Will you purchase vBulletin 5?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by Brandon, May 29, 2012.


Will you purchase vBulletin 5

  1. yes, as soon as I can.. no matter the price

    2 vote(s)
  2. I may if they offer a good deal

    4 vote(s)
  3. I'll stay on vBulletin 4

    0 vote(s)
  4. I'm still on vBulletin 3.X!

    0 vote(s)
  5. I've moved from vBulletin, or likely will if vBulletin 5 is a POS

    4 vote(s)
  6. undecided

    1 vote(s)
  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I can't wait to see a live demo or video, did they say anything about posting this info or sharing it sometime soon?

    BTW a few staff members linked to the forumcon 2012 thread because of your pictures, thanks again for that :)
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    IB went silent on vBulletin 5 throughout the entire event, I didn't even see them at the free cocktails event after the show.
    Few staff member of what? Where? O.o
  3. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Two of them actually, one posted the link then another one a few post later quoted it.
  4. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Oh, bummer! I have to be a license holder. Can you post a screencap of the comment in the contributor forum? Er. Anywhere you're comfortable sharing?
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    it was just this from s.molinari

    Then Allen Lin posted this..

  6. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Any negative feedback or whatnot?
  7. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    nope not really that I saw... well at least about these pics

    just the general concern from owners if vb5 will be a repeat of the vb4 pr disaster
  8. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Brandon likes this.
  9. Mikey

    Mikey Mikeylicio.us

    looks like it is.. maybe the pics were removed cos of vb5.
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I didn't even notice that blog post until just now. So, they used Kier's account to announce vB5. WTF?

    Using Kier's account as a marketing stunt? WTF. :confused:
  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

  12. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    whoops! :oops: It looked like a post about vB5. Gaaahh....Maybe it's just that I'm tired. :notworthy:
    There were better images. :(
    More from xenForo! Quite the few posts!
  13. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I don't see why those users are going nuts. Unless vBulletin 5 has a notifications feature, it'll have a hard time competing against XF.
  14. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    It does, in some instances. In some screenshots, it shows a red box for notifications just like you see on an xenForo forum as a moderator or administrator.

    What's frustrating for me right now is that I am banned and I can't respond to posts like this one over at xenForo...
    I was the one who asked the first question. My question wasn't really about xenForo. Stupid CTO walked around my question and dodged it by saying "it's in litigation." I asked what CTO/General Manager thought of Kier. That's just embarrassing, it just shows that you have no idea how to respond to person-to-person ideology.

    The reason why I ask is because it's one thing to read on the internet about the court documents with this PR speak going like "Kier is the best developer we had." or "Kier is the best developer in the world. " Or something to that effect. An entirely other one when they say it in person.

    I tried to be viral. #@^&!
  15. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Well that thread is closed now by a mod, it was getting rather out of hand..

  16. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    That's a different thread, it's in the ForumCon thread here.
  17. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    oh ya, I'm sure that one will be locked down soon as well, people can't seem to help but fight with each other..
  18. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Can you log in and quote this post before it does? Please? Thanks in advance.
  19. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    um.. I'd rather not but maybe someone else will? :cautious:

    Why did you get kicked off the forums anyways, don't you run xf?
  20. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I got into an arguement with Brogan before he left xenForo. Details here.

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