Censorship of competing sites, do you block your competitors?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by cpvr, Jan 30, 2012.

  1. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    super inviting there @Carlos :confused:
    I would never call a new member a "dumbass" but that's just me :cautious:
  2. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Trust me, I wouldn't either. However, if someone warrants it, by being a jerk, a straight up jack@$$, I'll give them a run for their money any day of the week.

    I can be a nice person, but only to a point. If you're going to talk to me the way that person did, better check yourself before you even try. I don't mean you, but in general, that's the way it is.

    I was nice to the guy first. I gave him a chance to clean up his act.
  3. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    After reading that thread I've come to the conclusion you should give up forum management.

    First you call him a spammer. Then the person replied and basically apologized and told you to remove his posts. He also stated a fact that no one replied to his post so he thought he posted in the wrong forum and he told you he made a mistake and that you should clean it up if it doesn't belong.

    He also states that the forum must not have many active members since you were the only one to reply. This put you on the defensive and you called him a dumbass. Great way to treat a member. Then the topper is you pull out what only could be a sock puppet to back you up.

    You need a thick skin to run a community. If I were you I'd remove that thread right away. It isn't making you or your site look good.
  4. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    Right now, that context in which you used there seems like an insult. And that's how the member posted.
    First of all, I did not call him a spammer, you're twisting my words there. I said to him, that 2 other threads of his seems like spam. But I let him go. I ignored it. Everything else is good and well, but don't laugh at me at my expense. His attitude right after the this particular message, he was having a bad tone. So I changed my attitude quickly.
    That's no excuse to be laughing and then trying to make the site look dumb with "hahaha. You're the only mooch on this forum" Um, no. I'm not. If you look at the forum categories on the site, you would know all kinds of posters respond to different threads. I'm the only one starting threads. I take risks every day staying online just to make that site look good, only to have an @$$ come and disrespect me after I have been nice to that person.

    And then you have the gall to come out here and call me out as the bad guy. I'm sorry, but you lost my respect right then and there.
    I do have a thick skin.

    Let me put it this way: If I came here to attack Kaiser, who used to be the former admin and owner of this place, I would be banned long time ago. But you know what? I didn't. I stayed here despite my problems with him on other sites, and other places.

    Brandon on the other hand, I have seen him in other sites and know that he has a strong reputation. If I came here and attacked Brandon the same way the member on my site disrespected me... I would have been banned the day of his purchase of this AdminBB/Talk. Not only that, everyone who knows Brandon can talk all kinds of trash about me and that's bad for business. Especially when a site like AdminTalk is more geared towards budding entrepreneurs, and other companies alike.

    Kaiser right now is somewhere out there but you know what? AdminBB members lost respect for him after what negative actions he did against Brandon. Now nobody wants to do business with Kaiser anymore.

    Let me put it in another good way: If you go into an investor meeting and these investors don't like what you're doing or even think what you're doing is laughable... YOUR company would fall into obscurity faster than people talking $#!^ about you.
  5. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    Sounds like you called him a spammer to me.

    Keep posting. The more you do the worse you look.

    I'll say it again you should get out of the forum game. That thread makes you look bad and there is no doubt about it.

    BTW, I used to deal with investors everyday. As long as they see an opportunity to make money they could give a damn what kind of person you are or how you run your business. Besides what's that got to do with this whole fiasco anyway?
  6. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    You continue to accuse me of calling him a spammer, which I obviously did not call him. If I wanted to call him a spammer I would have just said "You're a spammer." But you like to assume that I did call him a spammer. And to boot, you continue to sarcastically say "You should get out of the forum game." As if you think that I'm an idiot. I'm not stupid, and I sure as hell am not an idiot.

    And I as sure as hell am not a loser!

    I know your tone. I've used that tone before. And you know what? I don't like it one bit. That smells a lot of disrespect.
    You ignored my entire point. Just like everything else.

    I didn't insult you, I didn't come to you and bash you. I don't deserve this $#!^ from you.
  7. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Feb 1, 2010
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    You said it, not me.

  8. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    Apr 20, 2003
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    So, you intended to be disrespectful to me even though I have treated you with the utmost respect in this community?
    Oh, you wanna play mind games now? Nononono. You implied it. You inferred it.
  9. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    ok ok guys, let's keep things civil and back on topic please. :adminpower:

    This is about censorship of the competition on our forums.
    I see the points you both are making but this thread is starting to go downhill from it.
    I accept that everyone will run their forums how they wish, we can only make suggestions and learn from our experience.

    (PS.. I'm going to edit this title a little, it doesn't have to be about "admin sites" only)
  10. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    I can understand people blocking competing sites, especially in the Admin niche but I would never do it. Maybe it is just the niche I am in but I see competition as a way to improve my game. If I'm losing members to another Fantasy RPG site then I am doing something wrong and it is up to me to fix that.
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  11. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Jun 1, 2009
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    great quote :thumbsup:
  12. Fleur

    Fleur Regular Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Hehe thanks. I'm always puzzled when I see "No competiting sites, your not allowed to steal our members" I always think two things. 1. When did members become your sole property? and 2. Ever heard of sharing? A lot of people like being on several sites of the same niche because each is diferent in it's own way. I think it is stupid to ban people just for being members of other sites in your niche. (saw this one on a HP board lol)
    Brandon likes this.
  13. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    Exactly, and that's when you ask your members "What do you want to see? More of?". I know when my competitors were beating us, I was asking my users what we should do to bring the war to them with ease. All they said, we just need to keep on posting and hustling[grinding]/promoting. And in the long run, we did beat them, most of our competitors are dead. If they would sell out, I'd buy them all out and merge them. I know they don't get much search traffic, so it would only benefit me with the content, and whatever else they have good.
    But, those owners won't sell, so anyways - If you have a competitor that's beating you, do your research, see what they're doing and what you're not doing, then usually you can figure out a solution on how to beat them.
    Fleur likes this.
  14. dojo

    dojo Regular Member

    Feb 9, 2012
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    I am active in most my 'competitors' forums. Many of their admins are active in mine. There's enough room for us all and we all benefit from it: we get quality posts, we can get a link to the forum, our members find about all these sites and can join them all. Even if you block out a competitor, you cannot prevent them from growing up. OK, they won't get the 5 visits/day they get from their signature for instance, but this doesn't mean they cannot work on their SEO or crush you in the future with a way better content and community. In the end our members know best and, if your forums are good enough, they'll be active in all. I see many of my members in most my competitors' forum, so this proves that people do join more than one forum and stick to the ones they really like.
    cpvr, goblues and Brandon like this.

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