I am Pam Beacher, and I am a avid forum fan. I am researching right now to start my own forum, so I thought this would be a great place to start. I am having a great time reading all of these threads. They are very helpful. I am really looking forward to launching my forum But, I want to make sure I have all of the info I need before jumping in and getting started. I really want this to be successful.
Welcome to the forums @pambeacher That sounds like the right kind of attitude for a successful forum. Enjoy the place
A forum, that with reviews of different products. Also freebies, discounts and where to get the best deals.
Thanks, its been dancing in my head for awhile. I keep going back and forth between a forum, or a blog for this type of content. Which do you recommend?
It all depends on which one you have more time for. Blogs take up a lot of time as do forums, but you can usually get forums going with a few post exchanges and some friends.