What month is your forum most active?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Steve, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. Steve

    Steve Regular Member

    What month do you find your forum/website to be most active? I know around the middle of the year when school is taking place would be one of the more non-active times but I'm curious to know what everyone's answers are on this.
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    My community is usually the most active during the summer months, weekends, and sometimes winter breaks. It all depends what's going on really, because you can make any time/month the most active depneding on how much work you put in.
  3. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    Summer months, that's a tad surprising. CT seems to pick up more during the school year, because it's not as nice out by that time and people want to spend more time on their computer than almost anything else. So I have seen activity increases during the winter before.
  4. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    That's good. How many users tend to be online during the winter? I thought our summer was going to be huge, but it wasn't, things are picking up though.
  5. Wolfy

    Wolfy Regular Member

    I would say my site has had the most visitors during August, but I think activity has been best in September.
  6. Ashley

    Ashley Regular Member

    It varies, because we have people from all over on the forum. Not sure if we have anyone from the southern hemisphere or not, but if we do, they won't likely be on because that's their summer (this is December we're talking now) while it would be winter in the north, so we probably have more posters from the north more than anything in the winter months. But still, it seriously varies and you never know what's going to go on.
  7. Chivi Ba

    Chivi Ba Regular Member

    middle of the year, maybe because its a season of holidays :P
  8. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    What type of forum do you run? How active is your community in the beginning of the year?
  9. Chivi Ba

    Chivi Ba Regular Member

    its active all year except those months (october/november). Its a site of software discuss and support
  10. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    In the summer, my writing site is the most active. It's least active during this time of the year, but then picks up around when people are on winter break. On my family site, I'm not sure yet as it's not been open long enough for me to tell.
  11. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Oh, I see. I can see why its more active during the holidays - more people are buying software, right?
    @Somnium Shadow How long has your family site been opened?
  12. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Well, I started developing the concept and the site in the middle of September. I created the forum back in the beginning of October to get things set up and get some starting threads up, etc. I didn't actually start advertising it until about the middle of October, so I guess it really depends on which date you're looking for, lol. For this thread's sake, I'd probably go with the middle of October, so probably about two and a half weeks (give or take).
  13. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    Thanks for the information. How are you currently advertising? Through forum signatures, facebook, twitter, or?
  14. LunarScorpio

    LunarScorpio The Counselor

    Signatures, facebook, twitter, some promotion forums, directories, maybe one topsite. I think that about covers it at this point.
    cpvr likes this.
  15. Seahunter

    Seahunter Regular Member

    Most definitely when school is not in session is a more active time. I also find around any of the major holidays it becomes more active (This also can coincide with school not being active)
  16. Micah

    Micah Regular Member

    My forum is a Young adult fiction forum so kids my age(17) or younger are on the site.

    Of course weekends, Summer, and holidays are usually the most active times where they spent hours and hours on the site.

    But with us all having phones, ipods, etc etc logging into the forum is so convenient to do wherever they are and thus encourages them to join into the site :)

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