all our famous milestones and success stories. So, that we can possibly inspire other forum owners as well. Because having goals and accomplishing them are the best,

    Forum start date: January 11, 2011
    Hit 100k posts on Virtual pet list in the following One year, 6 months, 9 days c:

    Now share your forum's success stories here - and hopefully we can talk about more ways to increase our posts, membership, and other things.
    Iconic and Brandon like this.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Not to spam my own links but here is a blog category of mine about successful forum owners. :)

    I need to get a new blog post up in that section, the last post was in February! :oops:
    cpvr likes this.
  3. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    It's a real good opportunity for those that get listed. I'm actually quite honored to have my forum on the page.
    Brandon likes this.
  4. bauss

    bauss Regular Member

    My forum has recently reached our first goal of 1,000 posts, but it has slowed down quite a bit since then, because shortly after we got 1k posts it was my birthday, and I wasn't able to work on my forum that weekend. So right now I'm slowly building the activity backup, and our next goal is 5,000 posts, and when we reach that goal there will be some prizes for our users(freeroll tournaments).
  5. benjaminp

    benjaminp Regular Member

    Congratulations on your milestone of 1k posts! How long has it taken you to get there?

    We're no far off 5k right now, but activity has slowed a lot recently. I've been a little busy as of late and my co-admin is AWOL at the moment, due to starting a new job.
  6. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Excellent work mate. It takes time to build up a good following of users, once you do that, the posts usually start rolling in. Of course, spreading your link across the web helps as well.
  7. tetutato

    tetutato Regular Member

    My forum's almost at 20k posts now :D
  8. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Congratulations, what is your forum about? What's your target audience?
  9. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Regular Member

    Well I am having a few successful forums :)

    1. My admin forum - In a little over a year of being open, there are more than 30,000 posts. No other forums have been merged into the forum, either. I have active members. Its the largest admin forum powered by SMF forum software and I am overwhelmed at the fact it is as active as it is. Its becoming my baby. :)

    2. My Skywarn forum is also doing really well. I run a referral contest and got a lot of new members out of it and gave out some awesome prizes which the winners enjoyed a lot. I also partnered with the National Skywarn program website to be the official forum for the program, nation wide. Government and .edu sites now link to me ;)

    3. I also own the largest and most active Illinois Skywarn forum online. Its not so active lately because Illinois weather isn't that active besides our horrid drought.

    4. I started a cycling forum, I am hoping to eventually report back and say its doing well as well....we'll see I suppose.

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