Over 18 Forum?

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by SC-Wooden, Dec 29, 2010.

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  1. SC-Wooden

    SC-Wooden Regular Member

    A lot of general discussion forums like this one have over 18 forums.

    Generally a place where you can post any thing but as soon as it goes hostile towards a member or something its banned etc

    There are a lot of rules etc attached to it but its a good thing to start

  2. BillyG

    BillyG Regular Member

    I'm not sure if I know what you mean. Are you talking about forums meant for those age 18 and up, or are you talking about an additional number of furums? And if it were forums for those 18 and up, how could we verify a persons' age? Because from what I've seen, the majority of peeps in this forum are under 18.

    I'm just saying...I've seen a lot of immature posts on this forum.
  3. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    Don't we have the Not safe for work section anyways?

    Some forums have a lock thing on the forum area were the user has to be approved by admin before being added. I think we had one on the previous forum when I was a Mod but, can't remember if it was just gender or aged. I think we had both Female/Male forum but, also one for older then 18. Mike would know how to set it up though.
  4. datrue_canadian

    datrue_canadian Regular Member

    I do know how to set it up, and it isnt really that hard. But Im just worried that it would bring out the wrong crowd...

    Plus our userbase is majority under 18 and it would just be the same few people posting (if anything) and would get shoved under the rug. But when the activity picks up, We could discuss it again.

    But for the time being, I think it would be best for the community as a whole to not put one in.

    Thanks for the suggestion though. Great Idea.
  5. imported_Michelle

    imported_Michelle Regular Member

    Personally I'd like to see NSFW gone totally! Some of the stuff in there.......well let's just say why is there the need??
  6. BillyG

    BillyG Regular Member

    Well, I don't really think it hurts anything or anyone, if you know what to expect while going there. In the meantime, it doesn't really serve a purpose either. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if it were gone.
  7. Fowler

    Fowler Regular Member

    Maybe people want to share something that is...hmm.... not suitable for work?

    Just saying.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest


  9. BillyG

    BillyG Regular Member

    We have decided that there is currently no need for an "over 18" forum. Therefore, this thread and this discussion is closed.
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