Invited in to help fight piracy!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Jennifer Price, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. Big Joe

    Big Joe Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Exactly. So the next time he make his UNVERIFIABLE claim that 90-95% of KJ's are pirates, this board and the mods will now recognize that as a personal attack on all of us....CORRECT?????
  2. possumdog

    possumdog Regular Member

    Oct 25, 2009
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    Jennifer: Sorry but I lost track of which thread what was in--did you say that the discs that may or may not be legal are SCDGs? As in Super CDGs?
  3. Diafel

    Diafel Regular Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    I am pretty sure that I read the same thing.
  4. Big Joe

    Big Joe Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    And that all may be a fact, just don't come here and try to convince people that you are conducting THOROUGH investigations.

    thor·ough/?TH?r?/Adjective1. Complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial: "planners need a thorough understanding of the subject".
    2. Performed or written with great care and completeness: "a thorough examination of the wreckage".
  5. Big Joe

    Big Joe Regular Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Too bad for all of us he didn't want this out in the open, unlike the route he chose to respond to Ernie.
  6. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Not correct... In Raleigh I'd say 98% are pirates...
  7. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Yes, as in made for the Cavs system out of Australia, where you could order custom discs...
  8. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    I'm not here to defend SC. Kurt was very nice and seemed to really want to hear what I have to say. Of course I never attacked Kurt and I had facts to relate. I don't know Ernie, don't know what was going on, but it was obviously not the same situation.

    Those of you who swore he was going to be rude, or vindictive were dead wrong. He doesn't want people not involved in this situation commenting on everything and gumming up our discussion. There are serious things here that I want to make sure he's aware of. I also want to discuss ways to stop the pirates local to my area. I have expressed my frustration to him and no matter what happens from here. I feel that I was listened to. Isn't that really what most of us want. A little validation in our lives can go a long way.

    I have been seriously hurt by pirates in my area. Kurt has been seriously hurt by pirates across the world. I understand his actions in these lawsuits and I have helped provide information and I will provide whatever he needs to try to stop illegal music. We have much more common ground than not. I have expressed my concerns (and it seems some of yours) about the legal tactics. I have been heard. I didn't call names or expect the worst of him and I got what I expected... A businessman who apologized for any miscommincation in his business and a committment to fix the problem.
  9. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    Good luck. Keep us posted from time to time.
  10. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    I said he would probably work it out....glad to hear he might do that. If its not to much trouble will you let us know if he honored the request for getting you your discs back or at least getting refunded for them. Also anything else that may need to be discussed. You never know some positive words from the meeting may go along way.
    You got all of us waiting to see the outcome.
  11. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    He does know this is a forum right?

  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I would just like to congratulate Jennifer. In just 24 hours and 63 posts she appears to have completely resolved all of her issues with SC and made a full 180.

    Believe in miracles.
  13. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    I wonder how long it would have taken "the company" to bother to contact Jennifer had she not posted all of this information here?




  14. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Actually, Pro, I came in wanting to fight piracy. I felt that SC tactics were designed to scare honest people like me into settling. I also had some issues of a smaller nature that Kurt is addressing.

    After speaking with Kurt for the last hour, I feel like Kurt is not the jerk you guys portray him as. Kurt heard your complaints (and mine) about mob tactics. He responded to claims that people were bullied into settling by sending a warning letter instead of attaching the lawsuit. The only response he got from that was one person not sent a letter buying a set of discs. So the next step is to file against those who didn't respond. The new approach of sending letters BEFORE the suit is filed gives those smart enough the option of settling for a cheaper price. You do have the option of an audit at that point. So it's a kinder way to do things.

    He apologized for us feeling that we were bullied into the settlement and he said he was never told by his attorney that we had been in business 20 years and actually owned discs. He made the point that everyone claims to be legal whether they are or not. I have to agree with that since the KJ who just bought the discs from SC has been claiming he's legal for several years. We have also discussed options to help resolve that situation. I prefer not to say what we agreed on, but it benefits both of us.

    As to the discs we bought, they are illegal. Sound Choice never allowed that format even from Australia. He is also looking into the discs we never received.

    He did say that they do send an investigator to the area before they file a suit. All those who got letters will see an investigator at their show before the suit is filed. If I left anything out, ya'll ask. We talked for an hour and we discussed many ways to improve things here as quickly as possible.

    Ya'll need to give the man a break. He's doing the best he can in a bad situation. I'm more than happy to give him the benefit of the doubt. Someone said they would reconsider their opionion of him if he did the right thing. There is no doubt that he will. The ball's in your court. Can we try to work together to end piracy? That's the ultimate point isn't it?
  15. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Well her biggest argument sounds as if it may have been addressed by him. I am not gonna fault her for that...she still felt the tactics she was subjected to were wrong, thats not something that goes away. I will tend to lean to your side on this comment Pro IF she does the goofy cheerleader slogan as her signature.
  16. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    With all due respect Jennifer, what you have posted above is not new information. Your own post above states basically that people (like yourself) will receive a letter with NO INVESTIGATION as you claimed and then - and only then - will an investigator be sent out IF they are going to include that person in a lawsuit. So at least part of what we have been discussing here for months has been confirmed. Thank you for that.

    As far as "making things right" for you, I strongly believe that because you did come here and relate what has happened to you, that there was really no way he could have done anything else than promise to make things right. You set this forum on fire in just 24 hours... I think this is a record for the most posts in the fewest hours! However, I don't want to speak too soon, because after all, actions speak louder than words and so far we've not confirmed any action.

    Speaking only for me, I hope you stay actively posting and don't go silent. Open discussion is what keeps things alive.

    Keep looking through these forums and go back and read posts that have been here for months, you'll see his posts, our questions, his answers etc... You'll see that you really do reap what you sow.
  17. Mantis1

    Mantis1 Regular Member

    Aug 27, 2009
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    Kurt is an even keeled, common sense kinda of gentleman. But I suspect you have the same sense of him after your conversation with him.

    "Patience is not passive, it is concentrated strength"
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Actually Jennifer, I'm having a difficult time reconciling your description of being "bullied" with your most recent description of a field where everyone else is already guilty.

    No where have you even suggested the possiblity that anyone is legal or that SC can be wrong. Have you forgotten your own described circumstance?

    How shall I reconcile your complaint about being "bullied" (no break) and reget of the settlement with your current call to offer that "break" to Kurt and SC?

    The point was to recover money SC believes they are losing. No one including SC has set such an unrealistic goal as that of ending priacy. The notion that I should give money, time, or access to SC to serve their purpose is repulsive.

    It is your first lament - the wish that you had never settled, the contention that you were taken advantage of, or possibly wrongfully accused - that is what I care to prevent.

    Is there a better reason that I should not feel odd about your sudden turn around in just 24 hours of saturated postings?

    May I ask by whom?
  19. Jennifer Price

    Jennifer Price Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2010
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    Did you not see that they have already changed the tactic of sending the offer to settle with the lawsuit. I think progress has been made. I may have been subject to it, but they realized they were going about it wrong and changed it. Kurt and I just started a dialogue. I'm happy with where we are right now, but I do expect there to be more talking and maybe more!
  20. KjAthena

    KjAthena Regular Member

    Apr 24, 2010
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    Jennifer I am glad you found Kurt as amiable as I did. I am glad that things have worked out for you and that we have another strong anti-pirate person on the boards. I look forward to meeting you and am glad that I wont be the only female at the "Cheerleaders meeting". Again welcome:biggrinpill:
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