Hello from Chartbuster!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Chartbusterette, Oct 18, 2010.

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  1. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Actually TH, it's not all about collecting monetary damages from illegal operators. It's about removing them from this business and leveling the playing field so the legal operators can make a decent living (since they did make an investment. And yes we can and will get everyone. We have to for this industry to survive. It will take a while but I know we (the manufacturers) are up for it. We are forced to do this. It's not enjoyable. We'd much rather be running our businesses without all this distraction.

    I can tell you that Chartbuster has never given ANYONE permission to sell our product on a subscription basis other than us. I would be happy to take a look at the sites your are speaking about, although I have seen many of them myself. Any help would be appreciated!

    And yes, you are right about the hard drives. But, if you buy a hard drive you are just as much a pirate as they are.
  2. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    I totally inderstand Diafel. Just had to make my point clear.
  3. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    DJ/KJs like myself do not want your product - not simply because of your legal threats but, because we no longer want to stockpile the discs which we have no need for.

    Complain all you want - but, sooner or later someone with a better idea will prevail and this noise will matter no more. The DISC is obsolete and unless and until you can grasp that reality these problems will continue to plague you.

    We don't need a safe harbor program, we don't want your terms, and we don't want to business the old way.[/QUOTE]
  4. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    If you rely on any specific brand(s) of karaoke music, then IN MY OPINION, you're not much of a professional. It's the same as saying "I can't chisel rock unless I have a "Craftsman" brand of chisel... although there are plenty of others that would suffice.

    A "karaoke night" is not about setting up a sound system and offering every brand (or relying on any brand) to make money for you, you have to do that yourself.

    There are lots of KJ's with huge systems, tons of discs and not a singer in sight..... because they don't know what or how to use the tools they have, they just "have them" and expect that because they do, the "people will come."

    It's the same with a disc jockey - just because you have a lot of music and can beat mix doesn't make you a "great disc jockey."
  5. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    I am very happy that you do not speak for everyone.
  6. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    I don't think it is the karaoke companies trying to keep us stuck back in time. I think it is the laws that need changing so that we can all move forward.[/QUOTE]

    Thank you so much for this post. You are absolutely right!
  7. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    You go Rumbolt! The good will always prevail!
  8. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Last week, thanks to Rumbolt, I was honored to have dinner with Debi and her husband Norbert. These are some of the most down to earth people you will ever meet. Even though they have been ripped off for millions of dollars, they are not bitter people. I was amazed at the passion they still have for this business after all these years.

    Thank you Debi for listening to me whine and complain about the biz for two hours. I'm sure I did'nt tell you anything you havent heard before. I guess it just felt good to get it off my chest and to let you know what legitamite KJs were going though. I was a big fan of your product before we met and even a bigger one now.

    keep up the good work,

    Paul Richkus[/QUOTE]

    Thanks Paul! We throughly enjoyed meeting with you and look forward to many more meetings!
  9. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member

    I tend to disagree only because alot of these sellers are listing these hard drives as being legal. The average consumer has no way to know for sure. Most consumers are not gonna be people already in the business with a heads up of whats going on, they are gonna be people who wanna get into the business and think they found a good deal. Like I mentioned on another thread these sellers are listing the are licensed to sell these drives. Who knows what they say on the phone or in person. While we hope people wouldn't be so stupid as to believe the lies, everyday living tells us otherwise.
  10. Chartbusterette

    Chartbusterette Regular Member

    Thank you Paul. I actually enjoyed it and look forward to many more conversations. We love you guys! Thank you for your support.
  11. Audio One

    Audio One Regular Member

    Originally Posted by rumbolt
    I have to ask, whose logo product do you use? I am a customer and a supporter of CB and SC. Without their product I could not remain in business today even with all the new techno (which is only a delivery system to the singer). Their "obsolete" format as you call it is the only way you can legally purchase their music.

    Originally Posted by cStanleyIf you rely on any specific brand(s) of karaoke music, then IN MY OPINION, you're not much of a professional. It's the same as saying "I can't chisel rock unless I have a "Craftsman" brand of chisel... although there are plenty of others that would suffice.

    This is were Rumbolt knows his market. He and I both are in Chartbusters backyard and people around here expect Chartbuster. Most Kjs agree for the most part CB and SC produce the best karaoke anyway.So if you want to compare it to tools why not use the best tools.

    And I've been to Rumbolts show, he runs a Class A operation.

    Wasnt this thread about welcoming Debi to the forum?

    Paul Richkus
  12. Wall Of Sound

    Wall Of Sound Regular Member

    Yes it is a problem. So is the internet; BIG PROBLEM to society which is now part of everyday living.

    So much false advertising left & right on everything, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission can not keep up. Thanks to computer technology, the net has created a huge flea market stocked full of shoddy & stolen goods.
  13. Wall Of Sound

    Wall Of Sound Regular Member

    Yeah, that's what I thought.

    The ignore feature works really good here on the forum so you don't have to deal with certain attitudes if you wish to BTW.
  14. DannyGKaraoke

    DannyGKaraoke Regular Member

    Quite simple. The way to tell if it is legal or not is does it come with the original manufacturer's discs. If not it is illegal.
  15. Thunder Hag

    Thunder Hag Regular Member


    Okay, and while I can agree. Does the average consumer know this, OR do you know this because your a KJ?

    I can tell you for fact my mother wouldn't know whats legal and whats not, just based on the fact she sends me those Craigslist ads all the time. Again the sellers (not all of them) are advertising to the fact they are licensed to sell these hard drives.
  16. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    You missed the point. Rumbolt said if he didn't have it, he would be out of business.... not "hampered" but completely done. My contention is that he's more like a carnival ride operator who has the "toy"... no toy, no business. There are plenty of alternatives.

    Are you suggesting that any KJ in your area cannot possibly remain in business without either or both of these brands? If so, then you're in the same boat.

    I live near detroit... do you think that all the car customers here drive Ford, Chrysler or GM? No they don't... Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Volvo, Saab and Volkswagen are doing just fine.
  17. JoeChartreuse

    JoeChartreuse Regular Member

    That right there is what separates SC and CB. SC never claimed that they want to do this, only recoup funds (which is an honest statement and recouping losses is fine by me). Debi is saying straight out that CB is out to shut down pirates.

    Depending on methodology, this could be terrific!
  18. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    You are right with one thing, I do have to have tools and my discs are my tools. I do also have to have branded disc (ie. SC CB and others) since there is not another way to run my business legally without them. I do have a huge (professional) system, lots of discs (several manus) and lots of singers. I must be doing something right, huh? And all paid for. Now as far as brand is concerned, when my singers ask for a song by a specific brand, I am usually able to offer it to them, that is part of my services. I am very professional, and how you imply that I am not professional has me baffled since you have never met me nor been to on of my shows. What is your idea of a professiona? I am very much a professional, having years of experience with sound equipment and presentation. Btw, I have had Bryan White perform on my system and complimented my setup and next Friday night I will have the pleasure of hosting a concert by CMA artist Jeff Bates again using my system for his show. So much for being a professional :dancing_pill::dancing_pill:

    Let me ask you a question, if brand of disc is not important to you, then I guess the quality of the backing track the client sing with in unimportant to them as well?
  19. rumbolt

    rumbolt Regular Member

    Let's move this discussion to another thread so we can continue, can we?
  20. c. staley

    c. staley Regular Member

    I'm not "implying" anything although I do have an "opinion." And if you "can't run your business without them" then (hypothetically speaking) if they were to go out of business, you would too?

    And as far as nationally-known artists that "perform on your system" that has happened to most KJ's at one time or another. And please specify you role in your upcoming "concert by CMA artist Jeff Bates".... are you running sound or is he doing a "karaoke concert" off your system?

    Depends on whether your "clients" are at your show to "perform their musical stylings for the crowd" or simply to have a good time with their friends at a karaoke place. As I've stated before; I much prefer those that attend to have a good time with their friends than a room full of insecure, competitive pop-drinking divas.
    IF your "clients" are so concerned with a brand then there are 2 reasons for that:

    1. It's the one they practice at home.... (insecurity abounds here)
    2. They believe that singing in a Karaoke bar makes them some sort of local singing star. (a misconception)

    Do you seriously believe that you are in the "music business?" You're not and you're actually closer to being just another attraction in an amusement park.
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