Forum Hookers - January Contest - 50$

Discussion in 'Marketplace and Exchanges' started by forumhookers, Jan 16, 2012.

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  1. forumhookers

    forumhookers Regular Member

    We like to start a contest for our members.

    It is going to be the referral and posting contest.

    You can see the referral link at the side of the homepage.

    And the winner of the contest will walk away with real money "50$"

    And the rules of the contest is a little bit tough.

    1)Every members you referred must have minimum of 20 post each of minimum 35 characters. Among which they have to create their own 5 threads on various categories.

    2)Making duplicate account will get make you disqualified from contest.

    3)The rules are simple and neat, just follow them and walk away with cash.

    Note: Every thread must be unique, copy cats will get eliminated. And forum games are stricly prohibited. Pm me to get eligible for contest.

    Still have doubt , pm me for more info.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Now that's what I'm talking about. A referral/posting contest in one? Great work with this one, and good luck with the contest. Be sure to keep us updated on well the contest works(with updated progress containing how much posts/new members) that the contest brings in. It's always nice to hear a success story on a contest.:D @forumhookers
  3. Shawn Gossman

    Shawn Gossman Regular Member

    LOL nice forum name selection :p
    forumhookers likes this.
  4. Marc

    Marc Checkmate - Game Over

    I'm curious to know how you're going to check this if there are a lot of participants, :D
  5. forumhookers

    forumhookers Regular Member

    We will be keeping contest every month. i would like to spend the money i earned from my job for my members.

    Do you know that ? we are all in one free support community.
  6. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    This type of thread should be posted in the community showcase section.
    The OP doesn't have enough post at this time to post in there so they spammed this section.
    Thread closed and links killed.

    Please don't try to bypass the rules in place.

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