What to tweet?

Discussion in 'SEO, Traffic and Revenue' started by Dan Hutter, Feb 23, 2012.

  1. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    This was a pretty good article for the clueless tweets like me:

    Brandon and cpvr like this.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Ya, I usually tweet whatever comes to my mind and if I see something good, I tend to retweet it.
    Dan Hutter likes this.
  3. Trombones13

    Trombones13 Regular Member

    Most of that appears to be good advice to me, though really I'd just suggest the following: be social and be a human (i.e. don't tweet exclusively with links to your site [or at least put some human explanation into the link you're posting instead of just the link and hashtags...I know Carlos will disagree with me on this, though ;)], answer mentions directed at you, retweet relevant/interesting things in your timeline, etc.). I'd shy away from auto-following, though, since it comes off as spam a lot more than I'm sure it used to (especially if your picture is of a half-naked woman).
    Brandon likes this.
  4. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Yes that was a great help. I tweet interesting stuff as well as breaking news related to my niche. I make sure that my tweets are too promotional though as it can put off your followers.
  5. Jessi

    Jessi Regular Member

    This one can be a really good one. I don't use hashtags in every single tweet, but when I do, I seem to end up with new people in the conversation that I wouldn't have ever found or talked to otherwise. Why? Because some people follow very specific hashtags/keywords and then interact with others talking about those same things, so if you call attention to your own tweet by using the same hashtag, you'll end up with new followers who are interested in what you're saying, too.
    Dan Hutter and Brandon like this.
  6. SassyBrat

    SassyBrat Regular Member

    Brandon and Dan Hutter like this.
  7. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Well, DO NOT tweet each and every post as I have noticed some forums do. It's annoying and will get people to unfollow.

    What do I tweet for the 12 subscribers my forums has? :D
    1. important site events - a new month in our 'forum starters' program, a new feature on the site
    2. new articles - when I write an article, I promote it on Twitter too
    3. few great threads - we had an amazing case study offered by a member (she had to close down a forum because of member abuse and was kind enough to tell her story) - it's one of the best threads, since she's sharing her experience, we came with ideas etc. I'd promote such threads that offer a wealth of information.
  8. Seahunter

    Seahunter Regular Member

    Like you, I'm an amateur tweeter (is that the right word?) and the article you referenced was very informative. I wonder how effective it is or whether people would get annoyed at get tweeted all the time.
  9. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    I prefer to call myself an amateur Twit. :ROFL:

    On my 'ghost accounts', that is accounts only active to tweet for different sites I post every blog posts I write. The better ones I'll retweet from my main account.

    I've been realizing that you have to actively participate in Twitter to get anything out of it. For the most part I open Tweet Deck post a bit and close it. I should be leaving Tweet Deck open all the time but I hate interruptions.
  10. BarelyHangingOn

    BarelyHangingOn Regular Member

    I am tweeting a forum and it's posts. I use as website called twitterfeed and choose the forums that I tweet and how many it chooses an hour so that not everything gets tweeted but alot does. I have managed to scrape just under 300 followers with no effort other than setting it up.

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